man returning from hell

Chapter 1 The Butcher Tang Returns from Hell

Chapter 1 The Butcher Tang Returns from Hell
The night was dark.

It's cold and windy!

It shouldn't be like this in September!

But in an unnamed valley dozens of miles outside of Yuncheng, it is experiencing this unbearable cold.

" is it possible, were obviously shot, why did you..."

"Are you a human, or a ghost... how can you still be alive!"

It was a man in black, and he was trembling.

There is also a pit dug under the feet, which is ready to bury people, but now...

The person he wanted to bury was alive!
The young man didn't speak, just looked at the man in black, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, but this kind of smile made the man in black even more terrified.

Finally he couldn't help it anymore, he took out his gun, and with a few bangs, he fired at the young man!
But the next scene, he will never forget for the rest of his life!
I saw that the bullet was caught by the young man!

Between his two fingers, the bronze-colored bullet was still smoking, and he was still unscathed!
"Ghost, you are a ghost, ahhh!"

He threw down the gun and screamed, even if he is a killer, he has completely collapsed now, and he is about to escape!

But at this moment, the young man flicked his finger suddenly, and the bullet caught between his fingers flew out, directly piercing the head of the man in black!
That pit, which was originally prepared for others, became a grave dug for myself!
to death.

He didn't even understand why the person who was shot in the heart by him would come back to life, and could... do such a terrifying method of trapping the bullet!


Lin Tang didn't move.

He still stood where he was.

His heart is a little messed up.

But it's not because he killed someone, but because of his current situation, he can't accept it instantly!

However, the remaining memories in his mind made him unable to accept one thing, that is, he was reborn!
Reborn in a completely different person!

It was a young man named Xu Ze, a 23-year-old ordinary teacher,...

And now this place turned out to be the earth that I always wanted to come back to, and it was still the earth in 2018!

"So, have I, Lin Tang, come back again? I should have died in the Holy Tribulation, but I was lucky enough to be reborn two years after my original death?"

Thinking of this, his fists were clenched tightly, that was excitement!

Lin Tang, also known as Butcher Tang!

It is the God Realm, the only existence that has experienced the Holy Tribulation!

In his previous life, he had an accident, was framed by someone, and was finally thrown into the sea.

The soul enters hell, and luckily becomes a ghost messenger, practice ghost art, and become a ghost cultivator!
However, cultivation in hell is not that simple. If you want to advance, you have to kill all the way. He traverses hell, advances all the way, and finally controls the entire hell reincarnation!
Then, ascend to the God Realm!
For millions of years, he was the only one who entered the God Realm through ghost cultivation, but because of his ghost cultivation nature, he was chased and killed by the entire God Realm!

For hundreds of years, not only did the powerhouses of the God Realm fail to kill him, but because of their souls, they were continuously absorbed by Lin Tang, until finally, they even crushed the Lord of the God Realm!
"God Emperor Xuantian... In just one thought, this deity let you live, but you took advantage of the time when this deity was crossing the holy calamity, and you led the gods of the gods and the gods to attack this deity, which made this deity fail to cross the calamity. But you, you did not expect that this deity Did you survive?"

Yi Nian Sheng!

One thought dies!

"The only person I, Lin Tang, let go of in my life died in his hands. You, Xuantian! I will go back and personally cut off that so-called benevolence!"

"Of course, there is also you...Chen Heng, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be separated from my family and sister..."

"Now, I'm back, and you, and that woman, are you ready to accept my anger?"

"Parents, sister..."

Lin Tang thought of his parents and sister, and his heart suddenly softened, but soon, he sighed a little!


In his previous life, his home was in QZ City, Haicheng, Jiangnan Province.

There are parents who love him, younger sister...

Although the family is ordinary, they are also happy...

Until I met her!

The woman who thought she would be able to spend the rest of her life together: Zhang Xiaoyun!
My sister said that that kind of woman is not suitable for me, but I was dazzled by love at that time, how could I believe it!
In the end, it was discovered that she had indeed become a rich second generation!

At that time, I was only 20 years old, when I was young and vigorous, how could I bear this tone...

And in the end, because of his own recklessness, he caused his own death and was thrown into the sea!
"Chen Heng, Zhang Xiaoyun, you didn't expect that I, Lin Tang, would come back?"

The corner of Lin Tang's mouth showed a playful look, and in his eyes, something called a flame was jumping.

some things.

It's not that time will pass.


Hatred of leaving home...

These two points, no matter how long time has passed, Lin Tang's strength has reached such a point, they cannot be easily forgotten!
"Home, I want to go back, but now I'm not thinking about these things. At present, the most important thing is to solve the problem in front of me!"

That shot through the heart, when he was reborn, perhaps because of the power of the soul, the wound healed!
However, this identity memory called Xu Ze made Lin Tang a little helpless.

The identity of this Lin Ze is not simple...

Although he is an ordinary teacher, he is the son-in-law of the Liu family in Yuncheng.

This is not special enough!

What's special is that after one year of marriage, not only did she not touch the so-called wife's body once, she was even kicked out of Liu's house.


And that's just the beginning!
This woman from the Liu family, his so-called wife, has a man she likes, and that man is the murderer who asked someone to kill him this time!

But only Lin Tang knew.

There is another real culprit, her so-called wife!

"Lin Tang in the previous life, Xu Ze in this it a coincidence?"

two lifetimes.

The same trajectory of life.

All died at the hands of women!
"Forget it, let's solve it... It's not a good thing after all that you can't understand your thoughts all the way through your cultivation... Anyway, it's my reward for borrowing your body to be reborn!"

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly.

That is to say to himself, to be alive should be said to his own body, the master named Xu Ze said.

Although, his soul has already been devoured by himself!
Looking at the man in the deep pit under his feet, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "I think, at this time, he should be waiting for news, ready to report back!"

Thinking of this, I found the killer's phone, looked through an instruction to kill Xu Ze, edited the words "mission completed", and sent it!
Seeing the words successfully sent, the corners of Lin Tang's mouth curled up slightly.

He was looking forward to what wonderful expression he would have when he saw this Xu Ze appearing in front of him!
"Murder as soon as you come back, Lin Tang, you are really a lunatic!"

Under the dark night.

Lin Tang's figure was stretched very long...

 Guys, we're back!The new book is released, let's fight again! ! ! ! !Recommend, reward, bookmark, let's go! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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