The return of the immortal world

Chapter 746 Extremely Humble

Chapter 746 Extremely Humble
At this time, Delon Onassis' expression was full of horror.

When a person reaches a high position, who would spare his life?
The so-called not afraid of death is just because he knows that he will not die, so he is extremely calm, with a look of wisdom in his hands.

But now he felt a sharp pain in his neck!
He really didn't expect that Li Yunfeng would kill him so readily.


Delong's eyes were full of disbelief, he didn't believe that he was going to die like this.

Even if he couldn't contact the Fifth Dark Guard now, wouldn't the other party feel that he was dead?
Of course he didn't expect that Li Yunfeng directly isolated the core of his controller. Even if Delong died, the Fifth Dark Guard would not know anything, so Li Yunfeng was naturally not worried.

Moreover, the fifth dark guard does not contact anyone, and has no other communication tools on him. He just stares at the target in the dark for a long time, and does not pay attention to others.

Even Li Yunfeng was not worried that the Fifth Dark Guard would get news of the so-called death of Deron Onassis in Italy.

Because the Fifth Dark Guard doesn't know Italian language at all, he only knows Italian language.

Because he is a guard-like existence, these hidden guards are somewhat lacking in knowledge, and they are not as good as people from zero to nine.

These are of course what Li Yunfeng learned from the mind of Delon Onassis.

Although the soul search technique has a lot of side effects, the effect is against the sky. There will be no negligence or omission in these details.

So Li Yunfeng didn't care about Xue Yiyi's safety at all.

Perhaps even if the whole world knew that Delon Onassis had died at the hands of Li Yunfeng, the Fifth Dark Guard would not get the news.

He would just stay there foolishly protecting Xue Yiyi's safety until Li Yunfeng passed by.


Delon Onassis fell to the ground with a look of horror and disbelief.

Deron Onassis, the legendary patriarch of a generation, ended today, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Dad, Mom, rest in peace, this damn Delon Onassis is finally dead, although I didn't kill him, but I can see him being killed with my own eyes, just like he ordered his subordinates to be merciless Killing you is the same, this is retribution."

Yasa has been watching from the side. He didn't have much hope for Li Yunfeng, but when the world-shattering beam of light appeared, he was shocked even more.

At that time, he felt that it was impossible for Li Yunfeng to make a comeback.

But never expected that the opponent would easily disperse the beam of light, and forcefully kill No. [-] and the four dark guards.

He stared straight at that time, how could Li Yunfeng be so powerful?
Yasa is also a supernatural person, in fact, he is a member of the zero group.

Because the transformation of supernatural talent was unsuccessful, he was judged to have no future, so he was arranged by Deron Onassis to be in charge.

The reason why he hated the patriarch Delong so much was because he was favored by Delong's subordinates because of his supernatural talent, and then Delong Onassis wanted to take him away forcibly.

When his parents blocked it, Delong ordered the killing of his whole family without hesitation. How could he not hate it?

Later, he performed power transformation and controller binding.

In fact, not only did he fail to transform his ability, but he even failed to bind the controller to him.

It's just because he was so good at hiding that Delon Onassis never noticed.

Or he noticed that as long as he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, Asa would not pose any threat to him, so it might not be necessary to ignore Asa directly.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although Yasa went to Huaxia to ventilate with Li Yunfeng, if Li Yunfeng is not as powerful as Zero, ventilating will be useless.

When Li Yunfeng showed his supernatural power and beheaded all the masters forcefully, he almost jumped out and pointed at Delong Onassis' nose and cursed.

But I didn't expect Delong to be so frightened and cunning that he even sent out a hidden guard.

But in the end it was Li Yunfeng who was superior, even the controller could be easily destroyed.

Although this controller is simple to say, it is a lifelong bondage to these hidden guards and their supernatural beings.

It is a terrifying thing that makes them unable to resist forever, and even in the end they don't even have the thought of resisting.


At this time, Onassis' tribe saw that the patriarch was really dead, and they were also stunned at this time!
The idol and goal of their life just died like this?

At this time, they desperately opened and closed their eyes, and even slapped themselves, thinking that this was just a dream.

But every time they looked over, they saw the patriarch lying on the ground so quietly.

They also completely broke down.

At this time, countless people were wailing and weeping bitterly.

They didn't do that when Number One was defeated.

They were not like that when the Marquess of Klee was defeated.

When number zero and the four major dark guards died, they didn't do this either.

When the Marquis of Ojai died, they would not be like this.

But when Duke Dron died, they broke down completely and cried bitterly.

Some people are in a daze, as if they have lost their souls.

They suffer, they cry.

It's not because the patriarch died, how sad they were.

It's because their beliefs have completely collapsed.

When the patriarch dies, do they feel that there is no meaning at all?
Asaph is a traitor?
Is it a spy?
They don't care at all!

At this time when everyone was boiling, Marquis Kesen also came slowly.

He was sitting in a wheelchair and someone behind him was pushing him.

When he learned that Delon Onassis was really dead, he could hardly believe it.

When he came here at this time, seeing the situation in front of him, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

After a while, he finally came to his senses, looking at the Chinese man who was standing quietly, at this moment, an inexplicable trace of fear emerged in his heart.

Even though he and Li Yunfeng are not hostile, he still has this feeling that the other party is a high-ranking god.

"Quick, push me over."

At this time, Marquis Kesen said to the person pushing the wheelchair.

"Yes, Lord Marquis, no, Lord Duke."

The person who can take care of Marquis Kesen is naturally his own.

At this time, he was also very excited. Delong died. Isn't Kesen the patriarch, and he will inherit the title logically?
When Kesen heard the name of the person behind him, he was also secretly happy.

But seeing so many old things around him staring at him covetously, he knew that he had to get Li Yunfeng's help.

Otherwise, with his current strength, he would not be able to completely control the entire huge family.

When he came in front of Li Yunfeng, Kesen didn't hesitate at all.

He slid directly from the wheelchair, and then knelt down directly regardless of the pain of the broken leg.

"Respected master, from now on, I, Kesen, Onassis will be your most loyal servant, and I will dedicate my whole life to you."

Kesen was extremely humble, almost lying on the ground because of the pain in his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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