The return of the immortal world

Chapter 639 Old and weird?Ten thousand years old monster?

Chapter 639 Millennium monster?Ten thousand years old monster?
The group of people with broken arms and legs were very happy at first, but when they heard that they could only control Li Yunfeng's body for a short period of time, they trembled in fright!


He Qiyu looked at several people at this moment and said.

Those people were embarrassed for a while, but they didn't dare to answer!
At this moment they are trembling!
But when what Zhuo Dingyao said was very simple, they breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment they all stared back at He Qiyu fiercely.

He Qiyu was about to scold back, but was stopped by Song Ying!
Although these people have broken hands and broken feet, they are not something they can afford!


"Qing'er, find me a quiet place and take Li Yunfeng's body back. The process of seizing the house and completely integrating it will take a long time. It will take at least three days. It won't work here!"

Suddenly, Daoist Ding Yao's Nascent Soul Divine Sense spread out again.

"How to bring it?"

Zhuo Qing was a little dazed!

"I'm confronting this kid right now. He has no time to care about his physical body outside. He can't move. You can take his physical body and leave!"

Zhuo Dingyao said.

When Zhuo Qing heard this, he immediately stared at Li Yunfeng's body, his eyes flickering!
At this moment, he was thinking about what Zhuo Dingyao said.

What if at this time, taking advantage of Li Yunfeng's inability to move, he directly used all his strength to explode Li Yunfeng's body?
If your hand is broken, it can be restored to its original state. I really don't believe that if you are smashed into a meat paste, you will still recover!
Li Yunfeng should die completely, right?
And Zhuo Dingyao, who was inside Li Yunfeng's body, was also stored in Li Yunfeng's body at this time, maybe he would die with Li Yunfeng?
At this moment, Zhuo Qing was staring at Li Yunfeng's motionless body, his eyes were flickering, flashing bursts of dangerous light.

Li Yunfeng, who was confronting Zhuo Dingyao at this time, dismissed this moment.

Although Duoshe cannot be interrupted, it does not mean that there is no defense at all!
If Zhuo Qing really dared to go up, if Li Yunfeng was not angry, Zhuo Dingyao would be angry!

Although Zhuo Dingyao successfully invaded his sea of ​​consciousness, Li Yunfeng didn't take it seriously. Instead, he saw Zhuo Dingyao as if he saw food!
Swallowing up this remnant soul, the power of the soul should be improved by leaps and bounds, right?
However, Li Yunfeng decided it's better to keep it in his heart, otherwise if the other party finds out, it may be more difficult to devour the other party, and it may even fail.

So at this time, Li Yunfeng just pretended to be solemn and looked at the remnant soul of the Nascent Soul in the sea of ​​consciousness!
But the other party was staring at Li Yunfeng like a wolf!
At this time, Zhuo Dingyao could naturally feel Zhuo Qing's malice!
Zhuo Dingyao became angry immediately!

"Zhuo Qing, if you dare to touch my perfect body, believe it or not, you will be miserable in the next second?"

Zhuo Dingyao said sternly at this time, and the coercion of his Nascent Soul spread instantly.

The coercion of Yuanying's divine sense made Zhuo Qing feel a little out of breath.

Even Song Ying around, as well as the head descendant and the police, some people were so frightened by the sudden coercion that they sat down on the ground, sweating profusely!
It was as if he had experienced a great horror at that moment!
Song Ying and the others were also leaning against each other at this time, barely able to stand.

As for Yue Yang alone, he was in a bit of a panic, his legs were so frightened that he went limp, and he sat down on the ground!
But at this time, no one is going to laugh at Yue Yang, because everyone is in the same boat!

Even Song Ying, if it wasn't for several people supporting each other, she, the so-called bureau chief, might just collapse on the ground!
Zhuo Qing, who bears the brunt, is completely terrified!

At this moment, he stared at the pressure, and hurriedly said: "Old Ancestor, you misunderstood, what do you say I will do naturally, you are my ancestor and relative, and you saved my life today, how could I be against you?" What about his actions? Just now I just thought that Li Yunfeng was going to die soon, so I was very happy!"

At this moment, Zhuo Qing spoke out in one breath!

At this time, Li Yunfeng was in the sea of ​​consciousness, so he looked at Zhuo Dingyao quietly, but he didn't take the lead in launching an attack to disturb Zhuo Dingyao and suppress Zhuo Qing!

He also needs a quiet place to enjoy the delicious meal in front of him!

Zhuo Dingyao was so perceptive, he naturally wouldn't believe Zhuo Qing's nonsense.

But at this time, he had to rely on Zhuo Qing's influence in the Lao Kingdom, so that he could take over the house with peace of mind, so after frightening Zhuo Qing for a while, Zhuo Dingyao accepted the coercion!
Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief!

That sudden appearance of Zhuo Dingyao was simply too terrifying!

This performance is even more terrifying than Li Yunfeng's counterattack with the sword array before!
At this moment, Song Ying and the others were extremely worried about Li Yunfeng!

This is an old antique from thousands of years ago!

Li Yunfeng is only in his twenties, can he deal with him?
Of course!
None of them knew that Li Yunfeng was actually a thousand-year-old antique, much older than this thousands-year-old antique!
If everyone knew about this situation, they might be less worried!
If Zhuo Dingyao knew, he would never pay attention to a ten thousand year old monster!

Even if Li Yunfeng is in the realm of refining Qi, he dare not go up!

If Zhuo Qing knew about it, he might be scared to death!

"I don't care if what you say is true or not. Since I have obtained the most suitable physical body and you are my only direct descendant, what is mine will be yours in the future. With me here, what you get will be far better than what you have now. Much more! It is not impossible to expect longevity and enjoy a long lifespan!"

Zhuo Dingyao continued.

"Yes, patriarch Enze, Qing'er must remember it in his heart! I will serve you forever, patriarch."

Zhuo Qing burst into tears at this time, making it impossible to see whether it was true or false!
But the temptation of longevity is indeed great for him!

Wanzai Shouyuan is indeed a long life for ordinary people.


Seeing Zhuo Qing like this, Zhuo Dingyao's anger calmed down a little.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, the important thing is that Zhuo Qing has been completely overwhelmed by himself!

But even though Zhuo Qing was crying on the surface!
But deep down in his heart, he secretly complained!
If he is not as strong as the ancestor just showed, he is very worried that the ancestor will fail!
After all, Li Yunfeng has created too many miracles, so many of them made him not very confident in the ancestor!
But the ancestor's slap just now completely suppressed him. The coercion made him feel that in the hands of the ancestor, he was really just a grasshopper!
With such a cultivation base, it is basically no difference against Li Yunfeng!

The ancestor is a millennium-level old monster!
If Li Yunfeng wants to win, he must be a ten thousand year old monster!
Zhuo Qing secretly thought, and completely relaxed!
If Li Yunfeng knew Zhuo Qing's thoughts, he would be very shocked!
Can even guess that he is a ten thousand year old monster?
This cow is not good!

"Old Ancestor, can I take that woman away with me?"

Zhuo Qing looked at Song Ying and licked her tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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