man returning from hell

Chapter 407 Meng Xiaoyu, Must Die!

Chapter 407 Meng Xiaoyu, Must Die!
Among the Hanbanni Mountains.

In ruins, the once fountain of souls.

The lifeless, black land, irradiated by the sun for a long time, glowed with a permeating light.

There, a figure stepped out of the mountain step by step.

He was dressed in white, with a calm face, sword eyes and star eyebrows, but he had an unspeakable calmness and coldness.

A year's time.

During this year, Lin Tang successfully refined the entire soul water, and successfully promoted his soul power to the first level of the heavenly realm.

Even the cultivation base has entered the existence of the fourth layer of the other side.

Even the spirit-devouring stone was sealed in his Sumeru Ring with various magical powers.

This is what he has achieved in the past year, and it is also the reason why the catastrophe will land.

"It seems that we have to go back!"

Go back, where to go?
Only Lin Tang knows this best.

Although both soul and cultivation have made great progress, the loss of the fire of hell and the destruction of Liuyue are all losses.

And a humiliation he will always remember.


His fist clenched slightly, a little tight, but he loosened it quickly.

not enough……

In the realm of life and death, even if he has the soul power of the heavenly realm, if his cultivation base does not reach the heavenly palace, he is still not his opponent!
"So, it's time to go back!"


A place that rises by itself.

A place where one has stepped on many bones to become the Lord of Hell.

He is his second home.

Can go back, not just this...

Ghost cultivators are real ghost cultivators in hell.

That is a ghost cultivator's paradise.

The power of the soul pervades the air.

The blood flowing under the feet is the craziest existence of ghost cultivators.

Here, relying on practice, ordinary ghost cultivators can advance to a realm a year, but if they are in hell, they have the same qualifications.At least three realms can be advanced in a year!

This is the difference!
But this is not the point, the point is that there is what Lin Tang wants.


Heart of Blood Sea!
The former, it's a gamble.

Bet that when I am reborn, everything in hell has not been changed by me, and the fire of hell is still in the hands of the hell king.

the second……

But it was for Liuyue!

Liuyue was destroyed, his own strength was compromised, and he had to rely on Liuyue to display many of his trump cards.

And now, he has a spirit-devouring stone.

Once the spirit-devouring stone and the heart of the sea of ​​blood refine a brand new Liuyue, it will definitely be able to recast the real Liuyue in the previous life, even worse than that!

This is why Lin Tang wants to go to hell.

For revenge.

Also in order to achieve their own road to the Heavenly Palace!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and looked in Huaxia's direction.

But before that, he needs to go to Huaxia Tangmen...

In a year, they should have been counted.

Thinking of this, Lin Tang took a step forward, turned into a long rainbow, and disappeared directly into the sky...

As for the scattered Heavenly Tribulation, from beginning to end, he didn't even think about it!

an hour.

Lin Tang's figure landed over Tangmen.

The coercive buckle was released, and everyone in the entire Tang Sect noticed it.

"See Sect Master!"

Countless Tang Sect disciples suddenly knelt down.

Lin Tang frowned slightly. The group of disciples of the Tang Sect in front of him were all Shenqiao powerhouses. Under his spiritual consciousness, there were more than a dozen strong people on the other side of the Tang Sect, and tens of thousands of Shenqiao...

"Sure enough, is it the same as I thought? It's already here!"

He muttered in his heart, his eyes were a little dignified.

He nodded lightly: 'Get up! '

A group of Tangmen disciples got up and looked at Lin Tang respectfully.

Soon, more than a dozen experts from the other side, including Tang Yunzhu, appeared in front of Lin Tang first. Tang Ye'er, Murong Xiao and others also arrived. Seeing that Xia Jiuxin had returned to the Tang Sect alive, Lin Tang was slightly relieved.

It seems that a good seed did not die in Sobia.

"Master, we..."

Tang Yunzhu said a little guilty, opening his mouth, wanting to explain.

Lin Tang raised his hand to stop her: "No need to explain, I know these things, where is Meng Xiaoyu?"

Tang Yunzhu smiled bitterly.

Lin Tang's fist clenched slightly, and then he took a deep breath: "It seems that it is really her. Since that's the case, let's give an order. All disciples of the Tang Sect who see Meng Xiaoyu, kill them!"

Betrayed once, Lin Tang will not forgive any betrayal again.

Tang Sect does not allow traitors.

As a guest official of the Tang Sect, Meng Xiaoyu betrayed the Tang Sect, no matter how many reasons she had, she must be killed!

Hearing Lin Tang's words, Tang Ye'er was slightly taken aback, with a look of anxiety on his face, but in the end he could only calm down.

Tang Yunzhu nodded vigorously, and gestured to a strong man on the other side.

The strong man withdrew, and the order spread throughout the entire Tang Sect, and throughout China!

Until the end, it naturally reached Meng Xiaoyu's ears.

But when she heard this, her face didn't change at all, as if she didn't know at all!

In the main hall of Tangmen.

Lin Tanggao sat on the seat of the sect master.

All the high-level officials of the entire Tang Sect below are here...

Hearing Lin Tang slowly speak out Ying Zheng's plan, the faces of everyone present became very complicated.

Whether it's Lingyu or Huaxia, they never thought that Yingzheng's identity would be so terrifying.

What's more, he didn't expect his strength to be so terrifying, and even his bureaus were so huge.

After tens of thousands of years of continuous layout, until the end, the entire earth is going to be destroyed, and the heavenly path will be opened!
"So, the [-] army of God's Domain will really attack?"

Tang Yunzhu looked at Lin Tang and said, "Then what should we do? If it's like what the sect master said, this battle may be..."

She didn't go on, but everyone understood.

The earth is in danger!
God's Domain, Tangmen, the same day...

No matter who wins or who loses, the final winner is Ying Zheng, the Holy Emperor of the Buddha!
"Don't worry, there's still time!"

Lin Tang said lightly: "At least, there are still many years to go. If you want to open the road to heaven, this battle cannot be achieved by relying on God's Domain alone. Therefore, he must ensure that the deity will also fight!"

Speaking of this, Lin Tang paused slightly: "So, taking advantage of these few years, you have a task to integrate the entire China as soon as possible..."

"As for Ying Zheng..."

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly: "He, leave it to the deity!"

lost once...

It doesn't mean he will still lose!
The humiliation of the past will be reported tomorrow...

Everyone nodded. Although they didn't know why Lin Tang was so sure that he could stop Ying Zheng, they also believed in him, because if there is only one Lin Tang in this world who can stop Ying Zheng!

People back down.

Xia Jiuxin also followed behind, but just as she was about to leave, Lin Tang said, "Jiuxin, stop, I have something to talk to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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