man returning from hell

Chapter 111 Against the sky, there are exceptions, against me, there is no life!

Chapter 111 Against the sky, there are exceptions, against me, there is no life!
" is this possible!"

"That's a strong master. How could Lin Tang blow him away with a single punch? That punch was obviously so ordinary..."

"Not to mention that Master Gangyan's major is physical training. Although he is not at the eighth level of grandmaster, his strength can definitely beat the eighth level of grandmaster!"

"What kind of monster is this Lin Tang? He is so terrifying!"

Everyone gasped, never expecting such a result. Thinking of what they said not long ago, they felt cold in their hearts.

Especially Yun Changtian, who couldn't help but shed cold sweat.

You must know that among all the grandmasters present, his strength is the lowest, only less than the fifth level of the grandmaster.

And Gang Yan is the seventh level of the master, and he is still a strong man who mainly cultivates his body and is better at destroying the power of flames, but he was knocked away by Lin Tang without even resisting a punch.

What if it's me...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Yun Qianqian. If it wasn't for him, then he might really be blown to death by Lin Tang's punch!

The same is true for Lu Wei and others, even though they understand in their hearts that Gang Yan will not be Lin Tang's opponent, after all, Gang Yan is ranked fifth in the celestial list.

But Lin Tang beheaded Chen Tiannan who was second in the past.

But even so, he shouldn't be crushed so easily...

"He, what kind of evildoer is he, how can he be so powerful!"

Looking at Lin Tang who was still standing with his hands behind his back and his clothes fluttering, they clenched their fists tightly!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Just then, there was a coughing sound.

I saw that Gang Yan was standing up from the deep pit.

Now he has messy hair all over his head, his arms are dripping with blood, and the corners of his mouth are overflowing with blood, making him look a bit embarrassed.

Looking at Lin Tang's gaze was full of shock, obviously it was the punch just now, which made him a little unexpected!
"Good! Good! Good!"

Suddenly, Gang Yan grinned with killing intent: "What a Lin Tang, what a butcher Tang, it seems that I have underestimated you, now, I will go all out!"

"Get up!"

A loud shout erupted from Gang Yan's mouth!
Crack clap!

I saw that with the sound of the words falling to the ground, his body swelled up at a high speed, and a terrifying aura came over, like a raging wave hitting the sky!

At this moment, he is like a giant, with a height of two meters, muscles all over his body, like steel, and even a robe of flames flowing!
An unparalleled pressure is suppressing the entire world!

At the same time, Gang Yan shot out again, heading straight towards Lin Tang.

He is like a huge mountain, unstoppable, towering high into the sky, that kind of power that covers the sky, coupled with the destruction of flames, it is as terrifying as tearing people's souls apart!
"Let's do it, let's kill this evildoer together. Fellow Daoist Gangyan alone is definitely not his opponent!"

Seeing Gang Yan strike again, Lu Wei and the others finally couldn't stand anymore!

"Get up!"

Lu Wei shot suddenly, and above his head, a spiritual weapon like an official seal appeared instantly!

As soon as the Sealing Spirit Artifact came out, a vast force of suppression swept in. The power was so terrifying that it even suffocated the group of members of the Yun family, trembling all over, and even kneeling down directly under the suppression!
Once the Sealed Spirit Artifact was completed, Lu Wei directly grabbed it in his hand, and it fell towards Lin Tang in the void, and a huge golden seal was formed on top of Lin Tang in an instant!

That imprint suppressed the world, and with endless suppressing force, it crashed down!


"It turned out to be Zhenshanyin!"

Seeing this imprint, Ye Bei's face also turned serious, and without hesitation, he made an empty hand, and also released a terrifying breath!

He saw a stick-like spirit weapon appear in his hand, and when the spirit weapon appeared, the green light suddenly appeared!

The surrounding trees, flowers and plants trembled as if they were attracted by the green light.


He came out with a stick, the ground exploded, and a giant stick hundreds of meters long pierced through the entire world, directly hitting Lin Tang!

Yun Changyue hesitated for a while. He was going to sacrifice the Dragon Sword, but when he looked at Lu Wei and the others, he finally held back!
The Dragon Sword is of great importance. They have no excuse to take it out now, and now the Yun family is still using these three people to fight against Lin Tang. There must be no mistakes!

"The siege of the four masters, even if you have the means to reach the sky, you will still die, let alone you have sealed your retreat, Lin Tang, this is your life!"

Thinking of this, Yun Changtian did not hesitate, and an aura that was weaker than Lu Wei and the other three burst out.

But even so, it is still the prestige of a master, and it cannot be underestimated either!
He raised his hand directly, and a black mist filled the air, turning into a giant palm with several feet in length, and it also fell towards Lin Tang!

The attack of the four of them was launched in an instant, and the sky for several miles in the Yun family was rippling with ripples.

Their aura was so terrifying that it affected the entire sky within a radius of several miles.

The ground is cracking!

The wind is raging!

Everyone was suppressed, slumped on the ground, trembling.

The shock caused by the scene in front of them was as irresistible as the doomsday. Even though they watched from afar, they were all in despair and fear, let alone Lin Tang who was in the center of the target!

He should be full of despair!

Thinking of this, everyone looked in Lin Tang's direction...

But when he saw this, all of them were stunned for a moment, and felt their scalp go numb!
Lin Tang was still standing with his hands behind his back, letting his clothes flutter under the endless destructive wind.

Even, his gaze never placed on their attacks, but looked at the distant skyline...

There, it is already slightly white, and within a minute, the first ray of morning light in the early morning will cover the entire earth!


Are you ignoring the cooperation of these four masters?
Is he crazy?
Everyone roared in their hearts, they couldn't believe it!
The faces of Lu Wei and the others were also terribly gloomy. They never thought that one person could be so crazy!

"court death!"

There is no room left for their attacks!

Such disregard is already trampling on their arrogance and dignity, and the master cannot be humiliated, how can they allow it!
Just when those four attacks were about to fall on Lin Tang, Lin Tang finally spoke!

He still didn't look away from the horizon, but his voice spread throughout the entire Yun family for several miles, reaching everyone's ears!
"Go against the sky, there are exceptions, against me, there is no chance of life...

Forget it, then let the first ray of sunshine in the morning draw the last sound for you! "

He finally looked away!
He is proud!

Look absolutely cold!

He covered it with one hand, and the endless bloody light filled the sky, turning into a giant palm that covered the sky, directly supporting the three falling attacks, and there was no possibility of advancing!

He stretched out a palm, ordinary and simple, but the void was rippling, and ripples appeared from his palm, directly resisting the destructive fist that suppressed everything!
this moment……

World, silent!
Fear and despair erupted in the hearts of these so-called masters!
this moment……

He, dressed in blood, stood out from the world, standing proudly!

this moment……

He, incarnated as Shura, became that Lord Yan who returned from hell!

 You have misunderstood me, it is not on the shelf, nor does it mean that it has been updated twice, it is a PK failure, and my word count is almost beyond the PK word limit.

  You can only use two updates to press down first, otherwise, if there is no recommendation, this book will be useless!
  Therefore, for this book, I can only slow down the update first. Of course, this time will not be very long, the shortest is three days, and the most is about a week!
  Everyone, let's just understand the next fifty, I don't want to, for the sake of follow-up development, everyone will treat me as lazy for a few days.

  Or, when I get circumcised?


(End of this chapter)

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