man returning from hell

Chapter 167 The Marriage Announced at the Annual Meeting

Chapter 167 The Marriage Announced at the Annual Meeting
When I heard that aunt Ding Xinyan said that she wanted to take this man called Xie Shaoshi to stroll around the Lin Family Village

Her face changed, and she wanted to refuse.

However, the aunt looked at her pleadingly.

It can be said that the two most important members of the Lin family are basically his subordinates, so this aunt naturally wants to treat her well.

Think about what happened on the ancestor worship during the day.

Lin Yue still has no way to refuse, because now she has begun to accept the existence of the Lin family.

As a member of the Lin family, she felt the need to help the Lin family.

At least, I can still do this on my own.

But to Lin Yue's surprise, this Xie Shaoshi did not have the playboy she imagined a rich second generation should have.

Along the way, when introducing himself, he showed a rather gentlemanly appearance. Although he didn't say he liked him, at least he was more pleasing to the eye.

"Thank you Miss Lin Yue, today is the happiest day when I was young, thanks to Miss Lin Yue's hospitality!"

Seeing that the sky was getting late, Xie Shaoshi took the initiative to prepare for the itinerary:

"We will stay at the Lin family tonight. If possible, can you invite Miss Lin Yue to tell me some stories about the Lin family?"

Lin Yue smiled and shook her head: "No, I have something to do tonight, so don't bother me. Since I'm staying at the Lin family, I wish Master Xie a sweet dream!"

After finishing speaking, he looked forward: "Then Lin Yue won't send it off, the village head's house is ahead, Master Xie can go by himself!"

"Okay, Miss Lin Yue, please!"

Xie Shaoshi nodded with a smile, looked at Lin Yue and thanked him.

Lin Yue didn't speak, turned around and left, looking at Lin Yue's leaving back, Xie Shaoshi's face had no expression anymore.

In that gaze, there was a disgusting lewdness, licking his lips:

"Tsk tsk, I'm really tired of acting. I didn't expect that Lin Yue is really beautiful. No wonder, no wonder that Butcher Tang would make such a fuss in the Xu family because of her. Tsk tsk... I just don't know if she has been played with gone?"

"However, even if I have played it, this young master is not unacceptable. After all, having her is equivalent to gaining the favor of Tang Butcher. With him, I thank the family, but I can really reach the sky!"

Thinking of this, Xie Shaoshi had an excited look on his face, and his eyes were a little blurred, as if he had seen the wonderful life unfolded under the prestige of Butcher Tang!
Suddenly, Xie Shaoshi shuddered suddenly, only feeling that the air around him suddenly became a little colder.

"Damn it, why is it suddenly cold in this remote place? Damn it, I won't come to this ghostly place when things are over!"

Xie Shaoshi cursed a few times, then hurriedly headed towards Lin Gou's house, where they rested tonight.

what he didn't find was

In the darkness, a pair of eyes were watching him...

Those eyes are scarlet and bloody like knives...


One night, the entire Lin family spent their own thoughts.

And the Lin family finally welcomed the annual family annual meeting held every year on New Year's Eve!

The location of the annual meeting is in the ancestral home in Lin Family Village.

The entire Lin family gathered here, telling about the gains and losses of the family business in the past year, and even discussing how to develop in the next new year to make the Lin family a step forward!
Of course, it is inevitable to celebrate!

So in the entire ancestral house, tables and tables have already been filled with banquets. The banquets will last for three days from today to the end of the first day of the new year.

These three days were also the busiest three days in the entire Lin family.

When Lin Yue arrived, the entire Lin Family Village had basically arrived here, making the entire ancestral home crowded with people.

Fortunately, in the past few years, the entire Lin family has refurbished the ancestral house, and even the entire square is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no room for people!
Lin Yue could clearly feel that everyone in the village was more or less focused on her.

Lin Yue wasn't surprised. Bi's gaze had been there since yesterday. After all, if all the people in the village repented, who would not know themselves, or even their own family?
She originally wanted to find a place to sit casually, after all, if she hadn't let go of the estrangement towards the Lin family, she would never have come to this occasion!

Lin Yue was not happy, because at this moment, the village head at the top had discovered herself!
"Hey, Yue girl, come, sit here, sit beside Grandpa, come!"

The village head greeted with a smile on his face.

All around him are a group of old people who are respected by the whole family.

Even Lin You and others were not qualified to sit there, but Lin Gou started to say hello.

This immediately made the faces of many people present a little complicated, it was envy, jealousy...

Ding Xinyan also pouted a little bit, after all, that table was the most honorable one.

Starting from the Lin family, but no woman is qualified to sit there!
But now...

The patriarch let Lin Yue go up, which shows how enviable it is!
However, Ding Xinyan soon laughed, this seat is not easy to sit, if she does, then Lin Yue will have to take some responsibilities that she should bear!

That's why, when the patriarch spoke, none of the elders present stopped him.

"Patriarch, no need, I'm still here!"

Lin Yue naturally knew that no woman could sit in that position, so she shook her head, not planning to be the first bird.


Lin Gou obviously didn't give Lin Yue the chance to refuse:
"You child, this position is yours, or your father should be, but now he is gone, and you are the only one in your family. If you don't sit for you, who will sit for it!"

Lin Yue was stunned for a moment, but finally, she went up and sat beside Lin Gou!
She can not fight!
But this is the treatment my father deserves!

Although the Lin family has admitted their mistakes, sitting here is the greatest recognition!

So, she sat down!
When Lin Yue sat down, what she didn't realize was that Lin Gou and even everyone present breathed a sigh of relief!

"Okay, let's all take your seats, and just before the banquet starts, I happen to tell you two happy events..."


When hearing this, everyone's face turned serious.

Especially that Ding Xinyan, who held Lin You's arm tightly, was extremely excited!
Lin Yue also sat quietly.

She didn't know what happy event the patriarch was going to say, but since she was sitting here, she represented her father, so naturally she couldn't be rude.

"Ahem, ahem, very good. It seems that the people of our Lin family are still a little bit more disciplined. Well, I'll come and announce..."

Lin Gou smiled, with a kind smile on his face:
"The first happy event is that our Lin family has made more outstanding progress in this year than in previous years, whether it is industry or connections.

This is everyone's credit, I believe that with everyone's efforts, our Lin family will completely walk out of this small county town and come into the eyes of the entire Huaxia..."

Clap clap clap!

When Lin Gou's words fell to the ground, everyone present applauded, with smiles on their faces.

Because of what Lin Gou said, there is nothing wrong with it. This year, the Lin family has made great progress!

"Well, be quiet!"

Seeing that it was almost done, Lin Gou raised his hand and signaled everyone to stop clapping: "Then, now is the second matter, and this second matter is related to Yue girl!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Lin Yue.

Lin Yue was also stunned, and raised her head, just in time to see Lin Gouzheng looking at everyone with a smile on his face: "Everyone knows?

You may not know that they came this time not for anything else, but to propose a marriage. We also agreed. On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Xie Jia will come to marry! "

Upon hearing this, Lin Yue's face suddenly changed. Sure enough, at this moment, Lin Gou looked at Lin Yue kindly:

"Congratulations, Yue girl, you are going to be a bride..."

(End of this chapter)

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