656 5 minutes

At this moment, Li Yunfeng didn't stop any longer, and went out at top speed!

At this time, his face was a little gloomy. Could it be that those powerful Westerners really entered China directly as if they had entered the land of no one?
But at this moment, he didn't know how serious the situation was!
You need to go out to this mountain forest first, go out and find out!

At the same time, many head-down masters in Laos, as well as high-ranking people from all walks of life, suddenly trembled violently, and then almost at the same time, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood!

Among these people is the old man from before!
At this moment, the old man was still raising his legs on the bed, when suddenly a mouthful of blood spewed out!

He was horrified at first, but in the blink of an eye he was extremely happy!
The slave mark disappeared, which meant that he was free from now on!

Zhuo Qing's slave seal did not have the effect of changing his mind, and Zhuo Qing did not bring him any benefits, so naturally he would not feel lost after the slave seal was lifted!

It's just that after being excited, he was a little surprised!

Was Zhuo Qing killed by his ancestor?
Or was he killed by Li Yunfeng?
After thinking about it, he felt that Zhuo Qing was still killed by Zhuo Dingyao!
After all, this person planned to take Zhuo Qing as the object of seizing the house from the very beginning, who knows if he has any other conspiracy?

As for Li Yunfeng, the possibility is too small. It's been a month, so it shouldn't be the time to fight back!

When Li Yunfeng came to a place with a signal outside, he immediately took out his mobile phone and charged it quickly!

Turning on the phone, I saw that many people had called him, my little sister and my own woman!
And Jiang Xuan, Jiang Ye and others!

It's normal for the younger sister and her own woman to call herself!

But people like Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye would never call themselves if they had nothing important to do!

So Li Yunfeng dialed the phone without any hesitation!

Outside the Jiang family formation!

The ringtone of Jiang Xuan's cell phone suddenly came to mind, and at this moment, seeing that the master's bone avatar was about to die, he was very irritated.

At this moment, under the siege of Feng Mo and Dianmu, the bone clone was full of cracks, and it seemed that it couldn't last long!

He was about to hang up the phone subconsciously, no one's phone would work at this time!

After thinking about it for a while, he still took out his cell phone out of nowhere.

But when he saw the caller ID, his eyes widened!
"Isn't the master fighting in the field? Why did the master call?"

At this moment, Jiang Xuan was in a daze!

If Li Yunfeng didn't have this bone clone, Jiang Xuan would only think that his master had created another legend when Li Yunfeng made this call!
But obviously all of them regarded the person in front of them as the master, but at this time, the master called?
"what happened?"

Jiang Ye was also worried and swollen beside him. At this moment, he noticed the strange behavior of his elder brother and turned his head to look over!

"Master's call?"

Jiang Ye was even more shocked than Jiang Xuan, he couldn't control himself and yelled out.

This time, the eyes of many people who hadn't noticed were attracted here!

And at this time, Jiang Xuan tremblingly pressed the answer button, could it really be the master?
"Excuse me?"

Jiang Xuan asked with a trembling voice at this moment.

Although he didn't really believe it was the owner, he really hoped that the real owner was calling, not Zhuo Qingzhuo Dingyao, or just an unrelated passerby who got the owner's mobile phone!
Li Yunfeng ignored Jiang Xuan's inquiry, but asked directly: "Did something happen to you? I can feel my clone, and my soul is showing signs of dying!"

"What? Clone?"

Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment!

Not only Jiang Xuan was stunned, but everyone who followed Jiang Xuan's words were also stunned!


At this time, everyone was talking to themselves, looking at the bones in the field under the siege of the two superpowers, it was incredible at this time!

Although many people don't have the concept of doppelganger, they can still understand it literally!

Of course, the information revealed by these two words is!

Li Yunfeng is not dead!
Li Yunfeng is not dead?
That is Zhuo Dingyao, is Zhuo Qing dead?
Everyone took a deep breath.

Jiang Xuan was extremely excited at this time!
Although the master didn't answer whether it was him, couldn't the voice belong to the master?

Definitely right!
And Li Yunfeng's words explained why they felt that this bone was the master, because this bone was the clone of the master!

Jiang Xuanzheng was very excited, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Li Yunxue who was still on the side, and sweat broke out on his forehead!

For a moment, he didn't even dare to speak!

Li Yunfeng could feel Jiang Xuan's excitement at the other end, but suddenly Jiang Xuan turned from excitement to silence, Li Yunfeng suddenly had a bad feeling!

Could it be that the avatar is dead?
"What's the problem, tell me quickly!"

At this moment, Li Yunfeng's mood was fairly stable. If only his clone died, even though he felt a little pained, he wouldn't be sad!

"Yunxue... Yunxue...."

When Jiang Xuan said this, he couldn't continue. He didn't know what would happen if the master knew the news?
Although Li Yunxue relied on her master's bone avatar, her body didn't shatter directly, but they felt it after a while. At this time, her body was covered with dense cracks, as if she was about to shatter again at any moment!
Her body was already in this condition, her breathing and heartbeat had stopped long ago, Li Yunxue was obviously dead and couldn't die anymore!

Li Yunfeng wasn't very worried at first, but when he suddenly saw Jiang Xuan mentioning his little sister, everyone in his whole body immediately raised it!
Li Yunfeng was about to curse!
Fortunately, Jiang Xuan finally managed to hold back at this time.

"Miss Yunxue, she was hit by the lightning mother's lightning, and she has already gone!"

Jiang Xuan said in a soft tone.


At first Li Yunfeng thought about being kidnapped at most, as for death, he didn't dare to think about it!
But at this time, after Jiang Xuan said it, Li Yunfeng's head roared for a while, and he felt a little dizzy.

At his level, it is almost impossible to faint because of something, and he has never felt this way at all.

But at this moment, he really felt that he was about to faint!
Li Yunfeng shook his head desperately, if he fainted at this time, everything would really be over!

At this time, Li Yunfeng's heart was full of anger, but in the end, reason suppressed the anger!

"How is my little sister? How long has it been since she died?"

Li Yunfeng asked.

"It was almost shattered by the electric mother, but fortunately, the bone avatar arrived in time, so Miss Yunxue's body is still intact, but both the body's exterior and internal organs are full of cracks, and it looks like it will burst at any time. She probably died. It's been like 5 minutes!"

Jiang Xuan said quickly.

"It's fine if it didn't explode completely! I'll be there in 5 minutes! Is it at Jiangjiashan?"


ps: The recent national sword network action, the blocked book of the blocked book, the blocked chapter of the blocked chapter.

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(End of this chapter)

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