Chapter 71
After Li Yunfeng finished collecting the debt, he left the Jiang Group directly, rejecting Jiang Ye's request to send him away.

Li Yunfeng was about to go to the nearby ATM to withdraw some money, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure who got on the bus from the Jiang Group bus stop and then disappeared.

"Meng Yang?" Li Yunfeng showed a look of nostalgia. This is my classmate from the upper and lower bunks back then. They fought and masturbated together... I was wrong, how could I do such a thing?
Some good friends and classmates from the past lost contact with him because he disappeared for five years. Now that he sees his former buddy Meng Yang, Li Yunfeng will definitely not miss it.

Seeing the bus getting farther and farther away from sight, Li Yunfeng had no time to withdraw the money, so he chased after him, but he didn't go by car, but ran. Accelerating, but it didn't attract anyone's attention.

After about ten minutes, the bus stopped at the People's Hospital station, and Meng Yang also got off the bus.

"Why do you come to the hospital? Could it be that someone in your family is sick?" Li Yunfeng frowned slightly as he looked at Meng Yang who was walking towards the People's Hospital after getting off the car.

Li Yunfeng hastily followed, and as soon as he entered the door, he found Meng Yang arguing with the staff at the toll office.

"It's just this little money? It's only enough to make up for the previous arrears. What's the use? Now that the beds are so tight, many people are waiting to use them. Since there is no money, letting the patients move to the corridor can help you save a little bit. money!"

A bloated woman who looked about 30 years old at the toll office took the 5000 yuan in her hand and tapped it with a hint of sarcasm in her mouth.

"My mother is not in good health, how can she live in the corridor?" After hearing this, Meng Yang's face changed slightly.

"Where can I live in the corridor if I don't have money? Hurry up and get out of the way, there are people waiting in line behind you, you can go and make room for the bed later!" The woman got a little impatient and told Meng Yang to go away.

"Can you allow two days, at most two days, I will make up for the bed fee. My mother has cancer and her bones are very weak, so she can't afford to live outside." Meng Yang pleaded to the woman.

"Go away quickly, there are still people queuing behind you, don't waste your time here, what kind of disease is there if you don't have money to treat? It's better to go home and wait for death, early death and early death!" The woman became impatient, seeing that Meng Yang was still talking in front of her, so Said very viciously in his mouth.

"How can you talk like that?" Meng Yang was so angry that his body trembled a little.

"Yeah, girl, you're talking a little too viciously. People have said that the money will be repaid in two days. Why are you so aggressive!" Some people in the queue couldn't stand it anymore, and said to help .

"What are you talking about? Do you want your family's bed? I don't want to give it to someone else!" The woman was furious, pointing at a middle-aged man who was talking behind her.

The middle-aged man's expression changed, and he didn't speak in the end.

There are still some people who planned to help out by saying a few words. After all, they all need to be hospitalized. The illnesses of their family members are not serious. Everyone feels sorry for each other. Maybe it will be my turn in the future.

But seeing that the first one was threatened by this woman, everyone immediately fell silent.

"Why don't you get out?" Seeing that everyone was afraid to speak, the woman yelled at Meng Yang with a strong sense of superiority in her heart.

"Hey!" The middle-aged man who helped to speak before also sighed slightly, just take care of yourself.

"You..." Meng Yang was trembling from the woman's unceremonious anger, but he had no choice but to turn around silently, preparing to raise money again.

"I'll pay for his money!" Li Yunfeng held down Meng Yang who was about to turn around, and then said to the staff at the toll office inside.

Meng Yang felt his body being held down, and a familiar voice came from his ear, as if it was his former brother Li Yunfeng?

Meng Yang turned his head in surprise. Although he hadn't seen him for five years, how could he easily forget his good brother who was his classmate for four years?
"Fengzi, where have you been all these years? Why is there no trace at all?" Meng Yang asked in surprise.

"I've been fooling around outside for a few years, and now I'm back!" Li Yunfeng smiled. She was in poor health and went to get medical treatment. It's okay to fool others, but it's not okay to fool her classmates.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, I will help you pay the money first! The people behind are still waiting!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Okay, thank you for your kindness, I will definitely return the money to you as soon as possible!" Meng Yang was a little moved, and his eyes were slightly red.

I borrowed [-] to [-] yuan from my colleagues, friends, and relatives, but Li Yunfeng wanted to pay for him without saying a word. This may be a real friend and brother!

"Hmph, you look poor, how much can you pay? I think it's better to forget it!" The woman at the toll office squinted at Li Yunfeng, and said with a bit of yin and yang.

"Do you know what's wrong with his mother? With advanced cancer, even if you pay 10,000 to [-] yuan, it's still not enough for the treatment cost. At least [-]+, you should get out after a while!" Someone paid for this kid, so he said very unhappy.

"10,000+?" Li Yunfeng thought, it's a bit too much for young people who haven't worked for a few years. He has been on earth for nearly a month, and he never has more than 2000 yuan.

He just got a black gold card. Although he knew that there was a lot of money in it, he didn't know the exact amount, but it must be enough for one hundred thousand.

Seeing that Li Yunfeng didn't speak, the woman felt a little complacent, she was obviously a pauper, so why pretend?No amount of generosity can hide the fact that you are poor.

"Fengzi, why don't you help me pay 5000 yuan first, and I can hold on for a few days, and I will figure out the rest!" Meng Yang has never been to Li Yunfeng's house, and he doesn't know that Li Yunfeng's house was actually very rich before. Qian's, seeing that Li Yunfeng was a bit embarrassed, said.

Moreover, the clothes Li Yunfeng is wearing are not as good as his own, and it seems that he has not been doing very well these years. At their age, it is really difficult to save 10,000+ by themselves.

Meng Yang didn't intend to ask Li Yunfeng to pay too much money, as long as it could solve the urgent need.

Moreover, although the woman at the toll office spoke acrimoniously and looked down on people, he was not afraid of really throwing his mother out of the ward after collecting the money.

"It's okay, I don't know how much money is in it, but it should be enough." Li Yunfeng took out the black gold card Jiang Ye gave him from his pocket.

"This is the black gold card of xx bank?" When Li Yunfeng took out the bank card from his pocket, Meng Yang's eyes were a little straight.

"What black gold and platinum, money is the real gold, black bank card, who knows what it is?" The woman said very contemptuously, how can I not know how much money I have?

Li Yunfeng didn't bother to say much, just handed the black gold card to the woman, and said: "You can check it, I have never used this card before!"

"Check it out!" The woman was speechless when she heard Li Yunfeng say that it hadn't been used. You still think there is money in it if you haven't used it. However, the woman felt that it was necessary to check. She likes the face-slapping thing the most.

Li Yunfeng entered the password, and the woman pressed the word "inquiry" on the POS machine, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, it's better not to have a penny.

It's just that when she clicked on the search button, a string of zeros almost blinded her eyes, and her eyeballs almost fell out.

(End of this chapter)

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