Chapter 85 Alchemy
"Slap!" The two bodyguards in black directly grabbed He Jingyun's arm, and the fat woman slapped He Jingyun directly.

He Jingyun was directly stunned by the beating, and it took a long time to react, struggling desperately, and then said: "Why did you hit me, who are you?"

"Who am I?" The fat woman smiled coldly, "You slept with my man, who do you think I am?"

"What? Didn't Viagra say he's not married and doesn't have a girlfriend?" He Jingyun said in disbelief.

"Bitch, if you dare to seduce my husband, you should hit him!" The fat woman slapped He Jingyun in the face again.

After all, He Jingyun was just a girl under 20 years old. After two consecutive blows, her face was swollen and she burst into tears.

"Yang Wei, come out!" the fat woman yelled at the bottom of a table inside.

"Viagra?" Li Yunfeng sat on his table, eating food, watching a good show, Viagra, what the hell?This was the first time he knew the man's name.

Yang Wei was terrified at this time, he was originally a door-to-door son-in-law, although he was the general manager of the company, but the identity of the general manager was obtained because of the woman in front of him.

If it's just because of status and financial resources that are inferior to this fat woman, that's all. The main reason is that this woman fights very fiercely. As a man, Yang Wei can't last a few rounds.

So Yang Wei decided not to go out even if he was beaten to death.

"Have the guts to raise a woman outside behind my back, don't you have the guts to come out?" The fat woman looked under the table and said with a sneer.

"You promise not to hit me, so I'll come out!" Viagra shivered under the table, his previous glory was gone, and everyone who watched was speechless.

Some people who ate inside felt that today was really exciting. First, they met a martial arts master who swept a piece of food with his foot, and then the plot changed suddenly, and a mistress came.

"Ada, go and bring him out and bring him home!" Seeing that Yang Wei couldn't come out, the fat woman said to a bodyguard behind her.

"Yes!" One of the bodyguards let go of He Jingyun, walked over directly, and lifted Yang Wei out, but Yang Wei was crying and screaming there.

"Worry, why are you crying? Are you still a man?" The fat woman slapped her face twice, causing Yang Wei to stop crying immediately.

"Let's go!" The fat woman waved her big hand, a bodyguard grabbed Yang Wei, and a bodyguard grabbed He Jingyun, and they boarded her car together.

"Eat the vegetables, eat the vegetables, don't be polite!" Li Yunfeng greeted and started to eat the dishes. He said how he felt that Yang Wei was in bad luck. It turned out to be his wife's problem.

After eating, Li Yunfeng sent his little sister and his classmates to school. Along the way, the little girls admired Li Yunfeng very much, and looked at Li Yunxue with some envy. He had such a powerful brother.

On the way back, Li Yunfeng received a call. Jiang Ye said that he had found the alchemy furnace and had moved it into the villa for him, and asked Li Yunfeng to take a look.

Li Yunfeng looked forward to it, and drove directly to the villa.

It didn't take long to arrive at Jiang's villa, this time Jiang Xuan was also there, because he had been presiding over the search for the alchemy furnace, and Jiang Ye was mainly responsible for some secular issues.

"Master!" Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye saw Li Yunfeng coming back, and hurriedly stepped forward and shouted.

Li Yunfeng nodded and looked directly at the alchemy furnace in the middle of the hall.

Li Yunfeng sensed it carefully, and found that it was really a pill furnace of the Foundation Establishment Realm. Although it was a rotten item in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, it was already very rare on Earth.

This surprised him very much, he was really lucky.

The pill furnace is not very big, only about half a meter high, and it is quite suitable for refining some low-level pills in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Very good, you are here to protect the law today, I will give you a fortune!" After finding the alchemy furnace, Li Yunfeng was very excited, because he could finally start alchemy.

Before Li Yunfeng gave Liang Chao the prescription, Liang Chao had already confirmed the availability of the prescription, and when Meng Yang got Liang Chao's accurate answer, he also urged Li Yunfeng several times, but Li Yunfeng had been waiting for the alchemy furnace.

Because the current situation of Mengmu's mother has not reached a very bad point, he asked Meng Yang to wait first. If he really couldn't find the alchemy furnace, then only the void will be used to congeal the alchemy.

Now that the alchemy furnace was found, Li Yunfeng was relieved.

"Thank you, master!" Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye said excitedly, they had always wanted to know what good fortune Li Yunfeng was talking about.

"As long as you do things well, you will find that following me is the most correct decision in your life, and you will see a whole new world!"

Li Yunfeng nodded, then picked up the alchemy stove and put it in a guest room on the first floor.

After Li Yunfeng entered this room, the smell of various medicinal materials came from inside. This room was specially prepared for him to use for alchemy, and he had already collected a lot of materials in it, all of which were collected by Jiang Xuan and Jiang Ye.

"Let's refine a few body-clearing pills first!" Li Yunfeng carried out a piece of Danhuo Jue, a huge flame appeared in his hand, and the temperature was frightening.

"It's still a familiar feeling!" Li Yunfeng smiled, and pushed the flame in his palm into a compartment at the bottom of the alchemy furnace, where the flame generated by spiritual power can be stored. This is also the place to adjust the temperature of the flame during the alchemy process.

When the pill furnace gradually heated up, Li Yunfeng threw the medicinal materials of Qingti Pill into it one by one.

This is the first step. The medicinal materials must be put in according to the order of the prescription, because there are many medicinal materials that conflict with each other, and the wrong order will directly lead to the failure of refining.

And according to the order, this problem will not occur. The medicinal power of various medicinal materials is one after another, and the medicinal properties are slowly and gently fused together.

When all the medicinal materials were put into the alchemy furnace, Li Yunfeng closed the lid of the alchemy furnace.

Although the previous step is important, as long as you have the elixir formula, know the suitable initial temperature for the elixir formula, and administer the medicine step by step, most people can do it.

But the second step is a crucial step, because at the moment when the pill furnace is completely sealed, it is impossible to sense the situation in the pill furnace with the eyes, and it is necessary to carefully sense the situation of the medicinal materials in the pill furnace through the spiritual sense. Adjust the temperature of the alchemy furnace at any time, and use spiritual power to control the transformation of medicinal materials.

When the refining has reached a certain level, the third step is to be carried out, that is fusion, to fuse the medicinal power of all the medicinal materials together.

This step is also extremely important, as long as there is a slight negligence, the elixir will directly become medicine dregs.

After the first three steps are finished, it is the final congealing pill. If you condense the essence of the fused medicinal materials into a thumb-sized elixir, you will be successful.

Qingti Pill is not a high-level pill. Li Yunfeng used to refine immortal emperor-level pills. Although the power of spiritual consciousness is not as strong as before, refining Qingti Pill can basically guarantee [-]% success, even without using spiritual consciousness. , He can also refine it based on the feeling of thousands of years.

In about half an hour, one Qing Ti Dan was refined, and Li Yunfeng refined three in one go.

The next one, Li Yunfeng is going to refine Zengling Pill, as the name suggests, it can increase the spiritual power in the body.

After being in contact with the earth martial arts family for so long, he also basically understands the cultivation methods of earth martial artists.

In essence, they also absorb the aura of heaven and earth, which is no different from him, except that the aura they absorb is not stored in the dantian in the end, but is stored in the meridians of the whole body to form the so-called inner strength.

The advantage of this practice method is that basically everyone can practice it. The disadvantage is that because the meridians of the human body are physical parts, the internal energy that can be stored is too limited. Basically, it will end at the late innate stage. Difficult to go up again.

After understanding the essence of martial arts cultivation, the Zengling Pill that is useful to immortal practitioners is naturally also useful to martial arts practitioners.

Zeng Ling Pill, one can directly advance to the next level under the ninth level of Qi Refining, such as the eighth level of Qi Refining, one can be promoted to the ninth level of Qi Refining after eating Zeng Ling Pill.

Brothers Jiang Ye and Jiang Xuan, after taking Zengling Pill, they could directly upgrade from the acquired realm to the innate realm. The Jiang family had two innate powerhouses at once, which was naturally a blessing for them.

(End of this chapter)

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