Chapter 99

When the second young master of the Zhang family met Li Yunfeng for the first time, he knew that his absolute strength was weaker.

So at this time, the second young master of the Zhang family changed his tactics and prepared to use his rich combat experience and martial skills to fight the opponent. Defeating the opponent does not only depend on absolute strength!

Zhang Ershao saw Li Yunfeng as if he saw the prey, his eyes glowed with war, and he licked the corner of his mouth. As he rushed over, he took a strange step, flickering from left to right, making it difficult to see clearly his true intentions.

Li Yunfeng looked at Zhang Ershao's steps, and was a little disappointed, it was just a very ordinary low-level step.

His original sky walk was a unique step in the void. Taking the galaxy as the ground, he could cross the endless galaxy in one step, and even light could not catch up with his steps. What is even more amazing is that this kind of step can cause space-time confusion, making the opponent There is no way of knowing where you are.

Li Yunfeng didn't even need to use his magic skills for this kind of rough steps, he only needed to rely on his powerful perception to pinpoint the opponent's foothold and attack forcefully.

But at this time, Li Yunfeng intentionally controlled it, so the level of spiritual power was only about the same as that of the opponent. The reason why he was able to occupy an absolute advantage was actually mainly because he had spiritual power, while the opponent was only the inner strength flowing through the meridians. That's all.

Zhang Ershao quickly punched Li Yunfeng, attacking Li Yunfeng's left rib for a while, then the right side for a while, with the sound of sonic boom mixed in the fist wind, it should be a relatively systematic punching method.

And Li Yunfeng was always able to anticipate the enemy's opportunity, blocked the opponent's fist in time, relying on his own spiritual power over internal strength, and knocked Zhang Ershao back from time to time.

Zhang Ershao was not surprised but pleased when he saw this. During the battle, he changed a set of palms again, slapping Li Yunfeng all over his body, occasionally changing into fists, changing freely, and pinching each other.

Li Yunfeng was still able to do anything with ease, although the opponent was fierce in attack, but in terms of combat experience, how could the opponent be richer than himself, even if he didn't use any spells, he could easily knock him down.

Zhang Er was a little shocked that he could not knock down Li Yunfeng even by switching freely with his physical skills and martial arts.

Li Yunfeng had never used any martial arts or footwork, only dodged and blocked, and never attacked even once.

Seeing this, Zhang Ershao hurriedly changed his moves, and used a sky-splitting palm. This is the supreme palm technique of their family. It has been practiced to the extreme, as if the sky can be split.

Li Yunfeng felt the unusualness of this sky-splitting palm, hesitated a little, but still accepted it.

"Bang bang bang!" Li Yunfeng felt a huge force hitting his body, and was actually repelled by the opponent three steps for the first time.

Li Yunfeng's eyes showed surprise, it seems that these martial arts families are somewhat unskilled, just this move of splitting the sky palm, it is considered a very good skill in the realm of qi refining in the world of immortality.

"That's right, I'll show you a trick too!" Li Yunfeng became a little interested in the second young master of the Zhang family, and used a set of shaking mountain palms that he hadn't used in the world of cultivating immortals for a long time.

The name is not as domineering as the Sky Splitting Palm, but its power is good. When Li Yunfeng first went to the world of cultivating immortals, he used this set of palms very frequently, but he didn't use it after the golden core.

"Okay, finally made a move!" The second young master of the Zhang family was very excited to see that Li Yunfeng was finally forced back by him and wanted to take the initiative to attack, but he was on guard carefully.

Li Yunfeng rushed up directly relying on his own extreme speed, because his speed was too fast for the opponent to dodge, and the second young master of the Zhang family didn't want to dodge either, so he used the Sky Splitting Palm again to meet Li Yunfeng's Mountain Shaking Palm.

At this moment, the surrounding vegetation was flying, and some thorns and flowers were directly broken by the shock wave at the place where the palms were facing each other, which showed the power of the palms facing each other.

Li Yunfeng's face was very calm after palming together, but his hair and clothes were blown up.

On the other hand, the second young master of the Zhang family was swollen with gas, his face was flushed, and his body was trembling slightly, obviously struggling to support himself.

This confrontation did not last for three seconds, and finally the two separated. Li Yunfeng took a step back, while Zhang Ershao was thrown six or seven meters away by the force of the impact, and lay on the ground vomiting blood fiercely. I wanted to struggle to get up, but found that I couldn't do it anymore, obviously I had suffered a serious internal injury.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng didn't bother Zhang Ershao anymore. After this slap, he had to lie on the bed for at least a month before recovering. This was because of his mercy.

However, the competition with Zhang Ershao let Li Yunfeng know that the earth also has some good martial arts. For example, Zhang Ershao's Sky Splitting Palm and his own Mountain Shaking Palm should be of the same level.

The reason why Li Yunfeng only took a step back while the other party suffered internal injuries due to the same level of spiritual power and internal strength was firstly related to spiritual power and internal strength, and secondly, Zhang Ershao had not been able to fully comprehend the Sky Splitting Palm after all, and Li Yunfeng However, Mountain Shaking Palm has been used to the extreme.

Li Yunfeng continued to walk along this road, and he could faintly see the Zhang family, but there was still a little distance.

Suddenly, Li Yunfeng found that there was a spy in front of him, and this person turned around and ran away when he saw Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng didn't mind when he saw this, he continued to move forward, he had absolute confidence, no matter who came, he would be able to catch it, so naturally he would not pay attention to peeping people.

This person was the first to know when Cao Shi spread the news of the third young master's defeat to the clan, and then ran over. He didn't expect the second young master to be defeated as well.

Seeing that Li Yunfeng found him, he was so frightened that he ran away in a hurry.

At this time, in the main hall of the Zhang family, Cao Shi stood there tremblingly, like walking on thin ice.

"Is what you said true?" In the middle of the hall, a man with a goatee was sitting on the main seat, sitting upright, surrounded by family elders and some direct family children.

"It's absolutely true, how dare I tell lies!" Cao Shi hurriedly replied, the person above is the current Patriarch of the Zhang family, and he has contributed to good fortune.

"Okay, you dare to enter my Zhang's house alone, I'll meet him!" The main seat went down, and a man on the right stood up. He didn't look very young, but he was very similar to the patriarch.

This person is the eldest son of the Zhang family. He is nearly forty years old and has good talent. He has already entered the late stage of the day after tomorrow. In this generation, he has no rivals except for that pervert who suddenly appeared!
"The second child has already passed away. Wait a minute. Among your brothers here, the second child is second only to you. There shouldn't be any problems!" The head of the Zhang family waved his hand and asked him to wait, but There is no rush.

Just suddenly, a person ran in from the door, panting: "Patriarch, it's not good, the second young master has also been defeated, that young man is coming this way!"

"What?" The head of the Zhang family was startled, stood up directly, and said with a shocked expression.

(End of this chapter)

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