Chapter 654 Despair
This kind of breath was so cold that it made the electric mother, who was still a little terrified at this time, subconsciously take a few steps back!

But when she reacted, she was also a little angry.

Don't say that Li Yunfeng is just a bone now, even if Li Yunfeng is intact, she doesn't necessarily have to be afraid!
Since Li Yunfeng did not die completely, let her finally end Li Yunfeng!
At this time, the white clone directly handed over Li Yunxue to Jiang Xuan who had just rushed here, and asked him to protect him!

Although Jiang Xuan felt that this master seemed to be a little different from the previous master, but after thinking about it, it should be the reason for becoming a bone of bones. I hope the master can still have the previous combat power!

Although the bone avatar appeared at this time, Jiang Xuan was not very optimistic!
The two top [-] players in the western battle list, even if the master appeared intact, it doesn't necessarily mean that they will definitely win, right?

At this time, not only Dianmu Fengmo had such an idea, but even the members of the Jiang family thought so too!

For the last ranking in the battle list, most people agree with it1
After all, there is only one person in the whole world who can rank in the top 20 in his [-]s and beat the electric mother, so there is nothing unconvinced.

"You are Li Yunfeng? I didn't expect you to appear in front of me in this state. It seems that God gave me a chance to take revenge myself!"

At this time, Mother Dian also sneered, seeing Li Yunfeng's bone avatar had a somewhat menacing aura, and took the lead in the attack, she couldn't be suppressed by Li Yunfeng.

Feng Mo wanted to make a move, but when he saw Mother of Lightning making a move, he stopped. At this time, his eyes flickered, and he was also a little curious when he looked at Ji Gu, who was also a skeleton!
Why are the bones of this man silver?
Although the skeleton of this skeleton looks a bit strange, its imposing manner is much worse than that of the white skeleton, but at this time Feng Mo is also a little itchy, so he shoots at Ji Gu directly!

In an instant, outside the formation, the top experts from the two sides made their moves respectively.

Although the bone clone broke through not long ago, its combat power is not weak at all.

At this time, the black glow burst out in his hand, and occasionally he rushed straight to the mother of Dian in the body of a skeleton, attacking frantically!
The electric mother displayed all kinds of extremely powerful lightning, surrounded by thousands of lightning bolts, roaring bursts.

It seems to be transformed into a real thunder and lightning, worthy of the name of the mother of lightning!
Compared with Li Yunfeng's bone avatar, Li Yunfeng's bone avatar is stronger than Li Yunfeng's bone avatar. For a while, the two are almost evenly matched!
On the other side, it's a little weird!

Ji Guxiu is two levels behind Feng Mo. Although he is not weak enough to be defeated in one move, it is often difficult to survive ten moves, and he will be directly blown away by Feng Mo!

But Ji Gu's bone was the bone of the Nascent Soul. He was shot out, but he didn't suffer any damage. After shaking on the ground a few times, he returned to normal and continued to go towards Feng Mo!

This battle went on for a long time, and Feng Mo was completely mad, but even so, he was able to knock Ji Gu into the air within a few moves, but he couldn't defeat him!
After shaking with a click, he continued to attack. In the end, Feng Mo was going crazy!
And Li Yunfeng's bone clone, in the end, had the upper hand.

At this moment, Mother Dian's face also changed, unexpectedly, even Li Yunfeng's bone state could not be beaten!
At this time, she thought of the previous ranking in the battle list, and she was completely convinced. According to the analysis of Li Yunfeng's state, it is possible to be in the top fifty!
Although it seems that only a few dozen ranks have been promoted, none of the top [-] is weak, and every step is very difficult!
It is rare to advance to thirty places ahead of the hundred places all at once!

But with Li Yunfeng's current performance, Mother Dian felt that Li Yunfeng's normal state was absolutely feasible!
But this kind of thing will never happen again. After all, Li Yunfeng only has a skeleton left. She doesn't believe that Li Yunfeng can grow flesh again?

One can't be killed, can't be hurt!

One is gradually gaining the upper hand!
At this time, the two most powerful people in the West are fighting more and more!

Unexpectedly, when she came with a menacing momentum, she was finally dealt with by the bones of the dead Li Yunfeng. Even if she escaped in the end, she and Feng Mo would be ridiculed for the rest of their lives, and they even looked down on themselves!

However, Dianmu and Fengmo suddenly looked at the formation, their eyes brightened slightly!

Because at this time, Shashen came out from the formation, and his face was very excited at this time!
Under his leadership, many strong men are invincible. He has the cultivation level equivalent to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and some subordinates are equivalent to the early stage of foundation establishment.

Although there was an octopus monster unexpectedly inside, he still led someone to capture it alive. At this time, he was full of ambition.

But when he came out, he saw Dianmu and Fengmo actually beating people to death there, and he was immediately frightened!
What monsters are these two?

Does the Jiang family have such powerful things?
Can it compete with the two top powerhouses in the West?
Even one of them is faintly stronger than the electric mother?

"Shashen, come and entangle this silver skull, this silver has incredible resistance to blows, but its attack power is weak, you come and entangle him!"

Although Feng Mo is known as a madman, he has no interest in this kind of invincible thing, and he really wants to get rid of this burden!

"it is good!"

Shashen could see it naturally, he blocked Ji Gu by jumping a few times!


At this time, Feng Mo glanced at Ji Gu, and said bitterly!
"Mom, I'm here to help you!"

Feng Mo directly gave up on the unbeatable Ji Gu and came to Li Yunfeng!
Because at this time, although the Mother of Lightning suffered some minor injuries, Li Yunfeng's bone avatar was not like a silver skull!
This is a normal skeleton that can be hit to death!
Because Li Yunfeng's bones also showed a crack during the battle!
After Feng Mo joined, the advantage that Li Yunfeng took a long time to build up was instantly wiped out!
Both of them are equivalent to the powerhouses in the late stage of foundation establishment, and Qi is still the best among them!
The cultivation base of the bone clone is still too low!

Not long after, the bone avatar was knocked out frequently!
The combination of wind and power almost has the effect of more than one plus one is greater than two!

Many Western powerhouses also cheered at this time!

How could the top [-] strong players be weak?
Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye's expression also changed drastically at this time!

The master is about to lose?
They want to rush up, but once they make a move!
No, or before they make a move, they will be torn to pieces by the many Western powerhouses here!
So they could only watch with some despair, while taking care of Li Yunxue's body, feeling extremely sad and indignant in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do!
At this time, all the Western powerhouses are laughing at this time, mocking them that there is no one in China.


At the same time, Li Yunfeng, who was far away in the country of Laos, finally stopped his cultivation at this time, and opened his eyes, with a very captivating light shining in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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