917 2 minutes

"Ever since the snake girl came back, I felt that I might have made a mistake and might have underestimated your strength." Keles smiled lightly, with regret.

"However, since you have made a mistake, you must face up to your mistakes, and you cannot confront you head-on blindly, because in a blind duel, I may win or fail. Three-on-one is not safe, so I will wait, wait for you to come! In response to an old saying in your Huaxia, respond to all changes with the same!"

"Of course, it's not really completely unchanged. At least some changes need to be made, such as observing your whereabouts!"

"But what? It's definitely not a stupid follow-up observation. After all, powerful people like you have strong anti-tracking capabilities, so I won't follow you!"

"But! It's very safe to arrange a person to lurk in a relatively far away location where it is difficult for anyone to find out!"

"For example? Ten kilometers away from you? No matter how powerful you are, it's impossible to find out!"

When Chris spoke, his whole body was filled with a feeling of extreme superiority. He was very satisfied with his mind and degree of care.

At this time, he calculated a powerful person who could kill the snake girl, and he was even more proud.

"Ten kilometers away, it's really safe!"

Li Yunfeng couldn't deny that this distance meant that when his kung fu and divine sense were functioning normally, it would be almost impossible to find out if he didn't investigate specially. The other party was indeed very careful.

"But the disadvantage is that we really can't know your whereabouts. If you go shopping in the city, I won't know."

"But the good thing is that if you come to the door, I can know your whereabouts. After all, you have come to the door? Isn't it?" Keles continued, full of ambition.

"But I didn't arrange this to spy on you! Because I know that if I don't look for you, you will. I'll wait here for you to come. Here you are, the one who is at an absolute safe distance from you." People will be dispatched!"

"He's dispatched, you should know what it means?"

"This is 3 kilometers away from the suburb where you are. How long will it take you to go back? How fast are you? I don't know, but I know, you can't go back within [-] minutes!"

"However, Abel, one of the Four King Kongs, is only ten kilometers away from there, and his speed is definitely enough, so you should honestly be one of the Four King Kongs!"

"What do you think of my proposal?"

Chris laughed.

"I don't think so!"

Li Yunfeng subconsciously wanted to punch Kles, but in the darkness, there was a surge of energy. It was obvious that the opponent was not really defenseless.

"Although I speak very fast, even so, one minute has passed since the order was issued, and there are only two minutes left? You really don't want to be one of the Four King Kong!"

Chris didn't care, just continued talking.

Li Yunfeng didn't speak, just turned around and left!

"Oh, I'll wait for you here, come back soon!"

Keles didn't stop Li Yunfeng, just said something with a smile, and then started playing with the two beauties beside him.

Li Yunfeng was as fast as lightning, and disappeared directly into Kles' mansion.

"Oh, the speed is really fast, but it's still far from 2 kilometers in [-] minutes! Why bother wasting energy?"

"Are you thinking of intercepting on the road? What a pity? There are countless roads in New York City, and Abel is not in a hurry? Can you stop the seven turns and eighteen turns?"

"Even if you can stop it, so what? Since you care so much about your little lover and his father, if you stop him, what can you do? We will die together?"

"Stupid, but it doesn't matter, you don't need to be smart to be my subordinate, because I'm already smart enough!"

Watching Li Yunfeng turn and leave, Kles murmured to himself, he felt that he was really too smart, and he had a feeling of being alone and seeking defeat.

"Is there only 2 minutes left? You think it's not enough? But I think it's enough! I'll kill you in 10 minutes!"

After Li Yunfeng rushed out for a few seconds, he was already some distance away. At this time, his body was full of blood.

At this time, he displayed an extremely powerful body tactic, which is usually used in battle, but now he uses this as a way to speed up.

Although it consumes all the energy in his body, he can still bear it for just 2 minutes.

Li Yunfeng returned along the original road, like a berserk blood dragon, almost no one on the street could see his speed clearly.


Abel was tens of seconds faster than what Kles said, obviously the other party wanted to make a quick decision!

At this time, he has arrived at Wan Cheng's house.

Abel was so violent that he punched Wan Cheng's courtyard and house doors open, and laughed loudly, waking up Wan Cheng and Wan Yi who were sleeping.

Both of them screamed in their respective rooms, shouting for help.

"The person who can save your life seems to be unable to save you in New York City at this time! You should give up!"

At this moment, Abel first came to Wan Yi's room, and seeing Wan Yi in pajamas, with sleepy eyes and a somewhat terrified look, he also had a big appetite.

But thinking of his mission, he still held back and just grabbed Wan Yi.

"Little Yi..."

Wan Cheng also rushed out at this time, his eyes were tearing apart, and he looked at the other room, but there was no movement at all, obviously the other party was right.

Abel is considered a normal person, unlike the half-human, half-snake monster like Snake Girl, he is an earth-gold dual-line supernatural being.

It is impossible for ordinary people to escape under his hands.

"is it?"

At this time, a ghost-like voice suddenly came over.

At the same time, Abel felt a shocking surge of blood energy behind him, and it was also violently attacking him from outside the house at this time.

The power was overwhelming, and Abel was shocked.

At first, he felt that the master was so cautious, it was really a bit of a fuss.

Let's not talk about whether the snake girl is dead or not, even if she is really dead, who can resist the attack of their three king kong?
Especially the boss crocodile?

That was extremely terrifying, even if the three of them fought together, they would not be opponents. Is it necessary to be so careful?

Do you have to wait for the other party to leave before you dare to make a move?

The owner said it was ruthless, but he was too careful.

He couldn't bear to see it, but at this moment, there was only horror in his heart.

With such power, even God Crocodile is not necessarily an opponent!

He didn't dare to resist, he ignored the force behind him, and stared at the young woman in front of him.

He believed that as long as he caught this woman, the other party would not dare to do anything to him!
At this moment, he tried his best to charge towards Wan Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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