The return of the immortal world

Chapter 87 The Bragging Man

Chapter 87 The Bragging Man
For a week after that, Meng Yang basically didn't go to work.

And Liang Chao often runs here, coming over from time to time to check on Mengmu's situation, and he will also record Mengmu's situation with a pen. If the cancer cells are really completely resolved, it will be a great medical breakthrough. Progress, of course, must be recorded.

And in the future, as a witness and Li Yunfeng's spokesperson, he must be clear about the characteristics of this drug, so that he can write a good paper on this cancer treatment prescription in the future.

If this worldwide problem can be solved by himself, then his future will be limitless!
Compared to Meng Yang's anxiety and Liang Chao's excitement, Li Yunfeng's mood was very calm.

On weekends and rest days, Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru will go to her home to help her mother treat her.

Since the younger sister went to school, the younger sister forced Li Yunfeng to live in her room, saying that she would not live here in the future, so this place will be given to Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng originally planned to live in his own luxury villa after the younger sister left, but because of the special requirements of the younger sister, the current situation has become that Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru rent together, each sharing a room.

Because there is an independent room, you can practice better, so you don't have to go to the villa, it's also good here, flirting with Su Xiaoru from time to time, I feel very good.

And President Lin is a little strange. He has been back for nearly half a month, but he still hasn't come back. I don't know what happened, but Mr. Lin is fine now, and the Lin family shouldn't have any major problems, so Li Yunfeng also Didn't think much about it.

Su Xiaoru's hometown is a small, underdeveloped county in Xijiang Province. There are no trains, high-speed trains, or planes, so Li Yunfeng had no choice but to buy a train ticket.

On Saturday morning, just after dawn, Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru got up and rushed to the train station.

At about seven o'clock, the two got on the train. The journey was not too far, and it took about seven or eight hours to get there.

The seats of the two were next to each other, Li Yunfeng sat on the side of the aisle outside, and Su Xiaoru sat by the window.

There were two young men sitting opposite Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru, one of them looked at Su Xiaoru from time to time, and kept swallowing.

Apparently, he is quite rare to see a beautiful woman like Su Xiaoru, who wants to talk to her but dare not, she is obviously the kind of person who has a lust but no guts, and the other man next to him is very contemptuous of him.

The other young man was rather handsome. He may have more confidence in himself, so he was not restrained at all, and seemed very open.

"This beauty, is this your boyfriend next to you? Not too bad!" The young man was directly opposite Su Xiaoru, first glanced at Su Xiaoru, and then looked at Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng rolled his eyes, I'm obviously more handsome than you, right?But seeing this man claiming to be Su Xiaoru's boyfriend, Li Yunfeng decided not to care about it.

Su Xiaoru originally didn't want to talk to this young man, but it was interesting to see this young man start hurting Li Yunfeng as soon as he came up.

Su Xiaoru pursed her lips slightly and said, "It's still in the inspection period!"

"Oh? That means it's not right? Well, I thought it would take a lot of effort to get you, but now, since I'm in the probationary period, I think I still have great potential!" The young man said very Said narcissistically.

"Why are you so confident?" Li Yunfeng was about to refute, but the young man opposite him who had been blushing helped him to refute, but after speaking, his face became even redder, until his neck was red.

Li Yunfeng glanced at the young man with a smile, but did not speak.

"Why am I confident?" The handsome young man looked at the blushing man next to him with some amusement.

"Let me just say one thing. Some time ago, a monster appeared on the banks of the Yangtze River in the south of Beijing. Do you know who that woman is?" the young man asked.

The blushing young man nodded. People in many places across the country knew about it, not to mention that he was also in Jingnan City.

Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru glanced at each other with strange looks on their faces, but the young man didn't notice.

"That woman is my little junior sister!" The young man said pretentiously.

"What?" The blushing young man looked at the young man next to him in shock.

Li Yunfeng glanced at the young man with some doubts, and found that there was no inner energy fluctuation in the young man. How could an ordinary person be Yuan Qiurong's senior brother?
Could it be that this young man's cultivation level is higher than his own?Can't see it?Li Yunfeng also looked at the young man in disbelief.

Although this possibility is very small, but because of the fragments of the black magic weapon, Li Yunfeng knows that there should have been a Nascent Soul strongman on the earth, although I don't know if there is any now, if this young man is really a Jindan stage or a Nascent Soul For a long-term old monster, he can't see the young man's cultivation base, so that makes sense.

"Then aren't you also very good?" The blushing young man asked in disbelief.

"That's natural. I'm a big brother, and I must be the strongest. Do you know who the even stronger man who came behind is?" the young man lowered his voice and said to the man next to him.

"Who is it?" This time, not only the blushing man was more curious, but also Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru, especially Li Yunfeng, he wanted to see if this man was bragging?
"That man is my second junior brother. He is second only to me in the sect, so he is quite a genius! But under my halo, he is a bit bleak."

Seeing that the young man had successfully aroused everyone's interest, he was very proud, but he still pretended to be regretful.

But Li Yunfeng was speechless immediately after listening to it. Feelings are a big fool. Don't you need to make a draft to brag?
At this time, both Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru had a smile in their eyes, and they didn't speak.

"I don't believe it!" The blushing man shook his head again, and then said very firmly.

"Why don't you believe it?" The young man didn't get angry, and he looked like an outsider, which would make him appear to be well-bred.

"Because most real masters don't promote themselves everywhere like you!" said the blushing man, a little unconvinced.

"You are wrong about this!" The young man shook his head, and then said: "Whether it is an ordinary person or an outsider, some like low-key, and some like high-key, and I am a relatively high-key person! My second junior brother It’s just people who prefer to be low-key.”

Li Yunfeng: "...."

However, this young man was right in one sentence. The second junior brother in his fantasy, that is, Li Yunfeng, is indeed very low-key, and often does good deeds without leaving his name!

After hearing the young man's explanation, the blushing man still shook his head, still not believing it.

"It looks like I won't convince you if I don't show off my skills!" The young man shook his head helplessly, as if what he said was true.

"Then show me your hand!" The blushing man said unconvinced.

"Okay, then I'll show you something, you can watch it later!" The young man smiled mysteriously.

Although Li Yunfeng knew that this man was a big liar, it didn't affect his expectations. The journey was lonely, but it was good to have more fun!

(End of this chapter)

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