The return of the immortal world

Chapter 965 Conquering the world for my emperor!

Chapter 965 Conquering the world for my emperor!
According to the information obtained by Queen Blanche from breaking the hacker, the hacker, and the so-called general, are somewhere in Europe.

If it wasn't for the arrival of Queen Blanche, Li Yunfeng might order his forces in Europe to act directly.

Although he has not seen the strength of this general with his own eyes, according to his estimation, with the help of the Onassis family in Europe, or the Holy Church of Light, or the Church of Darkness, any one of them should be able to subdue this so-called general.

But here comes Queen Blanche, with a very fast flying saucer.

There was no need for Li Yunfeng to consume a lot of spiritual power, so he just sat on the flying saucer and shot it himself.

On the way, you can still enjoy it, why not do it?

Still in that dark little house, the hacker said to the general: "General, my computer was hacked by that woman, and the other party must know where we are, let's leave quickly, this place is not safe anymore!"

"Joke, this general has been asleep for 2000 years, and this time he woke up to unify an empire bigger than the Great Qin Empire, and to unify the whole world!"

The general has long-distance eyes, with a domineering meaning.

"The task my emperor entrusted to me is to collect a large amount of money, medicinal materials, etc., and control all commercial companies. If I have not completed these tasks, why should I leave?"

The general didn't care about the exposure of his position, he was very confident in the sword in his hand.

"General, you must not underestimate this Yuanlai Group. When I attacked Yuanlai Group, I told you, General, that this is another group of super big men in the world."

"That woman with extremely high means must be the super big man who can be hired."

"The man has never been defeated since he came out of the mountain. He is known as Emperor Zun. He is an extraordinary person. I think it is better not to mess with him in the future!"

The hacker wanted to flee here immediately.

But this so-called general was too confident, and felt that he didn't need it at all. If he came, he would just kill him directly.

"Then my emperor has ever had a defeat? Isn't it the same as it was 2000 years ago? Destroyed!"

"This world has changed, but what hasn't changed is that we are still strong. In more than 2000 years, we have changed from so-called mortals to gods who are as powerful as heaven and man!"

"As long as I complete the task, unify the business world, and collect enough medicinal materials and sacred stones, on that day, my emperor will be able to revive millions of powerful heavenly soldiers and generals, and then I can counterattack the world. The so-called emperor? It's just one It’s just a joke, it’s bound to be crushed by our iron hooves!”

When the general said this, the sword was unsheathed again, with the meaning of clanging and swallowing the sky!

Feeling the powerful aura of the so-called general, even the hacker became somewhat convinced at this time.

"What's the matter with the female hacker you just mentioned? Since she is so powerful, I think she should be included in my emperor's command. If she is good-looking, she can also be dedicated to my emperor as a concubine!"

The general said that in the face of a short-term defeat, he quickly thought of a solution.

"General wise!"

The hacker was stunned for a moment, and he was also a little surprised. Although the general looked very old-fashioned and arrogant, he still had some brains.

"Where this woman is, I don't know at all, but the attack she launched just now was indeed sent from the Yuanlai Group, so at this time, the woman should be in the Yuanlai Group."

The hacker thought for a while, then said.

"Yuanlai Group? Isn't it the emperor's territory? My emperor has told me that we are not allowed to enter the Yuanlai Group's territory privately for the time being! Conflict directly with that false emperor!"

The general hesitated when he heard this.

"It's a great honor, you don't need to directly enter the territory of this emperor, and clashed with me, a false emperor, and this emperor came directly to your territory? General? What do you think?"

Just when the general hesitated, a voice with a hint of teasing suddenly appeared.


The ancient bronze sword in the general's hand pointed directly at the place where the sound came from, but there was no one there.

The general walked forward with some seriousness.

"General, behind you!"

The hacker said in a trembling voice.


The general was taken aback, and swung his sword, slashing wildly behind him.

Brush brush!
Generals are all murderous swords, they don't have extremely luxurious moves, but they are extremely violent!
After just a few sword strikes, it still hit the air.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost? Have the ability to fight directly with this general!"

The general's face was very ugly, and the black air rose from his body, and the decadent air became more and more serious, permeating the entire black room!
At the same time, many armored soldiers appeared silently in the room!
In the dark hut, the decaying atmosphere became more and more serious!

At this moment, the hacker felt the rotten and cold atmosphere in the house, and his whole body shook violently like sifting chaff.

Even though he has been working with this general for several months, he is still terrified when this happens.

Whenever this time, the general will say a despicable race, really cowardly.

But this time, the general obviously didn't have such thoughts.


Many rotten soldiers let out a low growl, exuding evil spirits from their bodies, and went straight towards Li Yunfeng and Queen Blanche.

Although the general couldn't see him, there were Yin soldiers in all directions, so he could still see Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng opened his divine eyes directly, and dozens of Yin soldiers, under Li Yunfeng's laser-like eyes, stopped their figures one after another, as if the years had been shattered, all of them turned into dust!
"Ah... conquer the world for my emperor!"

The general saw dozens of powerful celestial soldiers turning into dust just like that, and the rotten aura on their bodies became even stronger.

At this moment, he went mad, with the bronze sword in his hand, slashing wildly!

The hacker hid in the corner and was almost killed several times!
But not long after, the general suddenly found that the bronze sword in his hand was clamped by someone!
He saw the man in front of him, that false emperor!
"Ah, kill!"

The general was very unwilling, he ruled the world, but at this time, in front of this false emperor with one arm around a blond woman, he was really vulnerable!
He's mad, but it's useless!

The false emperor exerted force, and the divine sword in his hand suddenly turned into dust and fell down!
In the next moment, he was directly grabbed by the head by the false emperor, and he couldn't break free!

"Ah... My emperor will lead millions of Yin soldiers to conquer the world. You false emperor will eventually become Yunyan!"

The general shouted loudly!

"There is no soul! Only remnants!"

Li Yunfeng frowned, the moment he searched for the soul, the general's remnants collapsed, and finally the whole person turned into dust!
(End of this chapter)

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