Chapter 712

While Marquis Keli was speaking, figures suddenly popped up in the dense forest and went directly towards Li Yunfeng!

These people are extremely fast, and they all have extremely powerful fluctuations!
Obviously, none of these people are weak!
A total of seven people!

These people had a sense of tacit understanding in their moves, and they knew they were well-trained at a glance, so they directly attacked Li Yunfeng!

"Everyone join me to strangle Li Yunfeng with all our strength and avenge your boss!"

At this moment, the Marquis Kerry roared loudly.

"Avenge the boss, behead Li Yunfeng!"

"Avenge the boss, behead Li Yunfeng!"


At this moment, these people were shouting loudly, and cruel smiles flashed across their faces!
"Who are these people?"

At this time, the people around were a little confused when they saw the scene in front of them!
This Marquis of Klee looks arrogant and arrogant, but he is still hiding?

so insidious?

"I don't know, what boss are they talking about? It can't be number one!"

"It's really possible. No. [-] died, and No. [-] is said to have a broken leg. There are a total of ten members of the Onassis family on the list. The rest, including Marquis Klee, are just eight people!"

"The top eight players?" Someone looked at the field in shock!


"Siege and kill Li Yunfeng with all your strength, don't stop, let him have no chance to make a killing move!"

At this moment, Marquis Kerry's face was full of pride and cruelty!


"No. [-] attacks the left side, No. [-] and No. [-] attack the right side, No. [-] and No. [-] attacks the rear," and No. [-] assisted me to cooperate in the front and clear out the Chinese people who interfered outside! "


The moment the eight people rushed towards Li Yunfeng, they all took their positions!
At this time, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, used all their means to attack Li Yunfeng crazily, the momentum was astonishing!

Among these people, there are almost no weak people!
No. 60 ranks over [-], not much weaker than No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-] are about the same as Dianmu Fengmo.

The rest, except for No. [-] and No. [-] who are slightly weaker, are all in the top [-]. This is a terrifying force!

Especially these people have been trained together since childhood, and their strength has doubled!
"not good!"

At this time, Ji Gu and Ye Feng's expressions changed drastically, and they rushed forward in a hurry!

However, Ye Feng has not yet grown up, and his power is not strong.

No. [-], who was in charge of clearing the outside lines, knocked the two of them away almost easily!
"Haha, just like you, except for you who looks like a decent person, everyone else is weak, and you still set up a sect? What's the use! Is it a sect for one person?"

At this moment, Marquis Kerry had the upper hand, and said with a loud laugh.

Fortunately, I listened to the elder brother's arrangement, otherwise today, he would have had a hard time today!

Big brother is worthy of being big brother, although he is an ordinary person, almost powerless, but his mind is not what he can imagine!

The dispatch on the [-]st was completely decided by the second brother Ohai without the consent of the eldest brother.

If the elder brother knew about it, he would definitely not agree!
This time, he originally planned to come and kill Li Yunfeng alone, because he felt that with his current status, it would be disgraceful to win by bullying the few!

But under the strong request of his elder brother, he had no choice but to bring all these people here!
But these people just hide on the side and don't show their faces.

If he is really not Li Yunfeng's opponent, or if it is difficult to kill Li Yunfeng, they will appear!
No matter what, safety first!

At this time, he is also very grateful to his elder brother!
At this time, although he felt a little regretful that he could not kill Li Yunfeng alone, the reputation of the Onassis family could not be lowered!
Focus on family honor!
"I can kill you all by myself!"

Li Yunfeng said coldly, secretly operating the Dragon God Battle Art!

"You blow it!"

These people had the upper hand right now, they only thought what Li Yunfeng said was a joke!

Seeing that this person didn't believe it, Li Yunfeng didn't explain, but just sneered.

"Li Yunfeng, didn't I hear that you have some black mans ultimate move? Are you using it now? If you don't use it again, you will have no chance!"

At this time, with the help of No. [-] to No. [-], Marquis Kerry was very proud.

However, although he was arrogant at this time, his subordinates did not relax too much, and they still attacked violently!
It is still necessary to kill Li Yunfeng as soon as possible!

Li Yunfeng is too scary, lest nights have long dreams!
"You are so sticky, I can't use that!"

Li Yunfeng shook his head, and said in a down-to-earth manner.

"Haha, young man, I didn't expect you to know it too! Young man, you have strength, but you still have too little combat experience. Even if you don't die by my hands today, you will die by someone else's hands!"

At this time, Marquis Kerry heard Li Yunfeng say this, and his heart became even more arrogant.

It seems that my tactics are completely correct!
These Huaxia warriors are really pig teammates. If it weren't for the discussion of these people, he might really be able to follow Li Yunfeng's way!

"Then I really have to thank you!"

Li Yunfeng said lightly, but he was sneering in his heart!
If I can't use the World-Exterminating Black Light, can I still not use the Dragon God Battle Art?
The Dragon God Battle Jue can be used within the whole body, which is easier to use than the Mieshi Heimang.

I am just competing with my physical body now, and the operation of the internal Dragon God Battle Art is still not a big problem!
"Haha, no need to thank you, don't worry, after you die, I will take good care of your woman for you!"

Marquis Keli looked at Lin Qianmeng, who was very anxious not far away, and laughed!

Li Yunfeng originally fought casually, and he seemed to be at a disadvantage, but in fact, these people were no threat to him at all!
But when he heard Marquis Kerry's words at this time, his face suddenly became gloomy!

He has two taboos, one is to insult his relatives, and the other is to spy on his own woman!

This is my own backlash, unforgivable!
"Hey? Your face is still dark? Hahaha!"

Seeing Li Yunfeng's appearance at this time, Marquis Keli felt refreshed.

When the others heard this, they laughed too!

"Li Yunfeng, your sister is said to be good, how about I help you take care of it? I will make your sister happy!"

Number two also said with a smile at this time.

"Then let's reluctantly pick up some of the female disciples of Emperor Zong!"

The others laughed too!
Although Li Yunfeng knew that the words of these people could not be realized, the anger in his heart couldn't stop burning!

"Those who insult my relatives, those who peep at my woman, I will sentence you to die and not enter reincarnation!"

At this moment, Li Yunfeng's Dragon God Battle Art was fully functioning in his body, and his whole body became berserk!
Listening to Li Yunfeng's words, these people originally wanted to continue to humiliate them back, but when they suddenly saw Li Yunfeng's strange behavior, their expressions changed drastically!
"Didn't you say you couldn't cast it?"

Marquis Klee said loudly, his eyes full of shock!
"It's true that I can't use the World-Exterminating Black Glow... But it doesn't mean that I can't use other spells! I have a lot of methods... One against eight, it's not like I haven't done it before! What are you doing?"

Li Yunfeng's words are extremely cold and cold at the moment, making people feel chills all over their bodies!

Li Yunfeng danced wildly at this moment, his clothes rustled, full of violence and majesty!
There is a supreme power of a real dragon on his body, which makes all spirits surrender!

The next moment, the clothes looked like they were about to burst.

"Quick, kill him, kill him, don't leave any room for everyone!"

At this moment, Marquis Kerry's expression changed rapidly, and the aura of the other party made him tremble a little bit at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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