man returning from hell

Chapter 422 Surprised change, life and death unknown!

Chapter 422 Surprised change, life and death unknown!
The ghost wind spread from the city of ghosts to the eighteen cities of hell.

In the same way, the news that Yinhun City was changed into a city lord, was seized by a Yang man, and even escaped from the control of hell came in.

As soon as the news came out, the Eighteen Cities were shocked!
This is something that has never happened in hell.

Even the Pluto who is under the sea of ​​blood now would never have dared to do such a thing back then.


Really arrogant!
This is the heart of all ghost cultivators.

The entire Eighteen Cities of Hell are discussing this matter.

Even, there are countless ghost cultivators laughing at that Raging Fire Ghost King.

They were thinking, if this fire ghost king found out that when he came out of seclusion, the whole city of ghosts became someone else's, and even his own woman was killed by someone else, what kind of expression would he have on his face? Wonderful?
A majestic city lord, his own woman, if you want to take it, you can take it away, if you want to kill it, you can kill it!

It's like losing face to the whole hell.

However, more people are curious.

Curious how the rest of the seventeen city lords would view this incident.

Will it be...

Standing on top of the entire system, take action, and drive this Yangren out of hell before the Fiery Ghost King exits?


It's puzzling.

Even if it's the Yang people outside seizing power and becoming the lord of Yinhun City, what's going on?
The remaining seventeen cities were surprisingly quiet.

Not to mention the attitude of the Seventeenth City, there is no rumor at all. ,
Their law enforcement team is still managing the ghost town where they are, Douhun Field, Huangquan Road, and Naihe Bridge in an orderly manner, as if all these things have nothing to do with them.


In the city of ghosts.

Ghost Palace!
Lin Tang also knew the attitude of the other seventeen cities...

A look of disappointment appeared on his face.

Ascend to the city lord and control the city of ghosts.

This position is not his goal!
His goal is to take back his position in the whole hell, but this group of people didn't even move at all, which is equivalent to giving him no reason to make a move!
However, Lin Tang quickly shook his head with a smile...

Don't do it?
It's not that they really don't do anything, it's just that the time has not come!
The difficulty of the Yang people is not just a simple sentence!

As the former Lord of Hell, Lin Tang knows better than anyone how Pluto achieved the position of Blood Sea back then.

Hell ghost history records: 115 years of the ghost calendar, ghosts, Liuli, evil ghosts, Tianbie, Senluo, Soul Eater, Wusoul, blood clouds covering the sky, tens of millions of ghost cultivators have been refined, ten cities Nine sky... The land of nine Luo, corpses everywhere, devouring spirits everywhere, under hell, Buddha's voice keeps going, hell empty city hell...

Such a catastrophic existence, and now he appears as a Yang person, how can this group of people watch him grow up?

So, if you don't do it, it's because you are waiting...

I don't know my own strength, but I can casually crush Chu Sewu who is nearly perfect in the other side of the Yae. With this kind of strength, I have to keep the remaining seventeen cities on guard.

Rather than dying by my own hands because of ignorance, why not wait...,

Waiting for the release of the fire ghost king.

After he fought himself, they would naturally know how to choose!

And this is just one of them.

More importantly, they are still waiting for Jiu Luo's order...

Even if they are the city lords of the Eighteenth City, they would not dare to intrude into the realm of other ghost kings privately, otherwise, it will easily lead to some irreparable disasters!

Just these two points are enough to make them, no matter how upside down this city of ghosts is, how rampant he is, they will calm down.

However, Lin Tang himself knew that once his news reached Jiuluo City.

Then what I will meet will be a counterattack from eighteen cities!

But so what?
Isn't this what you most want to see?

Thinking of this, Lin Tang didn't pay attention to this matter...

He turned to look at the thing in his hand.

It was a spar as bright red as blood, somewhat similar to a blood spirit stone, but it was not!
This is called, the soul of the elf!

It is the essence born from the souls swallowed by the soul devourers from the bridge of Naihe.

A soul devourer can at most give birth to less than ten such elf souls in a year.

And the value of each of them is not high, but it can definitely resist the soul value of the fifth or sixth level powerhouse on the other side...

This is what Lin Tang wanted most.

Although it is said that this thing has little effect on him after passing the Tiangong, but with these things, before the Tiangong, Lin Tang is more than enough to raise his soul to the third or fourth level of the Tiangong!
"Well, I still have to thank you a lot. I originally thought that you would take all of these things away after retreating, but who would have thought that all the essence of the soul for more than ten years is in this ghost king's mansion!"

Smile slightly.

Swallow the essence of the soul in your hand,
With all his heart turned to the sky, Lin Tang began to slowly digest the power of the soul in it. After each spirit spirit was absorbed, another one went in...

On a day when the outside world was stormy, Lin Tang was cultivating calmly in the ghost palace.

Just this kind of mentality, Ri Xiangyang and others have to admire it...

But it is precisely because of this that they dare not take any action.

Completely surrender to Lin Tang's lust?
it's out of the question!

Unless it is said that the Raging Fire Ghost King died in the hands of Lin Tang, otherwise, the law enforcement team will definitely not be loyal to him or the Raging Fire Ghost King at this moment, but the lord of the entire Ghost City!

Whoever sits in that position is their master!

It was also because of this that Lin Tang kept them!
However, it is under this rare calm.

It was also on the third day after Lin Tang became the Lord of the City of Shadows, Tang Yan walked in in a hurry, which made Lin Tang wake up from his retreat.

Seeing Lin Tang appear.

Tang Yan's face was full of worry: "Sir, it's not good, go to the No.11 team of Yingyuezong, and all members will be wiped out. Moran, life and death are unknown!"

Hearing this, Lin Tang narrowed his eyes suddenly: "Say, what's going on here? What does it mean that life and death are unknown?"

Moran, this is my little sister's best friend.

Also like my little sister.

Whether it was Tang Yan or Bai Yafei, to put it bluntly, neither of them had a place in his heart for Moran.

Especially at the beginning, in order to protect her younger sister, she swore to the death that she would never do so. In this regard, even if it was a lifetime, Lin Tang must protect her forever!
And now...

Tang Yan told him that Moran's life and death were unknown.

How could he not be angry!

(End of this chapter)

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