man returning from hell

Chapter 180 It seems that it is necessary to talk about adding more activities...

Chapter 180 It seems that it is necessary to talk about adding more activities...

The editor said: 50 yuan, your recommendation ticket is too ordinary, right?The data should not be like this!

My heart suddenly became sore

Don't say anything.

One word: DONE!
If the recommendation ticket breaks [-] on the day, it will add one chapter, if it breaks [-] a week, it will add one update, and if it breaks [-], then every five thousand and one update...

[It can be superimposed, that is to say, after the week breaks [-], a total of seven updates will be added, and three updates are guaranteed every day.Everyone knows the same]

The lord gave a reward, and added five more chapters...

Do the math, if you really want to achieve the goal, add twelve more?

Nima, some play too big!

But, still one word: welcome to do it!
(End of this chapter)

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