Chapter 610

"Hey, why are you leaving? Here are all barren mountains and wild mountains. There are not many families. It will take a long time to go out!"

These Huaxia people were unaccompanied, and they experienced those things during the day, so they were very scared at this time.

They were still at ease when Li Yunfeng and Yala were there, but when they saw that these two were leaving, they panicked.

"It's okay, we have good physical strength and fast speed!"

Li Yunfeng naturally knew what these people were thinking, so he said something casually and got out of the car directly.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? It's better not to go out by yourself. There are many poisonous insects, snakes and ants in this mountain at night. It's terrible to be bitten. There are also many other beasts. What's more, it is said that there is a scary one here recently. Head-down masters come and go, specializing in sucking human blood."

The driver was going to sleep straight away, but suddenly heard Li Yunfeng talking with some Huaxia people, so he kindly mentioned it.

This driver has dealt with Chinese tourists for a long time, and his Chinese language is very standard. I don't know if I thought this person was from Huaxia.


Hearing the driver's reminder, Li Yunfeng waved his hand indifferently!
The one next to him is a head-down master, and he is the most powerful one. What is there to be afraid of?

Li Yunfeng only knows that there are many kinds of head-down masters, but Yala should not be the kind of head-down master who sucks human blood to practice.

If it was the kind that sucked blood, Yala would never be in the skinny state he is now, not to mention full of energy and blood.

"Oh, I don't know how to live or die, but dare to leave alone!"

The driver glanced at Li Yunfeng and Yala, and sighed slightly, his eyes were full of pity!

It would be better if they were in groups. These cruel head-down masters who specialize in sucking blood generally dare not do it, unless they are the ones with really high cultivation bases.

But if it's just a few people or a single person, especially at night, these blood-sucking head lowering masters will not be polite.

Like these two people, if they go out at such a late night, there is a high possibility that they are sending supper to the head descendant.

Strange to say, although there are quite a few head-down masters in the Lao Kingdom, their status is quite high.

Although countries outside of Southeast Asia think that head-down masters are evil, they are not very contradictory in their own countries, but rather prosperous.

But there is a kind of head-down master, which is known as the source of evil, and it is absolutely contradicted in various countries in Southeast Asia.

This kind of head drop master is flying head drop!

Flying head down is extremely evil, and the way of practice is not in line with the way of humanity and heaven. Whether it is in the eyes of ordinary people or head-down masters, it is definitely the kind that everyone shouts and beats.

Generally, as long as this kind of head-down master appears, in the early stage, if the blood-sucking practice event occurs, it will alarm everyone nearby, and then concentrate on finding out the flying head-downer, and then beat them to death with sticks !

If ordinary people can't find it, they will invite other famous head-down masters to come out. In the end, most of the head-downing masters will inevitably die.

Therefore, this kind of head-down master rarely appears in Southeast Asia.

It's just that in this area, it's obvious that the blood-sucking Flying Head Drop has been around for quite a while, and ordinary people can't handle it at all.

Inviting other head-down masters to come over, for some reason, they pushed back and forth, which is completely insignificant.

So the blood-sucking head-down master in this area has been rampant for a long time, and most people dare not come out at night.

But even so, there are still frequent deaths in this area.

Because the magic power of the head-down master is already very high, even in a crowded place, as long as there are not too many adult men, he dares to go to suck blood late at night.

This area is already deserted, and the problem of the ravages of the head-down master has not been resolved. Many people have already fled, leaving only some old and weak women and children.

However, there are many adult men in their car, full of anger, so it is quite safe in the car.

The two young couples were very disturbed when they heard that there was a head-subduing master here. They really wanted to leave with Li Yunfeng, but they were afraid.

Staying here is also scary.

Seeing that the driver didn't seem to be cheating, he asked.

But the driver just smiled and didn't answer. He just rubbed his thumb and index finger back and forth, obviously asking for money.

One of the men understood what the driver meant, and immediately took out a 20-yuan rice bill.

In Laos, not everyone likes the RMB, but everyone likes the rice yuan. There is no way, the rice yuan is the most widely circulated currency in the world.

After the driver got 20 yuan, his face was full of smiles!

Again, he said everything he knew.

When the four of them understood it thoroughly, their faces paled immediately, and they were even more scared than before they didn't hear it.

Although the driver said that the car is full of yang, blood-sucking head-down masters generally dare not show up, let them not be afraid!
But they have been living in the peaceful city of Shenzhen, and suddenly they heard that there is really a blood-sucking terrifying head-subduing master, so how can they not be afraid.

Seeing Li Yunfeng walking further and further away, the two women thought about it, and ran forward anyway.

You must not let these two people leave, or they will die!
In any case, these two people saved them, and they must explain things to them clearly.

If they still want to leave, then they are doing their best, at least they feel at ease.

The two women ran very fast, and they caught up with Li Yunfeng and Yala not long after.

After they said the matter out of breath, Li Yunfeng also smiled and said: "No! Next to me is the head-down master. Apart from being a bit ugly, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

The two women thought that Li Yunfeng would be a little scared, but it turned out that Li Yunfeng still showed disrespect for the old and loved the young, and his face turned black with direct anger.

They have given up on Li Yunfeng, this person is simply arrogant, and they don't believe it at all!
If Li Yunfeng knew that these two women missed him so much, he would definitely cry out for being wronged!

He believed it!
He also wanted to meet and see what this blood-sucking head-down master looked like.

Flying the head down is also miraculous, it has not yet reached the realm of immortality, but it is able to separate the head from the body. Li Yunfeng is very interested in this alone.

Seeing that Li Yunfeng didn't say anything, the two women shifted their target to Yala.

"I am indeed a head-down master, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Yala said solemnly.

The two women fell silent for a moment. They didn't expect this young man to be unruly, and so was Yala!
You really look like a head-down master, skinny and skinny, if this person suddenly appeared at night, they would definitely run away in fright.

But if you were really a head-down master, would you listen to this young man like this?

Such a cowardly head-down master, who would believe it!
In the end, the two women's persuasion was ineffective, and it was completely dark. The two women were afraid, so they had to go back.

Li Yunfeng also smiled and prepared to continue to leave. According to Yala, there is nothing to be afraid of flying head down. There are so many people here, it must be fine.

As for the two of them, even if they have reached the seventh stage of Flying Head Drop, they are not their opponents, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng shook his head and planned to leave!

And at the same time!
In a dark cave not far away, an old man exuding a strong blood energy, screamed with a ferocious face at this moment!
After a while, the old man's neck began to elongate unexpectedly, and the face on the old man's head became more ferocious.

In the end, the old man's head flew away from his body strangely. At this moment, the head was floating in the cave like this, which looked very strange!
"The magical power will be accomplished tonight!"

The head floating in the air said something hoarsely, looking down the mountain with anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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