man returning from hell

Chapter 38 The strong gather

Chapter 38 The strong gather

"He said he knew Lin Tang and Wang Lingyun?"

"This kid, does he know who the person who is going to fight today is?"

"They are two high-ranking masters, and he actually said that he knew them?"

"It's over, it's over, this kid is really stupid!"

"It looks normal, why is it a fool!"

Everyone was laughing, especially Lin Tianyu was exaggerating, even covering his stomach with an unbearable expression on his face.

"Okay, okay, everyone is joking, why are you acting like that, enough!"

Gao Xiaoling's complexion became a little ugly.

Shouting to Lin Tianyu and others.

This Xu Ze is her friend, and to her now, it's like laughing at her, not to mention that she invited Xu Ze to travel with her.

"And Xu Ze, don't take it too seriously, it's all just a joke, why are you making trouble with them?"

I have to say that although Gao Xiaoling is a sister next door, if she puts on a straight face, she is still a little serious.

Lin Tang sighed a little. What he said was the truth, why did no one believe it?
Could it be that knowing yourself is something to be proud of?
However, when looking at Gao Xiaoling and Lin Tianyu, Lin Tang could only shake his head helplessly.

Although I don't know the relationship between Gao Xiaoling and Lin Tianyu, it is obvious that the relationship between the two is definitely not shallow.

For Gao Xiaoling's sake, Lin Tang didn't plan to get serious, anyway, believe it or not, it's up to them.

Seeing Gao Xiaoling speak, and looking at Lin Tang who didn't want to say anything, Lin Tianyu and others also lost interest.

If you are serious with a fool, then you are not a fool anymore?
Even the master dared to say that he knew each other, if he said anything else, wouldn't it be a joke?

Tianxin Lake.

This place has already been surrounded by a sea of ​​people.

Under the leadership of Lin Tianyu and the others, Lin Tang managed to break through the human barrier and also by the lakeside.

In the center of the lake, a gazebo stands quietly there.

There, no one is there!
"Grandmaster Lin Tang and Grandmaster Wang Lingyun didn't show up!"

He said he was Lin Tianyu's friend, and Lin Tang also knew the name, it was called Hua Long, and the name was quite special, so Lin Tang also remembered it.

"After all, they are grandmasters, how could they appear so soon? They are the real protagonists, and the protagonists should look like protagonists!"

Lin Tianyu smiled lightly, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly changed, and he became a little surprised.

"They actually came too?"

Everyone followed their gazes, and saw not far away, a naked-chested man with muscles all over his body standing there with his hands folded.

One meter around him, in such a crowded crowd, there was not even a single person.

"He? Who is he, Young Master Lin, do you know him?"

"I'm not qualified to be known by him. He is called Kuanghu. I heard that he is a strong internal rotation man. He is quite famous in Jiangbei. I didn't expect him to be here..."

"Wait, there's him, he's there too, my God, they're all here!"

Lin Tianyu took a quick breath.

Hastily filled with disbelief...

Everyone was puzzled, they didn't know why Lin Tianyu lost his composure all of a sudden, but when the names came out of his mouth, they finally understood.

Liu Jian: Jiangbei swordsman, half-step master cultivation, although not a master, but a prodigal son sword swept across the entire Jiangbei!
It can be called No.1 under the master!
Wei Guoqing: Patriarch of the Wei family, one of the three major ancient martial arts families in Jiangbei, a master of internal rotation, but because of the identity of the ancient martial arts family, it can be said to be the biggest force in Jiangbei besides the Wang family.

Gong Ke: Patriarch of the Gong family, one of the three ancient martial arts families in Jiangbei, and also a master of internal rotation...

Jiang Jie: The half-step master, and the Jiangbei swordsman, are known as the strongest who are most likely to break through to the master!
And Luo Guan...

and many more……

Names spit out from Lin Tianyu's mouth one by one, and every name casually thrown out was enough to shock the whole Jiangbei.

But now...

This group of people are like passers-by, standing quietly by the Tianxin Lake and waiting, never before being honest and low-key.

This is the influence of Grand Master Battle!
They are enough to attract the attention of the entire region.

Of course, if the entire Chinese ancient martial arts world receives news of their decisive battle, then they will definitely come!
Because the impact of the Grandmaster Battle is too great, especially for those strong half-step Grandmasters.

Perhaps after watching this battle, they may comprehend and step into that realm!
Therefore, it is no surprise that they will appear here.

"Wait, who are those two people? Who are those two women next to Wei Guoqing and Gong Ke?"

"Oh my God, I've never seen such a beautiful woman before, it's simply amazing!"

Another friend of Lin Tianyu exclaimed, and even narrowed his eyes a little, with a look of color on his face.

"If you don't want to die, just put away your eyes. You can provoke those two women? Even my young master can only lower his head when he sees them!"

"Huh? Is it that scary?"


Lin Tianyu sneered: "Wang Lingxue, Concubine Bai Bai, do you think it's that scary?"

As soon as these words came out, not only them, but also some people around them gasped when they heard this.

Wang Lingxue of the Wang family, among other things, the fact that she is Wang Lingyun's older sister is enough to scare everyone.

And Bai Yafei of the Bai family was also very famous in Yuncheng before, especially in this period of time.

Not only dare to provoke the Wang family, but even compete for the position of the Guwu family.

Let alone Yuncheng, the whole Jiangbei is in full swing.

It can be said that if today is divided into protagonists and supporting roles, Lin Tang Wang Lingyun is the protagonist, then Bai Yafei and Wang Lingxue are the supporting roles!

The man who still had a look on his face just now turned extremely pale in an instant, and he didn't dare to say anything.

"Since you have said that, aren't the Wang and Bai families enemies? Why is the Bai family still with the Gu Wu family?"

Gao Xiaoling asked a little puzzled.

Lin Tianyu was suddenly a little proud, and even Gao Xiaoling couldn't help asking herself, obviously she regarded herself as the backbone.

Didn't I just show so much to make Gao Xiaoling feel that I am very good?
At the moment proudly said:
"That's another thing to say. Since the Bai family challenges the Wang family, then naturally the status of the Bai family is equal to the Wang family at this time, and it is normal to stand together!"

"Of course, the consequences are also very cruel. If Lin Tang wins, the Wang family will be kicked out of the Guwu family.

The Wang family has offended a lot of people these years, and no one dared to say anything, but if they weren't the Gu Wu family.

And what happened to Wang Lingyun, the fate of the Wang family will not be so good!

And if the Wang family wins, the Bai family may be ruined within a day, and the end will definitely be more miserable than the Wang family! "

"How could this be?"

Gao Xiaoling's face was full of surprise: "If you lose, will your family be ruined?"

"This is for sure!"

Lin Tianyu became a little serious when he said this: "The battle of the masters is also a battle of glory, and they have already blocked the fate of the two families.

Not to mention, the Wang family was originally the Guwu family, and if the Bai family wanted to become one, they would naturally have to bear the consequences.

Otherwise, how could there be only a few ancient martial arts families in Huaxia?The ground has long been full of ancient martial arts families! "

Speaking of this, Lin Tianyu looked at Lin Tang again and said disdainfully:

"So, some people dare to say that they know Lin Tang and Wang Lingyun without shame, and they don't even draft drafts.

Grandmaster, not everyone is qualified to know it, just like the Bai family, knowing a grandmaster is equivalent to having the qualification to reach the sky...

Xiaoling, I'm not talking about you, really, the next time you meet a friend, you have to clean it up carefully, some people can't know each other! "


PS: Ask for support, ask for recommendation, ask for reward, ask for collection...

(End of this chapter)

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