The return of the immortal world

Chapter 774 Metal quicksand

Chapter 774 Metal quicksand
The people around saw that there was a pistol hidden on Marina's body, and their faces changed slightly. Isn't this woman too cruel?
Always have a pistol ready and ready to kill anytime?

Or do too many immoral things, self-defense with a pistol?
Although everyone knew that Li Yunfeng was very powerful, that divine envoy who flew over fell down before making a move.

But this doesn't stop people from being afraid of hot weapons nowadays. Many people backed away frantically in fright, and the whole hall was in a panic.

It was at this time that Marina shot.

"You die for me. I, Marina, don't rely on the sky or the earth. I will kill you by myself. These men are a bunch of trash."

Marina yelled crazily, her complexion twisted.

Marina was completely desperate at this time, and this may be what Li Yunfeng said before, asking her to die in an extremely desperate situation.

Those who offended him, those who touched his bottom line.

Regardless of gender, there is only one result, and that is to die!
Of course, it was only ordinary people who were flustered, but Xue Yiyi was very calm.

Guns are scary in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of their immortal cultivators, they are simply a joke.

Not to mention immortal cultivators, even slightly stronger warriors and supernatural beings can easily block guns.

Especially Cecil, who was kneeling on the ground, with a trace of sadness flashing at the corner of his mouth at this moment, actually shot a gun in front of Li Yunfeng?

He was speechless. They still vividly remembered the scene in the dense forest at the border between China and Southeast Asia.

How can Li Yunfeng be dealt with with a single gun?
Not to mention Cecil, even Kevin on the ground was very speechless.

Although he is not a supernatural being, even his family does not have many supernatural beings, at most he hired some supernatural beings as bodyguards.

But he deeply knows that the so-called guns are definitely a big joke against this kind of people.

The only thing that puzzled him was why Cecil, as one of the three great envoys of the Holy Cult of Light, was so afraid of this person in front of him?

What is the identity of this person, what kind of terrifying character?

Compared with some professional practitioners, most of what he comes into contact with is the world of ordinary people, and only occasionally comes into contact with the world of practitioners with supernatural powers.

Therefore, Li Yunfeng's name is not very clear.

Seeing Marina's crazy appearance, Li Yunfeng also took a sad look at this woman.

How can such an ant know the power of a giant dragon?

When the pistol rang out, Li Yunfeng just gently raised one hand again, and the bullet that flew towards Li Yunfeng at high speed was directly blocked by an invisible barrier, unable to move any further.


The panic-stricken people around were also dumbfounded when they saw the situation in front of them. What is the situation?
How did the bullet stop?
At this time, everyone vaguely knew why the envoy knelt down when he saw Li Yunfeng.

Even bullets can be blocked out of thin air like this, isn't that too powerful?
This is a matter of vision. In the eyes of everyone, being able to fly at extreme speed and block bullets seems to be more powerful than blocking bullets.

Of course, it was mainly because the envoy named Cecil was kneeling in front of Li Yunfeng at this moment.

Everyone took it for granted that Li Yunfeng's bullet blocking was even better.

"I don't believe it, you can block a bullet, can you block all the bullets?"

Although Marina had expected it, after all, an inexplicable power user appeared to block the bullet at the filming scene.

It's not unusual for Li Yunfeng to be able to absorb people from a distance, and to be able to block bullets.

But at this point, no one can save her, she can only save herself.

She hardly stopped, shooting at Li Yunfeng frantically.

Bang bang bang!
The sound is endless!
It's just that when the bullets in the pistol are all fired, it has no effect.

Marina looked at the empty shell pistol that was out of bullets, and the arm holding the gun hung down feebly.

At this moment, all the bullets were hanging between her and Li Yunfeng very strangely.

Marina's face was pale, and Li Yunfeng's face was very calm, as if he didn't have any pressure to block the bullets.

"Just because of this, you let me die?"

Li Yunfeng looked at Marina coldly and said.


At this time, Marina really experienced what despair is, and her whole body trembled, giving people a feeling of falling down at any time.

But what's even more amazing is yet to come.

Li Yunfeng's hands controlling the bullet suddenly turned slightly, and the motionless bullet floating in the air suddenly moved.

Seeing Li Yunfeng's movements, everyone backed away in shock. This Huaxia man is really terrifying.

The bullets turned out to be like playthings.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I know I was wrong."

Marina was also so frightened that she collapsed on the ground again, looking at Li Yunfeng with despair and fear in her eyes.

However, Li Yunfeng only moved his palm lightly, and there was no other abnormal movement, so Li Yunfeng withdrew his arm.

The moment he retracted his arm, the bullets fell towards the ground.

Li Yunfeng sneered, ignoring Marina's begging for mercy.

"You almost deserve to die, too."

Li Yunfeng said without any expression.

But despite saying this, Li Yunfeng didn't make any other movements.

Everyone is very strange, how can you kill someone if you don't do it?
Could it be that you killed people with your mouth or thoughts?

People are very puzzled.

But the next moment, their eyes were attracted by the falling bullet.

Because the bullet didn't hit the ground quickly, but turned into metal quicksand very strangely in the air.

One after another, the bullets turned into metal quicksand, and the time at this moment seemed to become extremely slow.

Or maybe the gravity of the earth has failed at this moment, and the metal quicksand turned into by the bullet is slowly falling at a snail-like speed.

"God, what kind of method is this? It's amazing."

"Is this Chinese man a god?"

"Is it a god in oriental myths and legends?"

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and was very shocked.

"Harriet Anderson?"

At this moment Li Yunfeng suddenly looked at Harriet Anderson.


Harriet Anderson was also extremely shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

At this time, when Li Yunfeng called him suddenly, his whole body softened, as if he was paralyzed, and he fell limp on the ground.

He's constantly swearing.

"You speak rudely! Is there any objection to the sentence of breaking your legs?"

Li Yunfeng looked at Harriet and said.

The moment Li Yunfeng spoke, a part of the slowly falling metal quicksand suddenly parted, turned and accelerated, and directly hit Harriet's legs.

(End of this chapter)

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