man returning from hell

Chapter 21 Fang Qiong's Choice

Chapter 21 Fang Qiong's Choice
Lin Tang thought that Fang Qiong would be shocked and surprised when he saw the power he displayed.

Even, almost gaffe.

But no...

Her surprise was only shown at the beginning, and when she appeared in front of her once, the calmness she showed even exceeded Lin Tang's expectations.

"So, is this you?"

Fang Qiong looked at Lin Tang and said.

Lin Tang nodded:

"Yeah, so, you get it now?

I can only walk this road alone...

Because, I am a butcher, this road, only blood and corpses..."

Fang Qiong pursed her lower lip:

"When did it happen? When did you start on this road!"

"Perhaps, it should be said, after marrying that woman!"

Lin Tang didn't tell the truth, but chose a random time point.

"Actually, this road does not necessarily require loneliness..."

She looked at Lin Tang with a hint of hope in her eyes.


Lin Tang just shook his head, looked at her, and didn't speak!

He can only be lonely!
Fang Qiong was silent, she understood!

She was not talking, she looked at Lin Tang, looked at him deeply, turned around, and left...

Lin Tang stood in the ruins, watching the back of her leaving.

After a long time, he sighed: "Everyone has their own secrets.

You have it, and so do I, Fang Qiong, I know your status is not simple, but the more you look like this, the more you will know that some people are not suitable for you to be close to.

More importantly, although I am Xu Ze, I am not Xu Ze, I am Lin Tang, that one, Lin Tang who is called Tang Butcher! "

Lin Tang knew that after Fang Qiong left this time, he would not appear in the future for a long time, and even, maybe in this lifetime, he would not appear in his own life.

fair enough!

From today onwards, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

It's nice to be loved, though.


It comes with a price!

And I don't have time to guard these costs!
Also at this time...


A sound like raindrops falling on the ground came from within his body.

Lin Tang froze for a moment, and saw that there was a sea of ​​blood in his body that was only two acres in size, and it rained blood at this moment.

Then, the sea of ​​blood, which was only two acres in size, slowly spread until it was more than three acres!

"So, did you break through?"

Lin Tang smiled, not surprised, after all, he killed two warriors.

It was already more than enough at the second level of the sea of ​​​​blood, and it was normal to add their blood essence!

"So, it's time to go play with those clowns?"

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly, and deep in those eyes, flames were beating!


Fang Qiong walked out of the community where Lin Tang lived.

There, on the side of the road, an old man was quietly waiting...

After seeing Fang Qiong coming out, he went up to meet her,

"So, have you decided?"

"Well, it's decided!"

Fang Qiong looked at the old man and nodded: "I have always wanted to be an ordinary person, but only now do I know that the life of the so-called ordinary person has nothing to do with me..."

"Is that right?"

The old man smiled, and looked in Lin Tang's direction: "I'm afraid it's because of him..."

Fang Qiong's delicate body trembled, but she didn't speak.

The old man patted her on the shoulder lightly: "He is right, his path is very special, and it will be full of blood and blood...

When I saw him back then, he was just an ordinary person, but now, he has reached the realm of a master. It can be seen that not everyone can follow his path! "

The old man's words are very calm.

Especially when it comes to the master, he is even more flat.

It was as if, in his eyes, Grandmaster was just a child!
"So, that's why I want to go back!"

Fang Qiong looked up at him, his eyes full of determination!

"So, are you ready? You will work very hard. After all, you have missed the best time to practice!"

Fang Qiong didn't answer, but still looked at the old man with that firm gaze.

The old man understands!

Didn't say anything, just nodded...

The backs of the two, under the dark night, stretched longer and longer until they disappeared!
It was also not long after the two left.

Fire trucks, ambulances, roaring!

The disaster here, someone has already called the police!
Lin Tang left!
But he didn't go anywhere, but was in a park not far away.

Because a person came to the door!
Tang Yan!

This boy from the handicapped family came to his door again!
It's just that the boy from the handicapped family back then has completely changed.

His short hair and straight black suit gave him the air that a normal person should have.

Since Lin Tang left Feiteng Entertainment Center, Lin Yifei promoted Tang Yan and even made him the manager of Feiteng Entertainment Center.

This is because of Lin Tang.

Because, when Tang Yan brought him into the entertainment center, even Lin Yifei thought that he belonged to Lin Tang!

And he didn't dare to offend Lin Tang.

Even, with Bai Yafei's reminder, he can only use this method to sell Lin Tang a favor.

As for Yu Wen, the current him should be said to be in which sea, providing food for sharks.

In Lin Tang's hand, he was holding a red invitation card.

There is a birthday character written on it!
This is an invitation for a birthday party.

But what really puzzled Lin Tang was that the birthday person on the invitation was actually Zhang Cuihao!

"What does it mean?"

Lin Tang looked at Tang Yan and asked.

I was just about to go to Zhang and Liu's family, and Zhang's family wanted Tang Yan to send an invitation card. What kind of notice did I call?
Did they already know that their plan had failed?

"This is what Brother Fei asked me to bring to you... At the same time, there is another sentence!"

Tang Yan looked at Lin Tang respectfully.

He hasn't given up yet, but he knows that the current self can only hide what he wants, and he believes that one day, a master will let him guard it so that the clouds will open and the moon will shine!

Why didn't Lin Yifei dare to see himself.

Lin Tang couldn't understand it in his heart!

"Tell me, what to say..."

"You are a nice person. This is the Zhang family's birthday banquet invitation. I am looking forward to what kind of surprise you can give me at the Zhang family's birthday banquet!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Lin Tang's eyes narrowed suddenly.

"That's not what Lin Yifei said!"

Tang Yan nodded: "That's not what he said, Brother Fei asked me to explain to you, the master, that's what that person said..."

that person!
He knows who it is!

The Wang family, Wang Lingyun!

"So, not only am I curious about you, but you are also curious about me?"

The corners of Lin Tang's mouth curled up slightly...

Looking at the birthday invitation in his hand, the fire of hell was burning in his palm, and in Tang Yan's widened eyes, the birthday invitation was reduced to ashes!

The ashes fell, and Lin Tang stepped away.

Leave a fluttering sentence: "Tell him, I am satisfied with him..."

(End of this chapter)

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