man returning from hell

Chapter 14: Kick the door open with one foot

Chapter 14
Soaring entertainment center.

The boy who buried love chased all the way, and finally caught up with Lin Tang at the gate of the entertainment center.

All the way shouting master.

want to be close to him...

But Lin Tang ignored him at all.

At the gate of Feiteng Entertainment Center.

As soon as Lin Tang arrived, he was stopped by several security guards at the door.

But if it's a security guard, it should be said that it's the gangster of Feiteng Entertainment Center.

This Feiteng entertainment center is not simple.

Then Brother Fei's strength is equivalent to that of the Bai family!

It's just different...

One is clear!

One is dark!

"Brother Cai, it's me, it's me, Tang Yan, I'm following Brother Hu's order to bring a master to him!"

Brother Tiger?

Lin Tang frowned, didn't you mean Brother Fei?

Tang Yan, the young man who buried his love, looked at Lin Tang in embarrassment: "Master, I'm actually lying to you. I think you won't dare to resist if I mention Brother Fei's name..."

Lin Tang: ...

This must be a fake bastard!
It is definitely not the huge family that has ruled China for several years in my impression!
"Okay, no matter if it's Brother Hu or whoever, just take me to find that so-called Brother Fei!"

He wasn't in the mood to get entangled in Wen's affairs any longer.

Taking advantage of the time at this time, it is important to deal with it quickly!
"Looking for Brother Fei? What are you, get out of here. Now Brother Fei and Brother Hu are meeting important guests. If you dare to make trouble, don't blame me for being rude, get out!"

The thug named Brother Aicai sneered.

He even stretched out his hand to push Lin Tang away.

But when you push it, it's like pushing a huge rock, and you can't move it no matter what.

"Let me go while I'm not angry, otherwise..."

Lin Tang looked at him indifferently.

Ah Cai was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "That's interesting, seeing you like this, you are here to ask for trouble!"

When he said this, his expression suddenly turned fierce: "I didn't even ask where this place is, but I dared to come here to make trouble. Brothers, I crippled his hands!"

A few of them grinned grimly, and wooden sticks appeared in their hands.

He rushed up directly and greeted Lin Tang's body directly.

There was no room for mercy in that posture.

If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that after this period of violent beating, not to mention the hands, even the legs will be crippled!
Tang Yan's face turned pale, and she immediately wanted to plead for mercy.


Bang bang bang!
I saw bursts of dense impact sounds!

Tang Yan opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

I saw five or six of them on the ground, Cai,

There was blood at the corners of their mouths, their faces were pale, and they lay on the ground moaning in pain.

"My hand...ah, my..."

But this Lin Tang, who didn't know when to make a move, directly crippled their arms!

"Murderer, keep killing him. If you want to cut off my hands, I will cut off your hands today. If you feel uncomfortable in the future, you can come to me, but at that time, it will not be as simple as hands!"

Lin Tang looked at Aicai and the others on the ground indifferently.

Immediately, stepping on their bodies, they walked directly towards Feiteng Entertainment Center.

Tang Yan finally reacted.

"Master, wait for me, wait for me!"

Immediately follow in!

Entered Feiteng Entertainment Center.

Lin Tang paused.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"The one called Brother Fei, what floor is it on?"

Lin Tang felt a little embarrassed...

But he really didn't know which floor it was on.

This Feiteng entertainment center is quite huge, and if you want to find someone, you still don't know it, it's not that simple!
"Haha, so the experts don't know, I thought you knew!"

Tang Yan was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

Seeing Lin Tang whose face turned cold, he quickly shut up: "In the Tianzi private room on the sixth floor, I heard that Brother Fei is there every time. If there is nothing wrong, I can only be there!"

Lin Tang nodded.

Lift your feet.

Tang Yan followed.

"what are you doing?"

"Follow the master!"

Tang Yan took it for granted,

Lin Tang looked deeply at Tang Yan, stretched out his hand, and patted him on the shoulder: "Young man, the world is not suitable for you. I know what your intentions are. Indeed, you have a good eye, but there are some things that are beyond your reach, so , you give up!"

Tang Yan was stunned.

His eyes dodged a little, and he smiled awkwardly: "Master, what are you talking about...I...I'm just curious about you!"

Lin Tang shook his head and stopped talking.

Some people can easily see through.

Just like Tang Yan, the boy who buried his love!

Lin Tang saw through his thoughts at a glance.

There are also some people with unusual eyes.

They see farther than others...

See more too!

Just like this Tang Yan.

From the time he shot the knife at him, he could see that he had martial arts.

I have to say, this young man is very good!


It was a mistake for him to target himself!
Either way, let him understand some things, and he will give up!

I don't want to pay attention to him,

Go straight to the sixth floor.

Tang Yan hesitated, but followed up!
Outside the Tianzi private room.

Lin Tang could hear a few coquettish laughter faintly coming from inside, as well as some voices of conversation!

He glanced at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan nodded nervously: "I can hear Brother Hu's voice..."

Tang Yan didn't dare to go in.

Can only hide aside.

He wanted to verify some things, but he didn't dare to offend Brother Hu and Fei...

After all, they are the leaders in the underground of Yuncheng.

How dare you offend them.

Unless, I am impatient to live!
Lin Tang nodded and stretched out his hand to open the door.

The door was locked from the inside.

Immediately, she raised her foot, and with Tang Yan's mouth wide open, she kicked towards the door!
Under this kick, the entire gate flew out and shattered into pieces!
Lin Tang stepped in.

After entering, Lin Tang finally saw the whole picture of the Tianzi box.

It is said to be a box, but it can be called a suite, and it is also the level of a presidential suite.

The interior is extremely spacious and the decoration is extremely luxurious.

Enough to be called a king-like build.

However, at this moment, the entire hall was dead silent.

I saw a group of beautiful women crowded in front of the sofa in the hall.

Each of them is extremely sexy and beautiful, they are the most famous ace princesses in the entire Feiteng entertainment center, and what's more, they are part-time jobs in the school's school belle!

In the center of the sand on the sides.

Each sits a man!
One looks younger.

One is a bit special, about thirty years old, wearing a Tang suit...

And behind the younger man, a group of big men in neat black suits were standing there obediently, guarding the younger man!

Just the same yes.

This group of people stared blankly at Lin Tang and the kicked open gate on the ground!
Obviously, they didn't expect that someone would dare to kick their door...

(End of this chapter)

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