The return of the immortal world

Chapter 606 Sinister intentions!

Chapter 606 Sinister intentions!

"Then why don't you tell me the fuck?" Someone asked anxiously.

Judging from this person's performance, it should have far exceeded expectations, and everyone is looking forward to it.

"Cough cough..."

The man cleared his throat, and everyone listened with pricked ears.

"Cough cough!"

The man continued to clear his throat, and everyone pricked up their ears again, but there was a faint anger burning in their eyes!

"Cough cough..."

The man cleared his throat again.

"Draft horse, get out of here if you don't fucking say it."

Finally, someone couldn't bear it any longer, and punched this person directly in the face.


The man let out a scream, and the whole person was hit in the face, and was directly sent flying, and there was a scream in the air.

When the person fell to the ground, his face swelled rapidly, and he looked very miserable.

But everyone doesn't have any sympathy for such a person, how dare you fuck us up, see if I don't beat you to death?

If everyone had kitchen knives in their hands at this time, they would definitely chop them off with one blow.

At this time, many people were very relieved when they saw this scene, and they hated this kind of people who tantalize their appetite the most.


Someone looked at the man lying on the ground howling, and spat out to the side!
"Yes, yes!"

Countless people despise this man.


The man who was knocked down on the ground hugged his face, burning with anger, and was so angry that he couldn't even speak for a moment.

At this time, he opened his mouth suddenly, and spat out fiercely on the ground, a mouthful of thick phlegm mixed with a trace of blood was spat out fiercely.

The people next to him were still looking at this man with a sneer, unmoved, still saying a word.

Live it!

"Your sister deserves it!"

The man hugged his swollen face, looked at the crowd around him, and cursed aggrievedly.

"What did you say?"

Everyone stared at this man fiercely again, and now they can finally speak?
"Don't cough anymore?"

'"Damn it, I just got a mouthful of thick phlegm blocking my throat because of excitement, and I couldn't speak for a while. I'm coughing your mother! Do you think I want to cough?"

The man cursed aggrievedly and angrily.


Everyone was speechless for a moment.

It seems that the coughing sound of this person just now did not seem to be intentional to whet the appetite, but just blocked his mouth with a mouthful of thick phlegm?

The thick phlegm that this person just spit out is actually the proof.

Most of them touched their heads in embarrassment, misunderstood this dude!
The person who had a hot temper and punched directly before slapped himself very embarrassedly at this time, but a discerning person could tell that the slap was not painful or itchy.

The man apologized repeatedly, and hurried forward to help the man on the ground, but was kicked away by the man.

"In the future, don't be so impulsive before you know the truth."

At this time, an old man stood up and said.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Everyone nodded hurriedly, but they were extremely contemptuous in their hearts.

If it wasn't for that dear friend who was close, the punch would have been much faster, maybe you were the one who punched?
Wasn't you the one who called you the most?

But this person is an old senior, and no one will go up against him.

At this time, everyone continued to look at the man who had been beaten into a pig's head, and looked forward to it again.


The anger in everyone's eyes burned again.

"Damn! I didn't spit out the thick phlegm just now!"

After speaking, the man vomited a little again.

Seeing the anger in the eyes of these people in front of him, the man trembled slightly.

In the end, the man touched his throat, his eyes sparkled and he said excitedly, "Mr. Li ranks 79! Below Mad God, above Mother of Lightning!"

"79, so high?" Someone exclaimed.

At first glance, the position of 79, it seems that there are 78 people on it, which is very ordinary.

But don't forget, the general expectation of the people here is that Li Yunfeng can enter the top [-]!
After a person gave an example of the strong man who killed an underground force by himself, many people didn't expect too much from the ranking.

Many people even wonder if these Westerners will be prejudiced against Mr. Li and deliberately put Mr. Li behind in the ranking?

After all, it was obviously prejudice to shoot [-] people before.

"Yes, it's 79!"

The man said with certainty.

"Strange, logically it's not so high!" Someone was very puzzled.

"By the way, what did the comments say, maybe there is a reason here!"

someone suddenly said.

"Li Yunfeng possesses the mysterious Huaxia formation, which is also a kind of personal strength, so he is ranked 79!"

"No wonder, it turned out to be because of this!"

"Senior Absolute Sword Immortal should also be on the list, right?" Someone asked.

"It's on the list, ranking 380th out of [-], and the comment is unparalleled in swordsmanship!" The man replied.

"Haha, not bad. I didn't expect that there would be two strong players on the list after World War I. It's not that there are no strong players in China, it's just that they don't appear easily."


When everyone was very excited and proud, someone suddenly said something that made everyone pause.

"Didn't you notice the one before and one after Mr. Li?"

"The former Mad God! The latter is the Electric Mother!"

"Hey, the title of Mother of Lightning is so familiar? Is it the Lord of Thunder and Mother of Lightning? Isn't this from Huaxia?"

"Your sister Huaxia!"

Immediately, countless people cast contemptuous looks at this person.

"Am I wrong? Lei Gong and Dian Mu are originally from China!"

The man said very aggrieved.

Everyone decided to ignore this man.

"The title of Dianmu is indeed very familiar! But it has nothing to do with the Chinese Thunder God and Dianmu. Didn't everyone meet a Diannu not long ago? And she was killed by Mr. Li?"

"Is there any relationship between these two?"

Suddenly someone thought of the key point.

"Mother of Electricity is the mother of Electric Girl Callis!" the man said slowly.


Many people who didn't know the truth gasped at this moment.

If this is the case, this person who ranks in the western battle list has sinister intentions.

Putting Dianmu below Li Yunfeng, it happened that Li Yunfeng killed this man's daughter!


And on the bus in Laos, the two big men saw that Yala suddenly stopped talking, and their fists that were about to strike stopped abruptly!
What if he was really punched to death?
Forget it, isn't it advocated in this era to respect the old and love the young, and then to bully the young?
Although this is not a bus, they took it as it was, so they turned around again and looked at the two men on the other side.

The two men saw that someone helped them get ahead. Although they were very worried about the old man, they were also very moved, but they didn't expect the old man to temporarily turn off the fire.

It doesn't matter if the engine is turned off, but do these two big men change their faces so quickly?
You took it back before you punched it?
At this moment, the two men wanted to cry but had no tears.

Sure enough, everyone likes to bully foreigners!
(End of this chapter)

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