Chapter 660 Arrival
At this moment, Kunpeng's eyes were also solemn, and the Kunpeng runes on his body were boiling!

Countless Dao patterns are intertwined, forming strange patterns that float up and down in the air, as if they could swallow the sky and the earth.


Kunpeng neighed suddenly towards the sky, the sound had the power to pierce gold and crack rocks, and there were bursts of explosions in the air.

Kunpeng's face was full of joy at this time!

The next moment, Kunpeng directly spread his wings, and instantly his body changed from an ordinary size to a golden bird of more than ten meters, which is amazing!

Next to the two golden wings, there are countless dao patterns spinning, as if as long as they flap their wings, they will shatter the void!

Li Yunfeng looked at Kunpeng, and was very excited at this moment, and his body couldn't help shaking. As long as he arrived in time, the little girl would definitely not die.

"Come up, I have a feeling now that I can't see you as soon as I flap my wings. This feeling is great, but I can't control it. I'm really afraid that I won't be able to control myself and go straight to the sky , come up quickly!"

Kunpeng was also excited and somewhat incoherent at this time!

Li Yunfeng has long been ready to go, it is right to have this feeling, this is what he wants.

Li Yunfeng jumped directly onto Kunpeng's body!
At the same time, a peerless black gun, ferocious as an angry dragon, appeared in his hand, and it seemed to be flying away at this moment!

At this moment, Li Yunfeng is full of momentum. If he leaves this trip, he will definitely kill all the dogs in the West!

Kunpeng neighed again, and immediately flapped its wings and flew away!

I saw a flash of golden light, and there was only a burst of sonic boom, and the next moment, Kunpeng was no longer visible!
Li Yunfeng was independent from Kunpeng's back. At this time, he was relieved to see the mountains, rivers and rivers that were receding so fast below him that he couldn't see them clearly!

This is Kunpeng's innate divine art, which is ninety thousand miles in an instant!
Even if it is infinitely weakened, it is still extremely fast!
The Kunpeng race is known as the fastest in the world, and it is definitely not in vain!

A hundred miles is just a flapping of wings, and when Kunpeng's next flapping of wings begins, it will be another hundred miles!
No one noticed, but in just over ten seconds, Kunpeng had already crossed the entire country of Laos and headed straight for the border between China and Laos!

It's still just a time to flap your wings!

Huaxia Frontier Air Defense Monitoring Department!
"Emergency call, emergency call, the border has just detected an unidentified large aircraft leaping over at an altitude of about 500 meters!"

At this time, at a place on the border, Xiao Hu, the monitoring officer, suddenly saw the golden streamer flashing by on the display screen, and said in surprise.

This speed!

He has never seen such a terrifying speed aircraft!

"Okay, let's intercept it!"

A voice soon came from the opposite side.

"No, how can there be any unknown large aircraft? Not even a single hair!"

"It's true, it may be too fast, and it has already left!"

"You fart, the air defense range of the border stretches for hundreds of miles, no matter how fast you go, you can't get out of our monitoring range!"

"It's super fast!" Xiao Hu swallowed and said!

At first he was just skeptical, but now he is really sure!

Crossing the border in an instant, is this a speed of tens of miles per second?

He had that feeling from the very beginning, because the speed was really fleeting, so fast that he almost couldn't see it.

"How fast is super fast?"

The opposite side laughed, not paying attention.

I think it was because he was overdoing something in some way, and then he developed symptoms of dizziness. After all, the military camp is full of men, and everyone can understand each other!
"Twenty kilometers per second!"

Although those people didn't believe it, Xiao Hu still said it. At this moment, he himself didn't believe it.

But obviously the high-altitude detector exploded directly, and jumped to the end in an instant.

This shows that the aircraft is not illusory, but real. Not only did he see it, but the detector also detected it.

In addition to these people saying that there are no large aircrafts within a hundred miles, and his intuition, he said so.

Was it a few seconds of communication, and then the craft had crossed their monitoring zone?
"Fuck off! The most advanced and fastest fighter jet in the world is only one kilometer per second, and it can't last too long at all."

The other side felt that this person was joking.

"It's true!" Xiao Hu said anxiously.

"Little Hu, it's enough to make this kind of joke once, don't make it again in the future, or you can go home!"

Suddenly, the officer's words came from the opposite side, which made Xiao Hu shudder coldly.

Xiao Hu thought for a while, but in the end he still didn't speak!
Even if they believed it, so what?
A golden aircraft at [-] kilometers per second can be hundreds of kilometers away in the blink of an eye. An aircraft with this level of technology must be relatively strong in other aspects. You found out, so what?
This kind of thing is too unreal.

Just when Xiao Hu was about to hang up the phone, there was a sudden exclamation from the opposite side!
"According to the national satellite monitoring, an unknown golden aircraft has just crossed the border of China from Laos, and it has penetrated into the hinterland of China at this time! Preliminary monitoring shows that the speed of the aircraft has reached more than [-] kilometers per second! Everyone, prepare for defense at any time! "

The news instantly spread throughout the Border Air Defense Monitoring Department!
"how is this possible?"

When these people got the exact news, everyone was shocked!

"Not twenty kilometers per second? Fifty kilometers per second?"

Xiao Hu was also dizzy for a while!
What the hell is this?

Xiao Hu was so shocked that he couldn't speak!
Satellite Monitoring Department!
Everyone also looked at the information fed back from the satellite, and was speechless for a long time in shock!

Because according to their monitoring results, there seemed to be a man in black with a gun standing on top of the golden aircraft. His face could not be seen clearly, and he was as imposing as the ancient god of war!
And the golden aircraft under the man in black with the gun, it seems that it is not an aircraft made by some technology at all, but also a living creature?

"What the hell is that horrible thing? Is this a god from the sky? And a beast?"

Facing such an extremely fast living creature and a person like a god, they don't know what to do at this moment!

But when these people were extremely shocked, Li Yunfeng couldn't control so much!
Before these people could react in shock, Li Yunfeng had already arrived in Jiangbei, only a few moments away from reaching Su County!

This process took about 40 seconds, and Vientiane was about [-] kilometers away from Su County, which is about [-] miles away!

A hundred miles in an instant, a hundred miles in a second, almost!

Kunpeng flapped its wings again, driving storm after storm!

When Li Yunfeng looked down from the sky!

He happened to see a scene!
There was a big hole in Jiang Xuan's heart, blood poured out in pools, and then he died with a Westerner!

(End of this chapter)

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