The return of the immortal world

Chapter 694 Nether Envoy

Chapter 694 Nether Envoy

He makes a move now, not because the Onassis family really has no funds. In fact, if he really mobilizes the family funds, he will definitely be crushed!

But if this is really done, even if Lin Qianmeng is successfully defeated, the Onassis family will suffer a great loss in the end!

As a family that started with capital, no matter what, they couldn't lose money!

Although they lost money this time, they lost money only because they failed.

Before this, they never thought that they would fail!

Of course, if they used some dishonorable means to kill Li Yunfeng, they could still turn the tide of defeat!

At the same time, Lin Qianmeng was sitting at his desk, looking at the stock price charts on the computer monitors in front of him, with a confident smile flashing across his mouth!
Li Yunfeng was on the side. He graduated from a famous university anyway, so he could understand it.

At this time, the group under Lin Qianmeng has completely reversed the defeat under Lin Qianmeng's vigorous attack!

And all of this in just one week!

There is a trend chart of your own company on the display screen, as well as a trend chart of your opponent!
At this time, the two sides have presented an extreme!
Fortunately, the other party's foreign company was not affected!
But the domestic company of the Onassis family is a horrible sight!
However, although Lin Qianmeng's mouth was full of smiles at this time, seeing the scene where the resistance of the Onassis family became weaker and weaker, Lin Qianmeng still showed a trace of worry on his face!
"Onassis must still have the strength to fight, and now it has almost stopped! Are they going to give up?"

"Give up? These Western forces all have eyes on their heads, and they are very arrogant. How could they give up after being tortured by you?" Li Yunfeng laughed.

"You mean that the Onassis family is finally going to use other means?"

This is what Lin Qianmeng was worried about. Although Li Yunfeng seemed to be swearing, but when the end came, he was still a little worried!
Because it was the first time she knew about the battle list, apart from work these days, she also collected a lot of information about the battle list!
It's okay if you don't look at it, but it surprises her when you look at it!
Who are the people above?

With hundreds of armed soldiers against one enemy, these can only be considered strong, but they can only rank in the top two hundred!

But the top [-] is horrible.

There was once a rich second generation who unknowingly seduced the wife of an ordinary man less than 1.6 meters tall.

This man usually works on the construction site and is known as an honest man.

As a result, this honest man went straight to the rich second generation's company in a rage, and directly blasted the building of the other company's headquarters with his own fists!

It didn't blow up the people, but the building!
Then walk away!

In the end, it was revealed that this honest man is a super strong player ranked 56 in the battle list!
When the rich second generation and the little man's wife knew the man's identity, they were also stunned!


There are also strong people walking on the ice sheet, wherever he goes, the ice sheet will melt there!

This is the strong player ranked 37 in the battle list!

There are also strong people who walk in the world like ghosts!

Known as the world's number one killer!
Known as the Messenger of the Nether!
Also known as Number One!
He has killed countless people, and no one has seen what he looks like, it is extremely terrifying!
This person ranks 29!
This number is the number one of the Onassis family!
It stands to reason that killers cannot be exposed to the world, but No. [-] did!
But he is still alive and well, and the Onassis family is still the same Onassis family, no one dares to move!


This is the information that Lin Qianmeng has worked so hard to find out, and he still wants to find out the amazing events about Marquis Klee!
But I can't find it!
In fact, from the top [-] onwards, it was difficult to collect information on these strong men. On the first day, she focused on searching, and only then managed to find out some information!
In fact, although No. [-] is the world's number one killer, it seems to have been exposed, but for the vast majority of people, except for some top family forces, it can be said that it is still hidden in the dark!
Most people only know that the Nether Messenger is the number one killer!
Didn't know that the Nether Messenger was number one!
It was her luck that Lin Qianmeng could find this information!

"You really have to be careful, the number one may really be the Nether Messenger, the one known as the world's number one killer, although you are powerful, but it is said that the number one killer kills people invisible, with ever-changing methods, no one has really seen it until now Nether Messenger!"

Lin Qianmeng said with some worry!

If it is purely based on the ranking of the battle list, there is nothing to be afraid of, but coincidentally, this person is the number one killer in the world!
It is easy for people to overlook his ranking on the battle list for the person who occupies the first place!
The word "killer" is already easy to scare people!
Not to mention the number one killer!
However, Li Yunfeng was not worried at all. If it comes to weird ultimate moves, who can compare to him, a ten thousand year old monster?
The former emperor realm powerhouse?
Although he couldn't use all the countless secrets in his previous life, with some limited secrets, if he were to become a killer, the ghost messenger might abdicate soon!

"Don't worry, it's nothing!"

Li Yunfeng shook his head!
But when Lin Qianmeng mentioned the word killer, it reminded him of the killer Xueying!
Presumably Xueying is also a killer, so she might know something about this ghost messenger!
The phone was dialed quickly, and Li Yunfeng asked directly: "Do you know anything about the Nether Envoy?"


There was a burst of exclamation from the opposite side!
"Have you messed with the Nether Envoy? He is a legendary existence in our killer world!"

At this moment, Xueying's voice began to tremble!

"Do you know what methods he has?" Li Yunfeng still just said lightly.

"I don't know the details, but on the one hand, I know that he seems to be able to transform into anyone. I don't know if the information is accurate or not. This is just my guess!"

Xueying said with some seriousness.

"Isn't it just a simple disguise technique? You can do it too?" Li Yunfeng shook his head, but seeing Xueying's words being so cautious, he had some guesses in his heart!

"He is not a simple disguise technique, but can really incarnate anyone, and it is exactly the same, without any flaws. Not only the physical changes, but even the memory, it is difficult to find flaws!"

Snow Shadow said very solemnly.

"If you really messed with the Nether Envoy, it is very likely that the person next to you is transformed by the Nether Envoy!"

Snow Shadow said in horror.

It has to be said that the level of horror of this Nether Messenger really surpassed Li Yunfeng's imagination!


ps: Chapter 2 will be released later, I still need to catch up
(End of this chapter)

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