Chapter 97 Kill
Cao Shi and the young man were walking and talking at this time, but they didn't find Li Yunfeng, so Li Yunfeng hid in a nearby bush, ready to listen to what the two of them were talking about.

"As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. You, Cao Shi, were my dog, and you were killed by someone for no reason. You didn't pay attention to me at all! Even if you don't come to me, I will kill you myself. Get rid of this man named Li Yunfeng."

The young man spoke to Cao Shi, and described Cao Shi as a dog very kindly, but Cao Shi's face did not change. Instead, he was very honored that the third young master could call him a dog. After hearing the young man's words, he couldn't stop Nodding and bowing, he looked like a complete slave.

"Yes, yes, San Shao, you are one of the top geniuses in the Zhang family, a mere nameless kid with no background, how can you be your opponent, San Shao, if you make a move later, that kid Li Yunfeng will definitely fuck up! "

Cao Shikuang was flattering, and he was slightly relieved at this moment. Although his meridians are all abolished now, because he was able to help Zhang Sanshao in the past, Zhang Sanshao still asked him to help him manage the mundane industry. It is a blessing in misfortune.

"Go to Li Yunfeng, it's nothing!" Zhang Sanshao said with a sneer.

"And that woman you mentioned is really so beautiful?" Zhang Sanshao asked suddenly, with bursts of green light in his eyes.

"Let's not talk about the whole country. In our three-acre land, it is difficult to find a second one like this. And most importantly, she is 30 years old and still a baby. This is a mature woman, just waiting Third Young Master, you are here to pick it!" Cao Shi said with a wretched smile.

"Okay, it's done, I will definitely reward you!" Zhang Sanshao said with a big smile.

Li Yunfeng was annoyed when he heard it in the dark, how could it be that he just wanted to hit his own woman?Am I just so invisible?
Seeing the so-called Zhang Sanshao and Cao Shi gradually approaching, Li Yunfeng no longer hides, because even if he wants to hide, he can't hide. This bush can't be seen directly, but when he gets close, he can see it at a glance. come out.

Li Yunfeng moved, and the nearby bushes made a slight noise, Zhang Sanshao heard it immediately, and shouted: "Who?"

Li Yunfeng stood up directly, and then said: "It is the person you discussed just now, and the person who is going to take revenge."

"You are Li Yunfeng? It's not easy, you actually found our ancestral land directly!" Zhang San rarely saw this young man say that he was Li Yunfeng, and said with some surprise.

But it was just an accident. He didn't think that someone like Li Yunfeng who was completely unknown in the world was very powerful. Could it be that he was more powerful than himself?

Even though Cao Shi's description is a bit exaggerated, but seeing that the other party is just in his early twenties, he is in the late stage of inner strength. Cao Shi with such a cultivation base must be very casual.

"However, you are so courageous that you even dared to directly intrude into our ancestral land. Do you know the horror of our family? Looking at the whole country, they all belong to the top class." The third young master of the Zhang family continued, with a look of pride on his face. .

Especially in his generation, where geniuses come forth in large numbers, even though he is extremely talented, he can barely squeeze into the top five.

"I don't know if your family is scary or not, but I know you are very courageous! How dare you plan on my woman! It seems that you really don't know how many eyes Prince Ma has!" Li Yunfeng also sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you're here, I'll kill you myself, and then have sex with your woman in front of you, hahaha!"

Zhang Sanshao laughed wildly and said, very arrogant, he looked like he was sure of winning before the fight started.

"Shut up is my woman. It's a disaster for a person like you to keep your lifeline, so I'll help you get rid of it!" Li Yunfeng said to Zhang Sanshao with a cold look in his eyes.

"Third Young Master, please pay attention, this kid is a bit evil, my guy doesn't seem to be very useful recently, I don't know if it's the trick of this kid, after you catch him, don't kill him, otherwise My sex life will not be guaranteed for the rest of my life!"

When Cao Shi heard Li Yunfeng say this, he felt a little flustered. At this moment, he looked at Li Yunfeng uncertainly, and then said softly to Zhang Sanshao.

"What else? Could it be that you have indulged yourself too much?" Zhang Sanshao looked at Li Yunfeng, then at Cao Shi, and said suspiciously.

"If it's me alone, it's okay to say, but I went there with my cousin Liu Meng. I asked him two days ago. It should be this kid who did it!" Cao Shi said softly.

"It seems that this kid is really not simple, but these are just trails. Before absolute strength, it is just a fantasy after all, and it will not work!" Although Zhang Sanshao paid a little attention, he was still very confident.

Among the generation of the family, there are only a few people who can really overwhelm him, and two of them are older than him. When he reaches that age, he may not be worse than them, so he has always been conceited.

At this time, Li Yunfeng also walked towards Zhang Sanshao. He really didn't have the mood to waste time with this low-level martial artist. He wanted to see if the Zhang family, which Zhang Sanshao was extremely proud of, could be better than the Jiang family. How many.

Seeing Li Yunfeng approaching, Zhang San went straight to meet him. He used all his strength to let this arrogant young man know what despair is!

When the two got closer, the two rushed towards each other directly.

Boom, there was a loud bang.

Butt fists, causing the surrounding vegetation and dust to fly.

After the brief handover between the two, Li Yunfeng remained where he was, while the third young master of the Zhang family was thrown flying, spitting blood on the ground.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Cao Shi was stunned for a moment, and then the cold sweat dripped down his forehead. Regardless of Zhang Sanshao, he screamed and ran directly towards the Zhang family.

Li Yunfeng looked at it, but didn't care. He just looked at Zhang Sanshao on the ground, and then moved on.

Zhang Sanshao was completely crippled at this time, and Li Yunfeng crippled his lifeline and cultivation base in such an instant.

If you dare to hit your woman's attention, it's fine to save your life.

It's a special hobby of mine.

Who told him to play with his own woman?
And Li Yunfeng was sealed for 1 years?This made Li Yunfeng extremely resentful.

At this time, Zhang Sanshao felt the broken meridians in his body, and he was just a little stunned. The next moment, he knew that he was useless, and he became a useless person with no cultivation base just like Cao Shi.

Of course, he didn't know that he was also abolished.

"Li Yunfeng, my father will not let you go, my Zhang family will not let you go, I want you to have no children and grandchildren! I want to rape Su Xiaoru first, then kill, then rape and then kill! Kill their whole family! Kill your whole family !"

Sensing the condition of his own body, Zhang Sanshao shouted in despair, his eyes were full of resentment.

Li Yunfeng paused when he heard the cry behind him, turned around and stared at Zhang Sanshao, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

I didn't intend to kill people, but since you are like this, I will not be polite. Although he rarely kills people when he comes to the earth, it doesn't mean he won't kill people.

Just to see if this person is worth killing!He will never indulge in trouble!

Seeing Li Yunfeng turn around, Zhang San suddenly trembled, feeling a little regretful.

It is obvious that man is a knife and I am a fish, why don't you bear it for a while?Go back to the clan to find your father and patriarch, and then take revenge?
But when he thought of this, he was already finished, and a black object the size of half a palm appeared in Li Yunfeng's hand.

He saw Li Yunfeng waved his hand forward, and then Zhang Sanshao felt a pain in his throat. He touched it with his hand, and blood gushed out like a tide.

Zhang Sanshao covered his throat, yelled, and tilted his head in regret.

 Begging for a recommendation ticket.I knelt down


(End of this chapter)

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