Chapter 931 Plan No. [-]
Everyone's expressions changed upon hearing this, and there is actually a plan No. [-]?

To lure Li Yunfeng into taking this so-called divine herb, which is as dark as a human palm, should be the No. [-] plan, right?

This person really has bad intentions, but fortunately, Li Yunfeng is even stronger!
As he said before, all conspiracies are vulnerable to absolute power!

When Patriarch Max and Claude retreated one after another, Li Yunfeng finally swiped and opened his eyes!
Li Yunfeng's aura didn't change much, the only change was his eyes.

His eyes are like dragon eyes, with awe-inspiring aura!
At this time, with the help of Tiandaocao, his strength has recovered ahead of schedule, and he is more confident than before!

He looked at Max, who had already retreated far away, when the other party yelled Plan No. [-] frantically!
Li Yunfeng sneered, the reason why the other party wants to implement the No. [-] plan must be that they do not have absolute confidence in the No. [-] plan!

The other party's so-called No. [-] and No. [-] plans must have been finalized last night.

Li Yunfeng could even guess that the other party's so-called No. [-] plan was aimed at the situation when his cultivation had not fully recovered.

Because he believed that Kles had cultivated himself as not in his heyday, so he told Patriarch Max!
That's why the other party has the audacity to deal with him!

To put it bluntly, the so-called No. [-] plan is a broken plan!
Just when Li Yunfeng was about to step forward, suddenly, a huge steel wall emerged from the ground, all of which were made of super alloy.

The Max family is also very clear that today's Li Yunfeng is not something that can be solved by a small thermal weapon.

Believe that Kles's everything dissolves, and the other party knows it too.

So he simply besieged Li Yuanfeng!

Of course, it only needs to be sieged for a period of time. They don't expect a steel wall to really trap Li Yunfeng.

This institution is actually a double institution.

The offensive mechanism that came in from the outside seemed to be withdrawn, but the internal siege mechanism was not!

Using it to deal with Li Yunfeng at this time is also a step in the plan!
The steel walls made of these alloys are extremely strong in defense.

But Li Yunfeng didn't have the slightest worry, he punched one after another, violently bombarding.

Although it is not like tofu, every time Li Yunfeng punches, a hole of one or two decimeters is formed.

In just 1 minute, Li Yunfeng blasted a passage directly.

But in this 1 minute, Patriarch Max has already disappeared without a trace!
Or rather than escaping, but to start the real plan!
But Claude is still here, watching Li Yunfeng type it out in just 1 minute, his eyes are also shrinking!
"Under the reputation, there really are no empty scholars!"

Claude stared at Li Yunfeng and said solemnly.

Next to Patriarch DuPont, there were also masters.

Xie Yuan and another person who seemed more powerful were on guard carefully at this moment!

Seeing Li Yunfeng walk out, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

But Claude didn't pay attention to Patriarch Dupont and the others, even Bai Weiwanyi and the others!

Even if they killed all these people today, if they didn't kill Li Yunfeng, then they would be finished.

On the contrary, as long as Li Yunfeng is killed, even if these people are not killed, it doesn't matter!
These people are irrelevant, Claude will not waste his energy to kill these people!
Even Patriarch Max regards these people as air!

"Are you here waiting to die?"

Li Yunfeng just said a word, and went directly to Claude.

Regardless of his number of plans, under his iron fist, everything will be wiped out.

The number one master in the world has already been killed by him, so Li Yunfeng naturally doesn't care about the former third master.

So without any scruples, he rushed directly to the past.

Boom boom boom!
Li Yunfeng's physical skills are unparalleled, and his skills are soaring.

In just a few moments, the so-called master was sent flying hundreds of meters by Li Yunfeng.

The whole person is also vomiting blood crazily, and there is almost no strength to resist!

"Sect Master Li is really too powerful. Are Kyle and Claude out of their wits? They want to fight against Sect Master Li?"

Patriarch Dubang was the first to really see Li Yunfeng make a move, and his heart trembled violently.

At the same time, I am also very excited. It is a very happy thing to be friends with powerful people!
"Didn't you say the third expert? How could you be beaten away so easily?"

Wan Yi was also a little stunned, but more excited!
Bai Wei was also dumbfounded. Seeing Xie Yuan and Patriarch Du Pont's bodyguard looking nervous, she thought this old man was really powerful, but he was defeated in a few strokes?
"Didn't your strength drop greatly?"

Although Claude was a little afraid of Li Yunfeng, he was still calm, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed.

But at this moment, his heart was shocked!
What Keles called Li Yunfeng's strength dropped drastically, but he didn't see where the drop occurred at all. At this moment, he had a very bad premonition in his heart!

"Yes, I did drop in strength before!"

Li Yunfeng smiled very calmly.

"What? When did Sect Master Li lose his strength?" Patriarch Du Bang looked at Li Yunfeng in a daze.

But seeing Li Yunfeng admitting it, at this moment he finally knew why Patriarch Max dared to confront Li Yunfeng after eating the courage of Xiong Xinbao!
It turned out that he learned that Sect Master Li's strength had dropped drastically, which made sense.

"Then what are you doing now? Could it be that you can easily defeat me even with a big drop in cultivation? Has the world's top combat power reached such a terrifying level?"

Claude covered his heart, the corner of his mouth was full of blood, and said in horror.

"That's not true. If I fight you with a greatly reduced cultivation base, although I can still defeat you, it will not be so simple!"

At this moment, Li Yunfeng was talking, and his eyes were looking into the distance. At this time, there were more than a dozen long rainbows coming towards this direction at a very high speed!

Every long rainbow is extremely powerful!
To Li Yunfeng's feeling, every one is no less than Claude!
"Then you obviously...wrong, don't tell me..."

Suddenly, Claude's eyes turned to the five-finger grass with only branches left, and his eyes suddenly looked incredible!

"How is it possible? For hundreds of years, it has been proved that this five-finger grass does not have the medicinal effect of improving your cultivation. How is it possible that it made you recover?"

Claude shook his head crazily. He couldn't believe that Li Yunfeng was recovered with the help of him and Kyle.

"You guessed right! That Heavenly Dao Grass is the medicine I urgently need! Heavenly Dao Grass has neither the effect of improving cultivation nor the ability to restore cultivation, but I just need it!"

"You people are self-righteous, but you don't know how to play tricks in front of a person who specializes in alchemy? How ridiculous?"

Li Yunfeng's face was full of sarcasm and disdain, for the dozen or so long rainbows that came, Li Yunfeng saw them as gifts!

"There is such an effect?" Claude was a little stunned, "Heavenly Grass? Is the black grass called Heavenly Grass?"

Claude was stunned, he didn't expect this black blade of grass to have such a domineering name?
And at this moment, more than a dozen long rainbows were extremely fast and powerful.

Right between Li Yunfeng's words, it has already arrived!
Li Yunfeng smiled lightly, without any fear, his cultivation has been completely restored, this feeling is really refreshing!
(End of this chapter)

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