man returning from hell

Chapter 415 Survivors, clues to their whereabouts

Chapter 415 Survivors, clues to their whereabouts
Tang Yan!

When Lin Tang saw this face, his whole body was shocked, with a look of surprise on his face.

He is still alive...

If it is said that his little sister and Bai Yafei are still alive, it is absolute.

Because in their souls, I have set up a restriction, so that when they die, they can resonate with hell and appear on the road to Huangquan.

Then, with the help of the power of prohibition, keep them awake all the way.

But this Tang Yan, Lin Tang really didn't think of it.

After all, his talent is very average, even the strength of the soul is only at the middle level, and he can still wake up under the effect of the Song of Everlasting Regret, which is definitely beyond his expectations.

"Is he alive too?"

Looking at Tang Yan, Lin Tang muttered in his heart.

Being alive proves that he has walked over from this soul fighting arena.

As for how it came out, Lin Tang didn't know, but judging by the cultivation base he exudes now, it turned out to be a divine bridge, obviously he also experienced a lot of suffering.

"Then, since he is alive, he should know the whereabouts of the little sister and the others, right?"

Think of it...

Lin Tang looked at him, and then at the person he was going to photograph.

It was a little girl.

The specific face can no longer be seen clearly, after all, it is covered with blood and mud.

"He, what are you going to do with this person?"

As a ghost tripod?

Can't rule out this possibility...

But it's definitely not that simple...

"It's just that it's absolutely impossible for a person who can go from the soul fighting field to the end to be photographed with only one thousand blood spirit stones!"

as predicted……

After Tang Yan set the price, someone immediately raised the price again, and it quickly broke through [-].

But Lin Tang could only watch helplessly as the last person was photographed away.

Lin Tang didn't make a move.

Because, there is no blood spirit stone on his body.

Of course, the more important point is that, in this ghost town, taking the photo away doesn't mean it belongs to him!
Soon, the curtain fell, and a group of people began to leave.

Tang Yan also followed among the crowd,

Lin Tang stood up, took a deep look at the man who patted the little girl away, remembered his aura, and then followed him away, but followed Tang Yan directly.


Tang Yan's heart was very heavy.

He didn't know what to do.

Obviously the clues are already in front of him, but he has nothing to do.

This time, he came out without telling the sect. He didn't even know what kind of torture he would suffer if he went back this time and was found out.

"Is there really no way?"

His fists were clenched tightly, unwillingly.

It has been five full years since I came to hell.

In the past five years, he has been thinking about seeing them every day, but now...


He clenched his fists tightly and shook his head violently, trying to wake himself up...

But it was also at this time that his footsteps suddenly stopped, and a look of panic flashed in his eyes.

In front of him, a man in black robe stood there quietly...

That feeling made him a little uncomfortable, and he even found it very difficult to breathe.

"I've seen senior before, I don't know if there's something wrong with senior stopping me? If it's because of something in the soul fighting arena, the boy didn't take any seeds, senior may have found the wrong target!"

The seeds refer to the victors who come out of the soul fighting arena.

Once it is photographed, many people will definitely follow it. Tang Yan knew it in her heart, but he still wanted to win it.

But he didn't expect that he would be stopped by someone before he took a picture of it. How could this make him uneasy?

Especially this person in front of him, he can still feel that his strength is terrifying, at least he will never be his opponent!

Also at this time.

The senior suddenly stretched out his hand.

Tang Yan was taken aback and put on a defensive posture.

But he didn't make a move, but slowly pulled down the hood. Seeing this, Tang Yan was completely shocked.

Immediately, he rubbed his eyes vigorously, full of disbelief.

After a long time, he trembled and said, "First... sir?"

"What? It's only been a few years, and you don't know me anymore?"

Lin Tang looked at Tang Yan indifferently, the corners of his mouth slightly raised,

As soon as these words came out, Tang Yan jumped up completely, her face was full of excitement: "It's really sir, it's really sir, sir, come you are here, great, finally seeing you is you!"


It's about Tang Yan now...

He never dared to believe that Mr. would appear here, it was simply unbelievable.

This is hell!

Why are you here sir...

But suddenly, he froze and looked at Lin Tang: "Sir, you...are you dead too?"

"Dead? You just died!"

not dead?

"Then you are from Yang?"

Hearing this, Tang Yan's complexion changed drastically, and he looked around quickly, only to find that he didn't see it, and then he became anxious: "Sir, this is hell, Yang people are forbidden by hell, if you appear here, something will happen No, quickly find a place!"

Yang people are different from their ghost cultivators.

A Yang person can definitely stir up the entire hell...and even overturn the entire hell system.

This is not an exaggeration!

Yangren ghost cultivation is different from Yinhun ghost cultivation.

They don't have the weakness of ghost cultivation, and even, because of the possibility of Yang people practicing ghost cultivation, they may become a murderous existence without blinking an eye.

This is obvious to all.

Because in hell, there is such an existence.

Blood Sea Pluto.

A yang man who practiced ghost cultivation, forcibly opened up a world under the hell, and even the king of hell could do nothing to him...

So, with such a pioneer, how could hell allow a Yang person to exist?

"It's okay, as for my matter, it's a long story. If it's you, why did you want to take pictures of that little girl here, and what happened during this period of time? What about Xiaoyue? Where's Yafei? What about Moran and the others? But they are still alive..."

Hearing Lin Tang's words, Tang Yan fell silent immediately.

He smiled bitterly: "Sir, this matter is really as you said, it's a long story..."

As he spoke, he slowly told the story of their coming to hell, and also told the reason why they photographed that girl.

After Tang Yan and others were slapped to death by Lei Gang's palm, they came to hell in a daze, and even became members of the fighting spirit field.

But not all of them survived. Only Bai Yue, Bai Yafei, Tang Yan and Mo Lan survived in the entire Bai family.

That is, Gao Xiaoling, Uncle Fu, and Lin Yifei are all dead, and they did not enter this hell, but really disappeared!

The four of them huddled together, and finally survived in the fighting spirit field, and they are also the current one...


Later, when the crowd split up, the reason why he wanted to photograph that little girl was because that little girl might know the whereabouts of Bai Yue and the others!

"The four of us were all separated, and I was taken away by an elder of the Blood Cloud Sect and became a blood boy, but I didn't know anything about them.

This time, the elder of the Blood Cloud Sect happened to be out, so I seized the opportunity and sneaked out, just to take a picture of the little girl and get that little clue from her, but now..."

Speaking of this, Tang Yan said guiltily: "Sir, I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

(End of this chapter)

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