Chapter 650 Siege
Yes, although these supernatural beings have gathered to enter the country on a large scale, their entry this time is not the same as Wei Guoyang's last time!
That time was a commercial struggle, and Western supernatural beings did everything they could to steal and plunder.

If they dare to invade on a large scale, Huaxia is not easy to provoke, and will definitely give a strong counterattack!

So that time, the supernatural beings in the United States retreated after seeing Huaxia's heavy defenses!

But this time, it was purely because of the grievances between these western cultivators and Li Yunfeng's personal forces. As the manager of the Huaxia martial arts world, it was only natural for Longbu to block it!

However, if the Huaxia government takes action directly, not to mention that it will anger the entire western cultivation world, the consequences are hard to say.

Even the countries behind these western cultivators will not stand by and watch!

So this kind of thing can only depend on themselves!
What's more, these Western practitioners also understand the basic rules and never provoke irrelevant people!

The Huaxia government has no excuse to deport these people.

"Hey, now our Dragon Department has done everything that should be done. We have no shame in our hearts. We have exhausted all our benevolence and righteousness. Our Dragon Department's power cannot simply be used to protect one force and exhaust everything! And our Dragon Department has always had the responsibility to protect the world. , it is impossible to transfer all the power to Jiangbei to go shopping."

In the end, Luo Hong just sighed faintly.

"Now they can only rely on themselves. The enemies they provoked can be resolved by themselves. Our Dragon Department has helped them block it for a long time. In order to block these entry, the loss is not light. Many people were seriously injured, but fortunately most of them None are life-threatening."

said the old man.

Having said this, the two of them didn't talk about this topic again!
"I don't know how the old man is doing now, Master. Can he alone resist many people in the divine way?"

Luo Hong stood up, his eyes were much more worried than these western practitioners breaking through the defense line!
"Brother Daoist Master, you should be fine if you take good luck!"

Although the old man's tone was very calm, his eyes were like Luo Hong's, showing worry!


At the same time, in the lobby of the Jiang Family in Su County!
At this time, many high-level officials gathered together!
There is Jiang Xuan Jiang Ye!
Ji Gu was also there at this time, and after practicing the Nether Art, he became more and more agile!

The rest are the elders of the Jiang family. Because of the strength of the two brothers of the Jiang family, they have obtained a lot of cultivation resources.

Many people have broken through their innate abilities, and the overall strength of the Jiang family is many times higher than last year!
But at this time, their faces were very ugly, and there was no trace of joy on their faces!
Because Western practitioners have already blocked the formation in groups and are clamoring!

If it weren't for the Jiang family's guardian formation, those people must have killed them directly, how could they be so quiet now?

"Mr. Ji? How do you think you should deal with it now?"

Jiang Xuan was the first to ask Ji Gu, the people here, including the Jiang family's four fierce beasts, Ji Gu's cultivation is the highest!
"I glanced at these people from afar. These Western powerhouses are not simple. I accidentally saw a woman. The fluctuations in her body made me palpitate. I only feel this feeling in the master. It feels like this is just the one I saw, maybe there are other superpowers!"

At this time when Ji Gu said this, under the cover of the black robe, the fire of the soul was beating violently, showing that his heart was not at peace right now!
"So strong?"

Jiang Xuan was extremely puzzled!

"Maybe it's not the master's opponent, but I think it's not too bad. At least I can't deal with it. The strong bones that suddenly appeared that night may be able to compete with that woman!"

Ji Gu thought about it, and felt that the master was more powerful.

"I don't know where that senior bone is. If he is here, we can feel a lot more at ease!"

Jiang Ye also said at this time.

"Boom boom boom!"

While the few people were talking, the Western powerhouse who hadn't stopped outside for a long time started to attack again!

At this time, the sound of the sound of the formation spread throughout the entire Jiang family land, and the people of the Jiang family who were a little relieved just now were shaken again!
"Why don't we give them the three big beasts directly? Mr. Li has already gone, if the three big beasts can stay, let's just let it go!"

At this time, an elder of the Jiang family suggested.

"Yeah, let's send it out. It's fine if the strong ones from the west are weaker. With the combat power of these fierce beasts, maybe they can resist it."

"But looking at the current situation, even with the addition of these ferocious beasts, they are not their opponents at all. It is better to send them out to keep them safe. We now have Mr. Li's inheritance. Given time, it will not be too late to take revenge in the future!"


At this time, many people agreed with the suggestion of these two elders!

These people's cultivation bases are not very high, they are very frightened, and they only want to save their lives. If they are broken, the western powerhouses are not something they can resist!

Moreover, unlike Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye, they didn't have the idea of ​​being grateful to Li Yunfeng.


Jiang Xuan looked at the crowd below, and suddenly slapped the table next to him!
Jiang Xuan's power in the Jiang family is still great, and when he got angry, many Jiang family members immediately shut up!

"Hey, don't even think about it. Apart from Mr. Ji, who has the highest cultivation base here, there are three big beasts. They must not be thinking of eating and drinking for these beasts. They must be captured and studied. They might have to be chopped into pieces, these ferocious beasts are not idiots, if you really want to send them out, they will definitely eat you first!"

Jiang Ye also looked at the people in the lobby speechlessly at this time!

"And among these people, many of them have a life-and-death enmity with their masters. Do you think they won't do anything to us if you open the formation?"

Jiang Xuan also sneered and said, these people are really ignorant!

Everyone was embarrassed when they heard it.

"It's still early, so you don't have to worry too much. Let's talk about it when the formation is about to be broken. With the strength of the formation, even the super strong outside will continue to attack for ten and a half days." It's been fine for a month."

Ji Gu is a sensible person, but he has no choice but to take one step at a time, they can't just surrender like this!
Everyone heard that, although they were anxious, they knew that what the patriarch and the others said made sense. Anyway, they can resist for a while now, so there is nothing to be afraid of for the time being!
A day passed quickly, and the formation was as stable as Mount Tai!
Everyone is also very relieved!
But when the night fell, some western powerhouses gathered together to discuss the method of breaking the formation and the approximate time it would take.

Looking at the impenetrable formation in front of them, they were also terrified at this moment!
I have long heard that there is a formation in Huaxia, which is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is very difficult to break through. When I saw it today, I was even more shocked!

But Li Yunfeng is dead, they can't be intimidated by such a formation!

"It is said that Li Yunfeng has a younger sister who is a college student in Jingnan. He is regarded as a treasure by Li Yunfeng. If we secretly capture Li Yunxue, do you think the people inside will give in? How about opening the formation?"

Suddenly someone suggested!
(End of this chapter)

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