man returning from hell

Chapter 169 This is the heart

Chapter 169 This is the heart


No mercy.

The moment the stick fell, Lin Yue groaned in pain. That stick almost made her faint!

Now she is just a woman who is too ordinary to be ordinary, how can she be tortured with all her strength?

However, Ding Xinyan didn't hesitate at all, and just sneered: "I can't stand it after the first blow? But there are still 99 blows?"

"Ding Xinyan!!!"

A roar came from Lin Yue's mouth, and her eyes burst out with murderous aura, as if she was going to eat her forcefully.

Ding Xinyan was taken aback by this kind of look, but then she was furious: "You dare to scare me with that kind of look, my mother is afraid of you, isn't she?"

At this moment, Ding Xinyan picked up the long stick again, and kept hitting Lin Yue!

Every time, she tried her best.

She wants to see, see Lin Yue's begging, her despair!

But, she didn't!

Lin Yue just gritted her teeth and looked at Ding Xinyan with bloodthirsty eyes!

Spilling from her mouth!
The roots of her teeth were bleeding because of the pain!

Her back, her hips!
Flesh torn!

But she still gritted her teeth and didn't beg for mercy. She looked at Ding Xinyan and everyone present!

Those eyes seemed to imprint each of their figures in their hearts!
Under these eyes, everyone couldn't help but shudder!

But they just looked at her with a sneer.

watching her bleed...

Looking at the wooden stick, it was slowly soaked in blood.

Looking at the ground covered with Lin Yue's blood.

"You are strong enough, you still don't want to admit your mistakes? Okay, okay, I want to see how long you can bear it!"

at last……

Lin Yue passed out!

Her face was extremely pale and her breath was weak.

The moment she passed out, Ding Xinyan wanted to continue beating, but finally Lin You couldn't help it, rushed up and snatched the stick from her hand.

"Enough, if the fight continues, she will die!"

"Dead? This bitch's life is hard. The whole family is dead, and she is the only one alive. It's not that simple to die!"

Ding Xinyan sneered.


Lin You was trembling with anger. He looked at Lin Gou: "Patriarch, if this continues, she will really die. Do you think, even if this is the case, will she take care of our Lin family when the time comes?"

Lin Gou didn't speak.

He just glanced at Lin Yue on the ground and sneered:

"A little girl, letting her sit in this position is to give her face! But you are right, if she goes to understand the family in this situation, she will definitely not take care of the Lin family, but so what? The old man wants There are still many ways to treat her!"

Having said that, Lin Gou signaled someone to bring cold water to wake Lin Yue up.

He dragged his old body, squatted down in front of Lin Yue, and smiled: "Yueyue, tell Grandpa, do you know what's wrong?"


Words full of endless resentment spit out from Lin Yue's mouth, and she spat at Lin Gou fiercely.

That saliva was already full of blood.

The smile on Lin Gou's face disappeared immediately, replaced by endless gloom: "Very good, very good, I want to see how long you can hold on!"

Having said that, he directly said to the crowd: "What are you doing in a daze, call me, and then throw it into the small black room!"

After half an hour...

Lin Yue was thrown into a dilapidated house next to her ancestral home like a corpse!

This is where pigs were raised in the past...

They left her in that place casually, just like throwing an animal.

Lin You was trembling.

But I can only lower my head...

"Look carefully, without my order, don't let her die, just throw her here and live with a group of beasts..."

"Why, Patriarch?"

Ding Xinyan looked at Lin Gou with some confusion: "In this way, can she convince our Lin family?"


Lin Gou sneered: "The old man only needs her to be afraid... There are still seven days left, in such a narrow place, living with animals, eating pig food, and seeing the sun... Even a strong person must I was tortured forcibly and went crazy, if I don’t accept it, do I need to care? Old man, what I want is fear!"

"The patriarch is wise!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help shouting.

Lin You stood aside, feeling a little chilly all over!

He was wrong!
He never thought that the Lin family would be so cruel!
It's just a child!

Why can they do such a thing?
"This is a human being. For the benefit, for the sake of the family, what is it to sacrifice a person! You still need to grow..."

Lin Gou said calmly beside Lin You.

Lin You lowered his head, he didn't agree, but...he couldn't say anything!





Lin Yue This is how Lin Yue feels at the moment...

She lost all senses, she opened her eyes...

It was all darkness, and the sound of the pig was faintly heard, and she could even feel that the pig was arching her body.

It was as if, because he occupied her place, he was dissatisfied.

She was lying on the ground.

Being in contact with the filth that everyone in this world fears and shuns away from.


She didn't have the strength to move, and she didn't want to.


run down her face.

It was a kind of despair, resentment, and anger!
She never thought that one day, instead of dying at the hands of others, she would die at the hands of her self-righteous relatives.


Became tears of blood!
She lay there numbly, letting those beasts kick her.

she can feel...

My vitality is slowly passing away!
"Are you going to die?"

Lin Yue whispered in her heart...

A trace of regret finally appeared on her face...

She regretted herself, why did she come back...

She regretted herself, why was she so stupid, so naive!
She raised her head slowly...

She said, "So, that's why you left? That's why you sealed my qi?"

Her voice is so weak!

It even seems to be talking to himself...



was opened!
It was a gust of wind!

Standing in front of the door, looking at Lin Yue, the two members of the Lin family knelt down...

They knelt there like a mummy.


in front of them.

A white figure stood there like a ray of light in the dark night.

Lin Tang looked at Lin Yue quietly like that, with a calm expression on his face, but what could be seen was that a rare pain was brewing deep in his eyes.

He, sighed lightly.

"I just let you see what the darkest place in this world is!"

Lin Yue pursed her lips, looked at Lin Tang, and said hoarsely, "Is the human heart really so sinister?"

Lin Tang looked at Lin Yue, and instead of answering her, he asked back: "Don't you already know?"

Lin Yue was silent.

Her gaze became colder and colder.

Even though it was lifeless, it was still bitingly cold.

Finally, he raised his head and looked at Lin Tang: "Help me!"

"very good!"

Lin Tang laughed!

She finally understands!

 Although the idea failed a bit, the plot can be considered finished.

  Next, I won’t make this kind of foreshadowing anymore, and I’m too tired to write.

  But there is no way, if I don't write this, Lin Yue will be useless. After all, there are still important plots waiting for Lin Yue in the later stage...

  Starting tomorrow, all the way to climax, constantly...

(End of this chapter)

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