The return of the immortal world

Chapter 689 Only 1 Trillion

Chapter 689 Just One Trillion (Sixth Update!)

At this moment they turned around and saw that only Luo Feiyang was left there.

At this time, Luo Feiyang seemed to be possessed by a demon, with several bloodstains scratched on his face, which was extremely terrifying, and he was screaming desperately at this moment.

"There is a ghost..."

Luo Feiyang seemed to be crazy at this time, colliding randomly between the aisles, crooked, shouting crazily, and his face was distorted!

At this moment, he looks like a real ghost, extremely terrifying!
It wasn't until Luo Feiyang's figure turned around a corner and was no longer within Li Yunfeng's vision that Luo Feiyang gradually regained his composure.

At this moment, he was sitting on the edge of a wall, not daring to look at Li Yunfeng anymore, his body was trembling slightly!
It wasn't until a few of them helped Luo Feiyang into the elevator that Luo Feiyang gradually regained his composure!
Luo Feiyang, who came outside the building, looked at the building of Yuanlai Fashion in front of him, with a look of fear on his face, but also a look of resentment!

"Yuan Lai Fashion, I will definitely come back again. When I come back, it must be the time for you, Lin Qianmeng, to get out!"

"As for Li Yunfeng, since someone from the Onassis family will deal with you, your end will be very miserable. Under the offensive of the Onassis family, no matter how powerful you are, you will definitely be defeated!"

At this time Luo Feiyang said fiercely, his eyes were full of fear!

When people from the Onassis family came to him last night, he had the idea of ​​showing his loyalty.

Because compared with the original Xu Zhengxing, the Onassis family is like the strong contrast between elephants and ants!
Even if there is an extra terrifying Li Yunfeng, so-called No.1 in China, No. 41 in the battle list!

But haven't you heard?

In the Onassis family, there are at least two people who are stronger than Li Yunfeng. Li Yunfeng can't even deal with one person, let alone two people?
Because he was a little worried about Li Yunfeng, he asked one more question.

After all, Li Yunfeng's ruthless feelings left a serious shadow in his heart!

Then he asked how confident the Onassis family was in dealing with Li Yunfeng!
People from the Onassis family said they are [-]% sure!

By the way, the Onassis family also explained the battle list, the higher the battle list, the bigger the gap between everyone!

When you reach the top dozens, if you want to improve your ranking, most people will challenge you one by one!

The kind of person who dares to surpass two or three challenges is rare!
Because you only challenged the previous one, there is not much difference in strength between you, and you have the ability to save your life in the event of failure!
But if the challenge is beyond two or three, it's fine if you win.

But if you lose, because the difference in strength is slightly larger, if you meet some cruel and bloodthirsty experts, your life will be completely in the opponent's hands.

It can be said to be a thought!

Even surpassing two or three places, the gap is so big!
Not to mention the gap between Li Yunfeng and Number One?

The difference between Li Yunfeng's 41 and No. 29's [-] is [-] places. This difference is not a matter of one point or two!
In order to make Luo Feiyang believe in the strength of their family even more!
The envoy of the Onassis family even made a general description!

If there is a difference of about ten places in the battle list, the difference in combat power between the two is almost doubled!
Hearing this, Luo Feiyang was completely relieved!

It is ten times different from the so-called No. [-]!
What about that and that Marquess Klee?

Isn't that a difference of four or five times?
Li Yunfeng's fate is almost entirely in the hands of the Onassis family!

Such strength can almost be described as crushing!
The people around saw Luo Feiyang's vicious cursing words, and they were also a little dissatisfied and said: "Although we have our reasons and considerations, in the end we are sorry for Yuanlai Fashion and President Lin, even though we know that the group is no longer good. , why bother to curse like this? Let nature take its course!"

"Hmph, the law of the jungle rules, what is there to sympathize with!"

At this time, Luo Feiyang's heart was full of resentment, so there was no sympathy or sympathy.

Now he only wants Lin Qianmeng to leave early, but he is still fashioning in Yuanlai, and he can even go to the next level!

In particular, the Onassis family also promised that when the company stabilized, they could repurchase the company's shares. He was still a shareholder of Yuanlai Fashion, and he got nine shares of cash for nothing!
It is a fool not to take advantage of this kind of cheapness!
For example, those old stubborn people above are just waiting for poverty to fall down in the future!

Look at these people's old arms and legs, what can they do in the future?
"Let's go!"

Seeing Luo Feiyang like this, some other high-level people around shook their heads and left first. Sometimes once a person falls into a certain obsession, it is almost difficult to pull back!


And just when these people thought that the downfall of Yuanlai Fashion was inevitable, in the office of the president of Yuanlai Fashion, these people were stunned when they saw Lin Qianmeng's instructions to them one by one!
I'm afraid President Lin is going crazy with anger, isn't he?

Finally someone asked softly: "President Lin, are you okay?"

Lin Qianmeng was stunned for a moment, then said, "How should I say it?"

"Ahem... these things, you let us do them, we are not afraid of one person doing the work of two people, but... cough cough... these all need funds!"

When someone talks about funds, it's just inexplicable embarrassment anyway, I can't tell!

Because to complete Lin Qianmeng's attack command, at least 1000 billion cash is needed!
Moreover, to maintain this situation, 5000 billion yuan is needed as a base. If it cannot be maintained, even if Li Yunfeng really gets 1000 billion yuan, it will be completely in vain within a week at most, and the loss will be wiped out!

Especially now that the Onassis family is going to attack in an all-round way. Seeing them attract ten times the price and wage a price war against them, you know that this attack will not be easy!
Maybe 1000 billion will turn into nothingness in two or three days!
"Is this what you're worried about? It's not a problem! Just execute it well!"

When Lin Qianmeng heard about it, she didn't care, and said lightly.

When everyone heard this, they groaned inwardly. President Lin seemed to be really mad with anger. He came to the company early in the morning just to do these things?
You know, now it is not a problem that can be solved with 2000 billion!
This is not the problem, so what is the problem?

At this time, someone couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask the president, how much money did you raise this time?"

Someone wanted to break President Lin's muddled and ignorant state, so he stopped being coy and asked directly.

Everyone was waiting with their ears up for President Lin's answer!
"not many!"

Lin Qianmeng said lightly!

When everyone heard this, they suddenly cried out inwardly!

Not many, you arrange tasks here and issue instructions for half an hour, aren't you kidding us old guys?

"It's only one trillion!"

(End of this chapter)

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