man returning from hell

Chapter 19 Attacks!

Chapter 19 Attacks!

Lin Tang really didn't expect Fang Qiong to be here.

From the attitude he showed and what he said at the school gate last time, he felt that Fang Qiong should be able to recognize himself.

But now...

My heart calmed down, and I walked up.

The sound of footsteps caught Fang Qiong's attention. She raised her head, and she could see that her face was a little haggard.

When he saw Lin Tang, he smiled slightly: "You're back? I thought you weren't in Yuncheng anymore..."

she laughs.

very nice!
But with a kind of pity that people can't help but feel distressed.

Lin Tang knew what was going on.

However, he could only act as if he didn't know.

Because he felt that what he did was definitely the best choice for Fang Qiong.

"Well, how long have you been waiting?"

"Just came here for a while, not long..."

Fang Qiong said.

It's just that look, I'm afraid it won't be able to explain it in a while.

Lin Tang could only act as if he didn't know anything.

"Don't ask me to come in and sit down?"

enter the house...

This is not difficult!
The hard part is, what happens when you enter the house?
Lin Tang didn't understand at all, but looking at Fang Qiong, he still nodded, opened the door, and invited Fang Qiong in.

Entering the room, Fang Qiong saw that the space was not very big, and there was a look of emotion on his face: "You have never changed here..."

Walking to the TV, looking at the pot of green radishes placed next to it, he said softly: "I always thought that you couldn't support it, but in the end, it not only supports you, but also flourishes..."

Lin Tang didn't speak.

Fang Qiong has been here many times.

Although it didn't happen to Fang, but in my memory, she was the one who came to clean Xu Ze every time. Even Fang Qiong was with Xu Ze through the very difficult days when Xu Ze's parents died!
Seeing that Lin Tang didn't speak.

Fang Qiong didn't say anything either.

After pouring Fang Qiong a glass of water, the two sat down quietly in the hall.

Time is passing slowly.

This tranquility was finally broken by Fang Qiong.

"Liu Yuebai, died... At yesterday's birthday party, her younger brother Liu Zhiqing and Zhang Ru from the Zhang family also died..."

Holding the glass of boiled water with both hands, she raised her head and looked at Lin Tang: "They said you killed it, didn't you?"

She wanted to see even a trace of surprise from his expression.

But no...

He just raised his head and looked at himself calmly: "Since you already know, why do you still ask?"

Fang Qiong's heart trembled.

The hand holding the water glass tightened even more: "I...just want to confirm..."

"Confirm what?"

Lin Tang looked at her: "Are you sure I am the Xu Ze you remember? Am I the Xu Ze you know?"

Fang Qiong was silent.

no answer,

Lin Tang's tone also became a little cold: "I've said it before, I'm not Xu Ze anymore..."

"I know, you said it!"

Fang Qiong whispered.

Her voice trembled a little.

"Then what do you want to confirm?"

"I just want to ask, are you always lying to me in the past? Since the day we met, you have only been pretending in front of me? Tell me, is that so?"

Fang Qiong's voice became a little excited.

Yu Wen, Liu Yuebai, Zhang Chao, Liu Zhiqing, Zhang Ru.

Fang Qiong can ignore their affairs, but she just wants to know whether he has been deceiving herself from the beginning to the present?
As long as there is even a little bit of saying no, then she can accept it!
Because, she loves her!

From the day she came to Yuncheng, she fell in love with him!

However, she chose to bury this feeling in her heart.

All she wanted, all she wanted, was to be his friend, even if it was a lifelong friend, she would accept it, and she would not regret it!
But now, she is afraid!

Afraid of his deception, afraid in his heart, from beginning to end, he is just a pawn for him to conceal his truth!

Is that right?

Lin Tang looked at Fang Qiong...

In fact, this is not the case, because although I am Xu Ze, I am really Lin Tang!
But he can't say it!
Can't explain it either!
With two dual identities, he can only use it like this in this cloud city!

He wanted to say something, but at this moment, his expression suddenly changed...

Suddenly, the whole person exploded, and Fang Qiong was thrown down.


Fang Qiong screamed.

The whole person was frightened by this sudden scene.

She never thought that Lin Tang would make such a sudden move.

His body pressed himself on the sofa, and he felt his whole world spinning, especially at this moment, he hugged himself completely, rolled directly behind the sofa, and pressed tightly under his body.

The scorching breath made Fang Qiong's head go blank, and then his face was full of anger!
How could he do this!
How can he do this?

Although Liu Yuebai is dead, he still hasn't given himself an answer!

Who did he think of himself as?
She is angry!

I want to slap Lin Tang!

But at this moment, thick blood mist suddenly burst out from Lin Tang's body!
Under Fang Qiong's horrified eyes, the blood mist firmly turned into a round shield, protecting Fang Qiong and Lin Tang in it!

at the same time!

I saw a cannonball, like a fire dragon, directly shot into the house.

Rumble boom!

A terrible explosion came suddenly.


The whole house seemed to be rotten, completely destroyed under the terrifying shells!
The monstrous flames burned the entire house.

Turn it into a sea of ​​hellfire!


In the building opposite.

Two men in black are appearing on the roof of the building.

Looking at this scene, one is standing, the other is half squatting, half squatting and carrying a bazooka barrel on his shoulders, obviously, the cannon just now was shot by this man!
"It's amazing, it's simply wonderful!"

"This power is so awesome!"

The man carrying the bazooka barrel was extremely excited.

"Shut up, there is also a martial artist on the other side, and the death of the target has not been confirmed, so we can't let our guard down!"

The other man looked at the target land that was still burning in front of him and said.

"Luo Hao, I mean, you're right. That's a rocket launcher. If you don't reach the master, who the hell can hold it?"

The man in black didn't care at all: "I think he's been blasted to pieces long ago, but it's just a pity, that chick just now seemed pretty good, and now I'm afraid her body isn't even complete, otherwise she can still have fun..."

After speaking, the man carrying the bazooka stood up and threw the bazooka away.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look. Although he should be dead, but after all, it is the mission target, and we still need to confirm it. After all, they have exhausted the entire family's foundation in order to let us take action. We still have to take it to heart." Yes, it's about our professionalism"

After finishing speaking, he stomped his feet, and the whole person directly faced the ruins hit by the rocket launcher, across the entire building, and shot away!

The mouth of the man in black named Luo Hao twitched.

He felt a little weird when his professionalism was mentioned by his companions!

To see if the target's death is fake, and to see if the woman is still intact, that is his intention!
But after all, he is a partner who has cooperated for a long time, so he naturally knows that his partner's distorted hobby is ready to jump over the building right now...

But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed!
All I could hear was a cold angry voice coming from the ruins: "You're courting death!
at the same time
I saw the flames in the ruins.

A terrifying air force suddenly appeared!

Immediately, a red horse that had been condensed to the extreme shot out from the flames, like blood-colored cannonballs, across the dark night sky, pointing directly at the leaping companion!
 The update time is 9:19 am and [-]:[-] pm... Now there are only tens of thousands of words, and there is no editing arrangement, so it is not easy to explode, so everyone, just bear with it, and it will explode soon... Thank you brothers for your rewards, The new book really needs your support. To put it bluntly, without your support, fifty books would be nothing! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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