man returning from hell

Chapter 147 So, you should die!

Chapter 147 So, you should die!

The people on the bank of Tianxin Lake were in a terrible state, but neither Lin Tang nor Gong Xingtian could see or hear what they were talking about.


It was still Tianxin Lake, and even the small island was still under the feet!

But everything is undergoing earth-shaking changes again...

The ground under the feet is being extended without limit, but the island in the lake, which is only one acre in size, has turned into a chessboard covering several acres of land!

Lin Tang and Gong Xingtian stepped on Tianxin Lake and pulled apart, like two confronting enemies!
Their eyes were on the chessboard...

On the chessboard, a huge black dragon's head was struggling on an endless abyss, trying to get out of the abyss with all its strength!


Right above this terrifying cliff, a white fox that is far more terrifying than the black flood dragon stands impressively.

It roars like a tiger...

Like a king in the world, he stepped on the head of the black dragon, trying to push the black dragon off the cliff!

Jiaolong is struggling!

The entire cliff is constantly collapsing under its struggling huge body, and its body is constantly falling...

It won't last long!

Because the state of the white tiger is at its peak at the moment, and the black dragon is already seriously injured!

"This is an endless abyss. If you fall, you will have no chance of surviving. You... have no chance of winning!"

Gong Xingtian looked at Lin Tang.

The white tiger and black dragon are the incarnations of their spirits. The game between the white tiger and the black dragon at this moment is a game between their spiritual powers! the battle of divine consciousness!
Also known as God War!

Lin Tang's face was still calm. Regarding the scene of the black dragon in front of him, he didn't feel the danger at all. Instead, he showed a slight smile:

"Perhaps, if you really use the purest strength to fight, the me at this moment, maybe the strength between the two of us is just about the same... But... your mistake is to open up the divine consciousness with the deity The battle of the gods, the battle of the gods, the one who has entered the doomsday, is you!"

"Everyone says you are arrogant, and the old man still doesn't believe it, but now it seems that the rumors are true. If so, then don't blame the old man for being rude!"

Gong Xingtian sneered, he didn't pay attention to Lin Tang, and made a move, only to see a white chess piece in his hand suddenly shot at the white tiger.

At the moment when the white stone was shot at the white tiger, the white tiger's momentum suddenly rose, the white tiger roared, and the whole world changed.

It stepped on the head of the black dragon with its raised claws, and there was a sound of broken bones, and the black dragon was screaming.


Lin Tang sneered, and at the same time, he also made a move!

The black chess piece was like a black tie linking him and the black dragon, and the screaming black dragon made a heavenly dragon chant.

Its body was falling, but at this moment, it seemed to erupt with endless power, and the black dragon tail was thrown out from the abyss, tightly restraining the white tiger's body.

It actually wanted to pull the white tiger into the abyss together!

At the moment when the black dragon entangled the body of the white tiger, the white tiger let out a roar, which was a kind of anger.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the black dragon would dare to fight back against him at this time, and then he was aroused with animal nature.It opened its monstrous bloody mouth, and bit the black dragon's body fiercely. The black dragon was screaming...

Bright red blood sprinkled the entire chessboard.

But even so, the black dragon never let go, it was still holding on to the white tiger, trying to drag the white tiger into the endless abyss with all its strength!
Two sky-reaching behemoths are fighting, turning and struggling.

The earth collapsed and the situation changed. If it wasn't for this chessboard, it was the incarnation of Lin Tang and Gong Xingtian. I am afraid that this chessboard would have already collapsed at this moment!
Gong Xingtian's face was already gloomy, he looked at Lin Tang with shock in his eyes, and sneered: "You are indeed a lunatic, it's thanks to you for thinking of this step to win this chance for yourself!"

Black Dragon, has come to an end!

Just one step, and everything will be lost...

But Gong Xingtian didn't expect that Lin Tang would make such a move. At this critical moment, he would kill the black dragon and the white tiger together!
This move, besides the lunatic, who else can make it out?
"is it?"

Lin Tang was still smiling: "You don't have to give me this ray of life, can you? The abyss is below, as long as the white tiger gives up struggling and falls with the black dragon, isn't this battle over?"


Gong Xingtian was furious, how could he follow Lin Tang's wishes, the black dragon was seriously injured, and the white tiger was fighting with high spirits, how could he die with the black dragon?
"Okay! The old man will give you this lifeline. I really want to see, even if this lifeline is in your hands, how can you win this battle?"

Accompanied by Gong Xingtian's voice falling to the ground, the white tiger roared all over the sky, and a terrifying aura erupted instantly. It broke free from the restraint of the black dragon, leaving a large piece of blood-colored white hair, and retreated in the air!

The black dragon roared in a low voice, it grabbed the cliff, without the suppression of the white tiger, it twisted its huge delicate body, and broke free from the endless abyss.

it just stands there...


Looking at the white tiger, his eyes were bloodthirsty and red!

The white tiger was also roaring...

The blood dripping from his body made his anger reach an unprecedented level of terror...

They are confronting each other!

It's like Lin Tang and Gong Xingtian are confronting each other!
Finally, the black dragon and the white tiger moved!

Their terrifying bodies collided fiercely.

The huge body of the black dragon is like an iron chain that runs through the sky and earth, ruthlessly restraining the white tiger, and the white tiger is also not to be outdone.

It is biting the black dragon.

Black scales are falling...

Covering the whole earth...

Although the black dragon was also struggling and fighting, it could only leave a non-painful wound on the white tiger's body!


Dump on one side!
As Gong Xingtian said, this battle is a war without any suspense!

at last……

The black dragon screamed, it was its dragon claw.

The white tiger bit down on the black dragon's paw, the entire paw was torn off, and a large piece of blood bloomed like fireworks, and the blood flowed like a river!
But that's just the beginning...

The black dragon was still screaming, another dragon claw was torn off...

But the white tiger's fighting spirit is getting higher and higher. On the other hand, the aura of the black dragon has become weaker and weaker. Even its huge body is illusory, and it feels like it is about to collapse!
"The battle has already been resolved!"

Gong Xingtian looked at Lin Tang and said calmly, as long as there is one blow, the white tiger will easily tear the black dragon's neck open!
At that moment, Lin Tang's spiritual power will be completely disintegrated, and the battle of gods will also end!

"Sure enough, isn't it okay?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Tang sighed softly: "However, it's enough. The mental strength of the past half a year is enough to fight a battle of the gods for so long, which is not bad!"


Gong Xingtian frowned.

Mental power for half a year?

What do you mean?
What is he saying?
"You're right, it's time to see the outcome of the battle!"

Lin Tang raised his head slowly, and looked at Gong Xingtian indifferently: "So, you should die!"

(End of this chapter)

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