The return of the immortal world

Chapter 767 I am here to kill

Chapter 767 I am here to kill

But how is this possible?

At that time, things were done so secretly, it was impossible to be discovered?
And at that time, because she didn't have her own role for several days, she was always in the hotel and didn't go to the set.

Doubt everyone in the crew, even Director Cass himself, can't be suspicious of her, can he?

Marina tried her best to keep herself calm, maybe it was just because she always mocked this person, which made this person a little angry?
But it should be Master Anderson who angered this person the most?
She is at best an accomplice?

Why is Li Yunfeng always staring at her?
But when he was panicked, the two bodyguards also felt a trace of danger on Li Yunfeng's body at this time, and at this time, they walked directly between Li Yunfeng and Kevin Marina.

Marina was blocked by two bodyguards in black, which made her feel better.

But I don't know why, even though there is a person's body separated, there is still a sense of oppression being targeted by a giant beast.

"I can't be guilty, what are I afraid of? No one will find out!"

"Even if it is really discovered, I am also Master Anderson's woman. What can this Chinese man do with me?"

"The only pity is that that bitch Xue Yiyi didn't die. I must kill this person when I find a chance."

Thinking of this, and because the two bodyguards stood in front of her, even though there was that lingering feeling, she was no longer very afraid.

Li Yunfeng was not at all surprised that Director Cass woke up behind him. The current peak of Foundation Establishment is only one step away from the golden core. It can almost be said to be a land god. It is easy for a god to save an ordinary patient. things.

At this time, he just responded to Xue Yiyi's words, and looked at the bodyguard who suddenly appeared, and just gave a cold shout.

"Get out of here."

Li Yunfeng looked at the two bodyguards in black coldly.

The two bodyguards were a little scared by Li Yunfeng's drink, but they still insisted on standing in the middle.

"What do you want to do?"

Kevin Anderson was frightened by Li Yunfeng's eyes at first, but after recovering, he suddenly felt a little ashamed. What was he afraid of?
The bodyguard is by his side.

"I'm here to kill."

Li Yunfeng turned his head to look at Kevin Anderson, his eyes were full of ruthlessness.

"Kill who?"

Although Kevin Anderson had bodyguards standing in front of him, his voice was still a little trembling, and he said in surprise.

He really believed Lu Qi's words now, is this man really a murderous maniac?
Killed over a thousand people?
Because Li Yunfeng's eyes at this moment seemed to be killing people, which was very consistent with his tone.

Marina was also trembling in her heart at this time, did she really find her?

When Li Yunfeng was talking, he walked straight towards Marina who was behind Kevin. As for the two bodyguards in the middle, he didn't seem to see them, and he didn't even make a detour.

"Marina? What did you kill her for?"

Kevin thought that the other party wanted to kill him, but when he heard Li Yunfeng's words, he was stunned.

"She knows it herself."

Li Yunfeng still walked slowly, his eyes seemed to penetrate Kevin.

This startled Marina who was behind Kevin.

"Is he really here to kill me?"

Marina was extremely terrified at this time, because Li Yunfeng's penetrating eyes always made him linger behind others.

At this moment, she subconsciously cried out, her body trembling uncontrollably just holding Kevin Anderson.

Instead, it was Kevin Anderson. At this time, because Li Yunfeng's eyes were focused on Marina, he no longer had that cold feeling.

At the same time, when Li Yunfeng said that she knew it, the assistant director's expression also changed.

But he immediately lowered his head to hide his uneasiness.

At this moment, he even had a vague guess that the reason why the other party suddenly appeared here was to deal with Marina?
And even himself?

Thinking of this, a trace of fear also emerged in his heart.

These people are not members of the Kevin Anderson family. If they are found to have murdered others, they will definitely be finished.

Especially looking at the aura of a Chinese man made him very uneasy.

At this moment, he looked left and right, and decided to find time to sneak out.

"You have a grudge against him?"

Kevin pulled the trembling Marina straight out at this moment, and then asked.

"I don't have any, I haven't done anything, I didn't change the prop gun... No, there is no prop gun at all, I don't know anything."

At this moment, Marina realized that she had involuntarily mentioned the prop gun, and her expression changed drastically.

"What prop gun?"

Kevin didn't know anything about the crew, and his face was blank when he heard that, which made Li Yunfeng more sure that the prop gun had nothing to do with Kevin.


When the assistant director heard this, he was shocked.

The other party really knew.

Many people present didn't know why and didn't know about the prop gun, but the faces of the people around Director Cass changed drastically, and they looked at Marina in disbelief, feeling a chill in their hearts at this moment.

Marina, who usually seems to be very good at talking in the crew, and because of her beautiful face, is only a little less popular than Xue Yiyi in the crew.

As a result, she never thought that the prop gun incident during the day was actually arranged by Marina.

Director Cass had just woken up not long ago, and when he heard Marina say it, he was so angry that he coughed again.

But because of Li Yunfeng's aura filling his body, even though his face flushed from coughing with anger, nothing happened.

At this moment, seeing everyone staring at her, Marina wanted to cry, but how could she directly say such a thing?
Didn't this just come out without any questioning?

She used to watch TV and saw that some people would stop calling themselves when they were nervous. She felt that these people were idiots.

Now that I think of myself doing the same, it's simply...

When I said it myself, it was simply indisputable.

But what she doesn't know is that under Li Yunfeng's eyes, ordinary people have a little distraction, which can easily make people confused.

It was also in Li Yunfeng's plan that she would say it so directly.

"Marina, why are you so cruel? So vicious?"

"Marina, I was wrong."

"I thought you were just vain and love money, but I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!"

The crew accused Marina one after another.

Marina's expression kept changing.

At this point she knew that there was no point in defending herself.

At this time, she simply tore her face.

She screamed: "I am Master Anderson's woman now, so what if I did that thing? What can you do?"

While talking, Marina jumped out, pointing at Li Yunfeng and screaming.

(End of this chapter)

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