Chapter 418 The Soul Arena Divided In Two

A calm voice spit out from Lin Tang's mouth.

But to Chu Sewu, it was like hearing the funniest joke in the world.

"Get it yourself? How to get it? From my soul?"

She looked at Lin Tang with a sarcastic expression on her face: "It's expected that Yang people are crazy, but a mere Yang person from the other side of the fourth layer dares to be so rampant in front of me, how dare you?" Really, courting death!"

Lin Tang shook his head.

"Alright, I wanted to say that if you miss it, you will miss it, and you may not be able to kill you. Since you are so impatient to let this deity take revenge, then this deity, just report it!"

Lin Tang is not a good person.

Even, he can say that he is a villain.

A villain who must be revenged.

In the previous life, I came out of this soul fighting arena, suffered all the humiliation of this Chusewu, and was regarded by it as a savings box for my soul, and whenever the storage was full, I would draw it.

Then throw it into the soul fighting field, waiting for a new round of harvest.

The feeling of being swallowed by the power of the soul is like the soul being bitten off bite by bite.



It's beyond description.

Only those who really experience it can understand how painful and cruel it is!

Until I left here and was sent to the law enforcement team, even if I thought about it, I still had nightmares.




When he stepped on the other shore step by step and reached the Heavenly Palace, when he wanted to kill this woman for revenge, she was killed first.

It is precisely because of this that I, who must take revenge, turned my target to the ghost king of the city of ghosts.

And because he beheaded the ghost king, the whole hell united to punish him. Under the fleeing and pursuit of being hunted and counter-killed, he grew up step by step, and finally entered the Jiuluo Palace, and even directly entered the entire Hades Palace. Step onto the throne of Hell King and become the ruler of the whole hell!
If there were any regrets in the previous life, apart from not being able to see my parents, and even killing that couple of dogs, Chen Heng, the only thing that was called Chu Sewu was not beheaded by myself. sorry!

And now, she was right in front of him.

He also knew what would happen if he killed her.


Have you ever been afraid?

When the voice fell to the ground, Lin Tang took a step forward...

His hand is raising.

A blood-colored giant palm suddenly appeared in the void, and the blood-colored giant palm fell, with a coercion that made people dare not look at each other and resist.

"court death!"

Chu Sewu's face froze, and anger appeared!
She didn't expect that the Yang man in front of her would dare to fight in such a situation, and she was not afraid that the battle between the two would attract the attention of all the law enforcement teams in the entire Ghost City.

Her body straightened up suddenly, and her graceful figure was instantly exposed, which can be called the most alluring scenery in the entire City of Shadows.

But under this stand, the breath on his body is unprecedentedly terrifying.

That monstrous murderous aura enveloped the entire Soul Arena in an instant. Countless soul bodies and ghost cultivators trembled as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

"This is……"

Everyone suddenly looked in the direction of Xueyunju in the fighting spirit field.

"That's where Mr. Chusewu is in the fighting spirit field. Who made that lord so angry?"

The crowd was shocked.

Not to mention that Chu Sewu's cultivation base is terrifying to the realm of the other side, but the person standing behind him is the most terrifying existence in the entire Yinhun City. On the surface, it is a strong man at the perfect level of the other side: the fire ghost king!

Offending such a woman, and making this person so angry, is simply courting death!
In the city of ghosts.

A team of law-enforcement teams with an extremely terrifying aura, whose average cultivation level has reached the first level of the other side.

Especially the leader, a middle-aged man whose cultivation had reached the third level, frowned and looked in the direction of Xueyunju.

"Captain, this is Master Chu, is there something wrong? Or, Yangren?"

A law enforcement team member looked at the middle-aged man and said.

The middle-aged man thought for a while, and finally shook his head: "Probably not, there is no other aura except Master Chu's breath. Come to think of it, which maid has angered Master Chu again!"

This thing is not uncommon.

It's just that there has never been such a big movement in the past. It seems that this time, the maid really angered Da Chu and beat him!
A group of members of the law enforcement team smiled and shook their heads.

They don't take it to heart either, their current goal is to find that Yangren and put its head in front of the ghost king before the ghost king leaves the pass.

As for other things, they are not in the mood to care about them!
But also at this time...


A terrifying explosion suddenly came from the direction of the Blood Cloud Residence.

Everyone only saw that a long blood-red light tore apart the entire Blood Cloud Residence, and this blood-red light was like a blood-red lightning flashing in the void.

Under this flash of blood, the entire blood cloud was torn apart...together with the torn apart, there was more than half of the entire Soul Arena.

Looking down from the sky, the entire Soul Fighting Field was divided into two, and the Blood Cloud Residence was turned into ruins!
"No, this is, a powerful enemy has invaded!"

The face of the captain of the law enforcement team changed drastically, and that terrifying aura instantly permeated the entire city of ghosts.

He trembled, looking in that direction.

What a weird smell...

That's... Yangren!
"Damn it! Damn it, the man from Yang actually found Master Chu, quickly, send me a signal to call all the nearby team members to gather and support Master Chu!"

"Captain, you mean, Master Chu..."

"What nonsense, believe it or not, I will kill you, hurry up!"


Bloody fireworks, take off and bloom!

Around the entire city of ghosts, countless law enforcement officers appeared from various places, heading towards the direction of the blood cloud dwelling.

They are restless, terrified...

That's Lord Ghost King's woman, if, if something happens, then they, wouldn't they...


The blood cloud dwells above the ruins!
Chu Sewu's face was a little pale, and her face was full of disbelief.

One palm...

That palm is obviously so ordinary...

His aura was clearly pitifully weaker than his own.

But why the difference under this palm is so terrifying.

At this moment, she only felt that the ghost power was surging all over her body, as if she was about to be slapped away by a palm. If she hadn't reacted in time and dodged quickly, she would have died completely in front of him with this palm!

Her eyes were terribly cold, and she looked at Lin Tang, who was still holding her hands behind her back, and said, "My friend, don't push things too far, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no way to end this matter!"

She is a little scared!

This Yangren is indeed terrifying, just like the legendary Yangren.It's just that the four layers of the other side directly suppressed himself.

She knew in her heart that she fell directly to the bottom in one round, and she was afraid that she would really be doomed when the fight started!

"This terrifying movement has already attracted the attention of the entire Ghost City law enforcement team. The fireworks are the official law enforcement team's gathering signal. Once they all come, there will be so many people that even you will not be able to escape.

Not to mention, Nujia is the woman of the Fiery Ghost King, once the Ghost King makes a move, you really have nowhere to escape! "

She is stalling for time...

She already knew that Lin Tang was from Yang, and was so arrogant, Chu Sewu would never say that she would just let Lin Tang leave like this!

But she also understood that she couldn't beat Lin Tang by herself!
Therefore, the only way is to delay the time, with the help of members of the law enforcement team, a few strong men from the other side, even if this Yangren is powerful, they must definitely stay!

Lin Tang frowned.

Naturally, she sensed Chu Sewu's intention...

But soon, he shook his head: ""It's a pity, even if they came, what they saw was only your most embarrassing scene! "

The voice fell!

Lin Tang took a step forward, he punched out, his black hair danced wildly, his clothes fluttered...

(End of this chapter)

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