The return of the immortal world

Chapter 961 Ending the battle in 1 second?

Chapter 961 End the battle in one second?
For the eyes of everyone, she saw too much 20 years ago.

At this time, she went directly to the old computer that had been chosen and no one was using it and sat down.


Everyone is speechless!

"Forget it, let her try it. When she really encounters the hacker who abused the world, she will know what despair is. Do you really think that if you know a little bit of hacking technology, you can come to us and cheat?"

At this time, seeing a subordinate jumping out to directly expose the deception of these two people, Director Hong stopped him in a low voice.

That is, when everyone was talking, Queen Blanche typed at a super fast speed, and rows of English letters appeared on the computer screen.

Everyone was a little startled by Blanche's hand speed, wouldn't this be a random fight?

However, seeing that the letters on the screen seem to be arranged with a little sense, everyone thinks that the blond woman should understand a little bit.

Everyone was about to continue watching, but the letters on the screen had disappeared.

There was only a blank desktop left, and the blonde woman's hands also put down the keyboard at this time.

"Has the hacker been wiped out by the other party's Trojan horse program without alerting the hacker?"

Everyone looked at the blond woman standing up just like that, dumbfounded.

I thought that the liar should have a hand, but he lost the battle in this way, isn't this too fast?
"How many seconds have passed?"

"Like three seconds!"

"From the beginning to the end, there is no three seconds, it should only be two seconds!"

"No, it should only be one second!"

"Being defeated in a second? Even Xiaobai, who doesn't understand computers at all, can't be defeated so quickly?"

At this moment, everyone forgot their disbelief and ridicule, and just stared blankly at the empty table and Blanche who had already got up.

Since Lin Qianmeng started practicing, her eyes and ears have improved greatly.

She could see Blanche's movements clearly, the opponent's hand speed was frightening, she had never seen such a terrifying hand speed in real life or on the Internet.

But it only lasted for a second, the other party seemed to issue some instructions, and then disappeared.

"How? Is it victory or defeat?"

Li Yunfeng naturally saw it clearly.

Although he couldn't understand what kind of instructions Blanche made in a second, he seemed to have seen such a set of instructions in Tianda Company.

At that time, as soon as this command was issued, the computer would run automatically. Anyway, it was very mysterious, and it was not much worse than cultivating immortals by yourself.

"It should be victorious. When I issued the order just now, I took a look at the countless viruses and Trojans implanted in the company's network by the other party."

"Then I found out that the hacker who attacked the network seemed to be as good as I was 25 years ago! If he came to attack our company's network, he would not be able to break through the first protective shield I installed 20 years ago!"

Queen Blanche was very puzzled, didn't she agree to be a super hacker?
Why is it at this level?

Queen Blanche is really speechless at this moment.

Upon hearing this, Li Yunfeng sweated slightly.

He has always felt that he is against the sky, but as a female slave, his level in some aspects is not weaker than himself!

But the shock doesn't seem to stop!

"However, I seem to have seen this hacker's method a few years ago when I was sorting out the database."

"That person should be the highest-level hacker who attacked our company's network. When he attacked our protective shield, he was not like other people who went forward and thought they could break through."

"Instead of attacking once, they retreated in shock."

"Then swam around the protective shield for a long time before leaving, but then often appeared on the periphery, as if studying and studying."

"Because the master ordered me to fight against hackers, so I took a look at the database of the shield before I came to see that our company had traces of super hackers' attacks."

"Then after comparing it just now, I found that this hacker appeared once a few days ago, and he should still be studying and researching, but so far, the first layer of protection is still not broken! It's nothing!"

Blanche spoke slowly, and everyone in the office was stunned.

Even Li Yunfeng is the same, Nima, I have always thought that Blanche's computer skills are against the sky, but should I be so against the sky?

Emotions, the hacker's level of abuse all over the world, is only learned from studying Queen Blanche's protective shield?

Of course, only Li Yunfeng believed it!

Others, including Lin Qianmeng, didn't believe it. They sent a command in a second, and then found out that the hacker learned from your shield. Why don't you go to the sky?


Why not God already used it!
Everyone shook their heads!

Why don't you enter the ground?

"Brother, there seems to be something wrong with your slave girl's mind, why don't you take her to the psychiatrist for a look!"

Director Hong hesitated for a while, then said to Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng gave Director Hong a hard look, but didn't speak. After all, the world of geniuses is hard to understand.

Even someone with such a high IQ like him is a little incredible.

Even a peerless figure like Queen Blanche, in a field she doesn't particularly understand, admires Li Yunfeng immensely.

It's just a different world.

Li Yunfeng's world is just a bit more advanced than Blanche's online world.

"Then what is the function of your order?"

Li Yunfeng asked.

"This is a simple artificial intelligence command. After I send it out, it will automatically run the anti-virus and remove all kinds of stubborn Trojans. After the other party notices it, it will automatically attack and defend with the other party. The result should be there soon!"

After confirming the hacker's level at this time, Blanche was very confident.

"My day, artificial intelligence is here!"

After listening to all the security personnel here, they all felt like they were fucked up, just typing on the keyboard for a second, is it artificial intelligence?
At this moment, they were powerless to complain, and they didn't even have the idea of ​​sending Li Yunfeng and Blanche away. They wanted to see what amazing things these two people could say?

"Did you research these yourself, or did you receive them from some super-technological civilization? Or were they combined?"

Li Yunfeng also asked curiously at this time.

"Some advanced artificial intelligence refers to the artificial intelligence of super-technological civilization. As for the artificial intelligence instruction just issued, I researched it five years ago alone!"

Queen Blanche explained.


In the end, Li Yunfeng only said a word.

"Compared to you, master, I am nothing more than a speck of dust!"

Blanche was praised by Li Yunfeng, she was a little surprised in her heart, and said with some joy at this moment.

"How long will it take to break through?"

Li Yunfeng asked.

"Issuing the command for one second and running for one second, it should be almost the same, and the battle should be over!"

Queen Blanche said.

When Li Yunfeng heard this, he almost fell down.

End the battle in a second?
Nima, you slave girl actually tricked me?
After hearing this, everyone couldn't bear it anymore, and finally someone was ready to start scolding.

But suddenly, everyone heard that one of the security personnel was staring at their computer and screaming again and again, their eyes were full of disbelief, and their whole body was trembling violently!
At the same time, there were many footsteps outside the door, as if there were many people rushing here at this time!

"What are you yelling for? Are you fucking stupid? Are you in a demonic barrier?"

Director Hong didn't dare to scold the people brought by President Lin, but his own people didn't dare to scold?
(End of this chapter)

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