The return of the immortal world

Chapter 608 Overbearing Enslavement!

Chapter 608 Overbearing Enslavement!
Seeing that Li Yunfeng didn't make a move, the two women didn't even say a word for them.

In despair and despair.

Suddenly seeing the old man standing up again, he was inexplicably surprised!
The sentence Li Yunfeng said before, is there anything left to be done, referring to helping them?
It's just that you ordered an old man to help us, what kind of international joke are you making?
At this time, the surrounding Lao people also laughed when they saw an old man standing up, telling the two big men to get out, and making a move directly.

With this body bone, if the big man can move his body, they will lose!
They didn't understand that Li Yunfeng instructed the old man to do it. If they knew, they would laugh even more.

The two big men were very happy at this time, seeing the old man standing up and grabbing towards them, they didn't dodge at this time, but just looked at the old man with a smile on their faces.

Because in their eyes, the old man's behavior was so ridiculous that he shot at both of them at the same time?

Who gave you your confidence?
But the next moment, the smiles in the corners of their eyes froze completely.

Because when the old man's hands directly grabbed their shoulders, they actually felt a huge and incomparable force coming from them, which made them feel irresistible!

This must be an illusion!

At this time, because of panic and her own affairs, Yala caused the people of the master's country to suffer such serious molestation and mental injury.

At this time, he didn't use his housekeeping skills, but directly used brute force!
And to deal with these people, he is not worthy of using mental attacks.

The next moment, amidst the stunned eyes of everyone in the car, and the panicked eyes of the two big men, the two big men were suddenly lifted up.

"how can that be?"

Those two women were the closest, seeing this scene, their eyes were full of unshockable expressions!
Two super big guys, just lifted up by a little old man, and it didn't take any effort at all?
But in the next moment, they were afraid.

Because when he saw this angry little old man, he even lifted up the bodies of the two big men, and looked directly at the window beside them and smashed it.

This is not a simple teasing now, if it really goes on like this, let's not talk about what will happen to these two big guys.

But these two women knew that they might be disfigured or injured by the exploding glass!

At this time, their fear was no less than that of the two big men who were caught by Yala like chickens.

At this time, Li Yunfeng also felt a pain in the ass, didn't I just darken my face a little?

How did you become so irrational?

But Li Yunfeng also knew that this was the effect of his servant method.

His method of controlling his servants is too heaven-defying, and sometimes his mood swings will expand infinitely on his servants!
His servant method was created by a peerless devil emperor in the world of cultivating immortals.

This person has a strong desire to control and cannot tolerate any rebellious thoughts from others. The method of slave control he created is naturally extremely domineering!

Seeing that the two big men were about to be smashed into the glass, Li Yunfeng hadn't planned to make a move at first, but at this time, because of his momentary dissatisfaction and emotional fluctuations, it unexpectedly caused such serious consequences.

So Li Yunfeng healed himself and shot.

Do not!
It should be out!
There are not many free seats on the bus. At this time, Yala is in front of him. It is inconvenient to make a move, and it is a bit late. It is the best way to make a move at this time!

So Li Yunfeng immediately jumped up, rolled over, put his hands on the chair, and then swept across the three of them.

At this time, I had no choice but to ignore the enemy and me, and just swept it away.

Although the bastard Yala looks weak, he has no flesh on his body.

But this person's bones are actually extremely hard and full of toughness, so don't worry about being kicked by him.

What's more, if this person hadn't been worth a little use, he would have gone to see Wu Zu long ago. It would be his honor to be his servant. What's wrong with being kicked?
From the corner of the eye when the two women hugged their heads and bowed their heads, they saw that young Chinese man they didn't know suddenly made a move?

No, it should be out!

But these things only happened in a flash, and it was over before they saw it clearly.

The next moment, they only heard a loud bang.

In the middle, there were screams and wailings!
It seems that they still have the voice of their boyfriend?

Could it be that their boyfriend finally found out with conscience, and then rushed forward to save them?

But it shouldn't be, their boyfriends are far away.

And the two big men who were supposed to hit their windows didn't hit them at all!

They raised their heads in confusion, and glanced at the glass window first, but there was no problem at all.

Then they followed the screams in front and found several people lying on the ground in front of them, howling uncontrollably.

Including the old man who helped them, who was also on the ground at this time, but the moment they looked over, the old man got up.

The old man didn't howl, but just lowered his head, trembling.

At this time, he also thought that if he really wanted to smash it down, the effect might be counterproductive.

He naturally knew why the master made a move.

Li Yunfeng glanced at Yala, and didn't care what the other passengers in the car thought of him, but said indifferently: "Just throw these two out of the car for me!"


Seeing that Li Yunfeng didn't look particularly angry, Yala breathed a sigh of relief.

So he hurriedly picked up the two big men who were pressing on the two Huaxia men, and then threw them down to the car door that hadn't been closed yet.

Suddenly there was another howl outside the car!
And those two Huaxia men were also a little stunned at this time.

They were just bowing their heads to reflect, and suddenly they were knocked over, and they also felt wronged!
And the two women saw the scene in front of them, the scene where Li Yunfeng ordered the old man.

There were other passengers who looked at the young man in shock, and they were sure that it was indeed the man who gave the foot!

After Yala threw the two big men out of the car, Yala walked over with some fear, not daring to look at Li Yunfeng.

This is a kind of fear from the heart, which he never had when facing his previous master.

Seeing Yala like this, I didn't intend to comfort her, she was just a slave!

He just said lightly: "In the future, when doing things under my command, don't do things based on emotions, use your brain before doing things! Sit down!"

Li Yunfeng just said a very common sentence, even if the old man was afraid, Li Yunfeng believed that the old man could still make an accurate judgment.

Although the law of enslavement is overbearing, it is not enough to make people lose their minds.

This time, Li Yunfeng said casually, and this kind of thing should be avoided in the future.

It's just such a common sentence, but it made the two Chinese women on the opposite side blow up!

(End of this chapter)

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