man returning from hell

Chapter 401 Yingzheng's true identity, an immeasurable round

Chapter 401 Yingzheng's true identity, an immeasurable situation
Lin Zheng's expression didn't change much.

However, those eyes still narrowed slightly, looking at Lin Tang: "Lin Zheng, Ying Zheng, everything is just my alias.

Shihuang is just a ridiculous title, if you can, you can call me the Great Emperor! "


Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It seems that your identity is not simple!"

It's not easy!
Whether Ying Zheng or Shi Huangdi.

They are all but mortal emperors.

Lin Tang didn't take it seriously when he heard that they called him the Great Emperor from the one tower, two halls, three courtyards and four gates.

But now...

All this seems to be no coincidence!
"who are you?"

Anyone who dares to be honored as a great emperor must have entered the cycle of reincarnation with a body of cultivation, transformed himself into Tao, and became a ruled emperor, so he dared to become a great emperor!
This Yingzheng dared to call himself the Great Emperor. Obviously, his background was not simple!

"Who is this emperor?"

Hearing Lin Tang's words, Ying Zheng became pensive, and finally sighed: "It's been too long, hundreds of thousands of time, reincarnation again and again, so that the emperor almost forgot his name...

However, Bendi remembered what they said:

One point to the reincarnation of the country,

In a word, the Buddha will be destroyed forever.

The king of the three realms and six realms is in heaven,
The world sages of the ten directions..."

Hearing this, Lin Tang's pupils constricted suddenly, his heart was churning like a river and sea, and a hoarse voice came out of his mouth word by word: "Fu! Tu! Da! Di!"

How could Lin Tang not know such a sentence?
Because, the exercise that my little sister learned is the exercise of the Great Buddha: One Finger Buddha!
But he never imagined that the Yingzheng in front of him would actually be the Great Buddha, the holy emperor honored by all the gods!

Holy Emperor of the Buddha!

That is an existence that the entire God Realm is famous for. When he passed through the Heavenly Tribulation of the Dao of Transformation, he used the power of one person to refine hundreds of millions of living beings in one world, and used their living beings as sacrifices to resist the Dao of Heaven.

He even killed and wounded Jiuxiao, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of gods in the heavenly court of the God Realm, being chased and killed by countless powerful men, and finally disappeared in the God Realm.

If Lin Tang hadn't intruded into his cave by accident, he would never have known that such a great emperor would eventually fall down.

But this was just his original thought. If he hadn't heard what Ying Zheng said at this moment, he would have thought he was dead, but he didn't expect that he would go through reincarnation again and again, and finally appear on a small place like the earth. world!

Incarnate as Ying Zheng, Shi Huangdi!
It never occurred to me that I would actually be involved in it...

"Oh? You know what?"

Ying Zheng's unchanging expression finally changed, and he looked Lin Tang up and down: "It's a bit interesting. It seems that you are not a simple person. Could it be that you are a powerful reincarnation? From that place in the God Realm down?"

Lin Tang didn't speak.

His fist clenched slightly.

Immediately, it loosened again quickly...

What about the Holy Emperor of the Buddha?
He, Lin Tang, is Hell Lord Yan, the Blood Emperor of Jiuyou!
When was it worse than him?

Dare to plot against yourself, let alone him, even the Xuantian God Emperor himself would dare to kill, let alone him?

He didn't answer Ying Zheng.

Because, there is no need at all...

However, he still asked the question he really wanted to ask: "What do you want to do?"


What do you want to do!
What is his chess game?
"What is the emperor going to do?"

Ying Zheng smiled, and said casually, "This Emperor, I just want to go home!"

Come back home?

Lin Tang was puzzled at first...

But soon, his pupils shrank: "You... want to open the way to heaven!"

Lin Tang's fine hairs are exploding!

His unchanging face finally changed...

Everything makes sense!

The supreme treasure of the spiritual domain, the sword of the seven souls on his body, was not stolen by a traitor at all, but was stolen by Ying Zheng, in order to cause a war between the spiritual domain and the earth!
Everything, just because he wants to go home!
The soul is destroyed, the world collapses, and the road to the sky opens!
In China, in this small world, unless there is a strong person with the existence of transformation path, who can open the way of heaven with great power, otherwise, there is only one way, and that is to sacrifice the entire earth, using the entire earth's creatures, aura, and natural power Only with strength can the heavenly road leading to the God Realm be opened!
However, the battle that year was beyond Ying Zheng's expectations. He overestimated himself and underestimated the entire spiritual realm. Although he was wounded by both defeats, it was far from achieving the effect of cultivating the entire earth...

and many more……

Lin Tang suddenly had a solemn look on his face: "In the battle between Lingyu and Daqin, you didn't open the road to heaven at all. The real purpose is to gather the spiritual veins of the entire earth and the spiritual energy of millions of creatures." Blood, that battle, these are your most important goals!

And you count on this deity because of the power displayed by this deity, which allows you to have this final battle from scratch, and even the Emperor Jue, it is because of you that this deity has this strength!

And this soul spring, the contradiction of the Olympic mountain, is the last step, that is, the recovery of the spiritual energy, and you specially released the spiritual energy that was condensed back then...

You have to use your deity to fight against the Olympic Mountain, change the world, collapse the aura, countless blood, win the government, you are really good at calculating, once these two wars break out, you are enough to have the qualifications to open the road to heaven! "

Everything is clear!
No wonder the Jiugong old man would leave the Holy Land to himself without any resistance when he heard that he was not Ying Zheng's person, because he already knew all of Ying Zheng's schemes!
But he can't say it, because everything is going according to his calculations, even if he says it, it's useless at all, the only way is to make himself a stronger existence, and resist Ying Zheng from now on!
"It's really good, I can think of this emperor's scheme!"

Ying Zheng nodded with some satisfaction: "And you really don't want to inherit from the deity. At least your strength is enough to meet the conditions of the deity!"

Back then, Lin Tang was valued because of his talent.

But Ying Zheng still didn't dare to believe that he could do all this, so he introduced the existence of one tower, two halls, three gates and four courtyards, in order to test Lin Tang.

To my satisfaction, Lin Tang really did not disappoint me... He successfully met his requirements.

That's why, this time, he would get close to Lin Tang, and even take over Lin Zheng directly.

The identity of the Lin family allowed him to get close to Lin Tang, until the final step of the calculation was completed, and Lin Tang and the Olympic Mountain were successfully brought into conflict!

This is the Holy Emperor of the Buddha!

This is the First Emperor Yingzheng!
For this calculation, he has been lurking for more than 2000 years, until Lin Tang appeared...

He finally succeeded!
(End of this chapter)

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