man returning from hell

Chapter 155 Yi Qiu blocks the way

Chapter 155 Yi Qianqiu blocks the way

Deep in the Hengduan Mountains.

The land of the medicine clan.

In the Palace of Medicine King.

Yao Chen, wait for the remaining strong members of the Yao clan to sit in the conference hall.

Everyone's faces were extremely solemn, even Yaogu, a strong man in the divine realm, was also like this.

"After the three sects are destroyed, Lin Tang has already gone to the capital. When the capital is over, our medicine clan is in danger!"

A master elder of the medicine clan sighed.

His face was a little pale, which was uneasy.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Starting from offending Lin Tang...

First, he escaped from the hands of the god-level powerhouses in their clan, beheading the seven masters, and then beheading the god-level masters, destroying the three sects.

From all kinds of situations, it can be clearly known that even if Lin Tang is not a strong man in the divine realm, he is no different from the divine realm.

A divine realm...

They were even able to kill Gong Xingtian, a long-known powerhouse in the divine realm, so how could they not be afraid?
Especially for a butcher like Lin Tang who is sure to get revenge, all the strong people of the medicine clan present know that they will be Lin Tang's next target!
And there is no doubt about it!

Hearing this grandmaster's complaint, the atmosphere in the entire conference hall became even more dignified.

Everyone had a look of despair and uneasiness on their faces.

"Lin Tang? Hmph!"

Suddenly, Yao Chen sneered, his eyes were full of killing intent and bloodthirsty: "At best, he can only struggle for a few days in the end, so there is nothing to worry about!"

Hearing this, all the Yao clan masters present were stunned.

Immediately, he came to his senses, looking at Yao Chen with excitement on his face: "Patriarch, Yao Gu Patriarch, is she finally going to attack him? Then she is now, isn't she..."

If there is anyone in China who can save the Yao clan, except for the ancestor Yaogu, there is no possibility!

However, since Patriarch Yaogu took action last time, she has not been seen anymore, and now the patriarch has said that Lin Tang has few days to live, and who else would kill her besides Patriarch Yaogu? he?

"Could it be... Patriarch Yaogu has already left?"


Everyone looked at Yaochen nervously...

Yaochen sneered, nodded, but shook his head again:

"Patriarch Yaogu has indeed left the Yao Clan, is still too early to deal with Lin Tang. If the secret realm is not out, Patriarch Yaogu and other god-level powerhouses will not make a move.

She is different from Gong Xingtian, although Gong Xingtian is a strong man in the divine realm, he is also the master of the Taoist Temple of Eliminating Demons, his identity is a bit special..."

Gong Xingtian's identity is indeed somewhat special.

One is the master of the Taoist Temple of Eliminating Demons,

One is a member of the Qingyu Sect!
The latter's identity does make him have restrictions and it is difficult to make a move, but the temple of eliminating demons is the defender of the entire Chinese rules. Although Lin Tang is a master, he is not restricted by it, but his character is already a demon!

And the devil...

Had to get rid of!
It's just a pity that, in the end, he ended up dead!
However, all this changed when the secret realm was opened!
This time the secret realm, the entire Chinese ancient martial arts world, has been waiting for 500 years.

Once the secret realm comes out, the rules will no longer be the rules...

Those who are strong in the divine realm will no longer be restricted, and when the time comes, Lin Tang, whose hands are covered with blood, who cares nothing about human relations, and has no bottom line, how can he let him go?

Hearing this, a group of master masters of the Yao clan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then this day, isn't it, is coming?"

"Yes, soon!"

Yao Chen sneered: "More than that, when he left, Grand Master Yao even gave the butcher a big gift. Now that he has wiped out the three sects, I'm afraid that this big gift should also be in his hands Now! Even though you can't stop him, at least you can disgust him to death, and even push him to the point where the world despises you!"

Yao Chen's eyes were shining with resentment, but he never forgot, if it wasn't for Lin Tang, how could he have killed his wife with his own hands?

"It's not that you didn't report, it's that the time has not come yet, Lin Tang, believe me, this day will come soon, and at that time, I will watch carefully and watch how you die in front of me!"


With the spring of life standing, Lin Tang has already been able to achieve the strength of flying objects, and he has been able to volley in the air...

Only, it doesn't last long.

The depletion of the true essence and ghost power by flying in the sky is second to none, and the more important thing is the consumption of spiritual power. Therefore, every once in a while, Lin Tang has to land on the ground and use it to travel far and wide.

However, less than half a day after he left Qingyunmen and headed towards the capital, Lin Tang stopped in his footsteps, his brows were slightly frowned, and he looked ahead!

"So, are you going to stop me?"

Not far in front of him, Yi Qianqiu suddenly appeared there. From the aura on his body, it can be seen that he has been waiting here for several hours!

After destroying the three sects, Lin Tang had expected that what the Xu family did would be known by everyone, and that he would go to the Xu family in the capital, so he would naturally be known by everyone.

Go to Xu's house in Kyoto...

Everyone couldn't be more clear.


Lin Tang is not a fool, whether he admits it or not, he always carries the shadow of the Xu family on his body, and because of this, there are definitely people who will make him unable to achieve his goal!

However, what Lin Tang didn't expect was that it would be Yi Qianqiu who appeared this time!
After all, to a certain extent, Lin Tang still has a good impression of this person. At least, if it wasn't for his explanation, he might still not know about the secret realm.

Hearing Lin Tang's words, Yi Qianqiu sighed slightly: "Really, can't we just forget about it?"

Yi Qianqiu is in trouble!
Although he is no longer in the martial arts world, his identity is more complicated than when he was in the martial arts world.

If possible, he would definitely not want to appear here, not because he was afraid of death, but because he knew that once he appeared here, things would be more complicated!

But now...

He still had to show up!
Because if the commotion continues, the entire the entire China will be turned upside down because of him!
"That's it?"

The corners of Lin Tang's mouth twitched slightly: "Do you think this deity should leave it like this?"

Yi Qianqiu was dumbfounded.


Is that all?

As an outsider, Yi Qianqiu clearly knows that Lin Tang has come to this point, is he actually forced out?

First, the Zhang and Liu families...

The Zhang and Li families in the later generations of Jiangcheng...

Even the battle of the Yun family in the port area, the matter of the Xu family, the disaster of the three families...

All of this, if it wasn't because of their repeated calculations and pressing step by step, how could Lin Tang do such a cruel thing?

If it is said that he is really wrong, then it is also wrong, his methods are too vicious, the wrong is wrong, on his body, the blood of the Xu family is flowing!
Especially the last point.

It is also this point that will push Lin Tang to the point where he is now cast aside by the people of the world!
"Forget it, I don't want to say anything now, I just want to ask you one thing, if you become a demon, would you still be willing to admit your Yanhuang blood in your body?"

Lin Tang smiled.

He finally understood why this Yi Qianqiu came here!
He said lightly: "So, the people above are going to participate in this matter?"



Seriously, I didn't even give myself a chance to breathe!

(End of this chapter)

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