man returning from hell

Chapter 424 Three Moves! ! ! ! !

Chapter 424 Three Moves! ! ! ! !

The moment the man's voice fell to the ground, a blood-colored horse shot straight out of the Ghost King's Mansion.

It is like a blood-colored avenue to the sky, connecting the ghost king's mansion and this side of the sky.


A man in white came slowly from there with his hands behind his back.

Stepping out...

At his feet, blood-colored lotus flowers bloomed.

Not as domineering and murderous as the middle-aged man, but the feeling he gave to everyone was not much less than that of the middle-aged man.

Instead, because of his appearance, everyone in the ghost town narrowed their eyes and clenched their fists.

The footsteps stopped.

Lin Tang stood on the Scarlet Avenue.

Slightly raised his eyes, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said slowly: "Fire Ghost King, you... finally appeared!"

"Yes, it is the king!"

The Raging Fire Ghost King stood in the sky, the raging fire in his eyes was endless, and when he opened his mouth, he saw that the breath he exhaled made the sea of ​​clouds tumbling.

Indistinctly, behind no one has seen, a palace of flames is flickering, and it is impressively a strong man at the level of Tiangong.


Lin Tang could still clearly feel that this Heavenly Palace is not stable, but rather illusory. It is obvious that it has just broken through and has not been stabilized.

But even so, Lin Tang has seen this person before, besides Ying Zheng, the strongest one exists!

Tang Yan's heart trembled.

This fire ghost king can be said to be the most terrifying existence he has ever seen.

Ever since he came to Hell, he had only heard about this person in legends, because from the beginning to now, the Raging Fire Ghost King has been in seclusion for ten years.

It's just that he never thought that the first meeting would be under such circumstances,

"Sir, can you win?"

He clenched his fists, feeling a little uneasy.

Lin Tang is strong, but this is an existence that has been famous for thousands of years. How can Tang Yan have absolute confidence in Lin Tang?
"This king has been in seclusion for ten years, and he came out after success, but he didn't think that you killed his woman, and you even dared to occupy the position of this king. Now, this king has come out, you, damn it! "

The Fire Ghost King said flatly.

But the murderous aura in it is not as ordinary as it seems on the surface: "Say it, tell me, your name, the first Yangren to appear in 10 years, even though it's just an ant, it's also an ant. Courageous ants, this is enough for this king to remember your name!"

His hand, sleeve wave!
I saw a man flying out from a certain direction of Ghost King's Mansion. He was the leader of the law enforcement team, Ri Xiangyang.

"Ghost... ghost king... no... don't..."

Ri Xiangyang's face was full of horror, but he didn't finish his sentence at all, and he was directly grabbed by the Raging Fire Ghost King.

Immediately, with light force, Ri Xiangyang's whole body was directly crushed and turned into blood mist: "This person is the captain of the law enforcement team, but he is disloyal to the king, he should die!"

After he finished speaking, he pressed down with one hand!
A giant palm of flames suddenly gathered in the void, and when the giant palm was pressed down, the entire Ghost King's Mansion was immediately firmly controlled.

Rays of light shot out from the giant flaming palm, endlessly, shooting into all the law enforcement teams in the entire Ghost King's Mansion, sealing their cultivation base.

"As for you, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped. After this matter is over, this king will naturally punish you well. Now, just wait here for now!"

This scene made many ghost cultivators in the entire Yinhun City tremble.

As for all the members of the law enforcement team in the entire Ghost King's Mansion, their faces were extremely pale.

His face was full of despair.

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly.

still not moving...

Even if Ri Xiangyang was killed, he didn't stop him.

It can be clearly seen that at this moment, the coldness in the depths of Lin Tang's eyes is getting bigger and bigger: "It's interesting, everything has changed, but at least you haven't changed!"


The Fiery Ghost King looked at Lin Tang: "It seems that you know me? Then I am more and more curious about who you are, so much so that you dare to take the lead in taking the initiative with a mere fifth level of the other side. Hit this king, do you think this king is the weakest among the eighteen cities?"

Lin Tang smiled and shook his head.

He looked at the Raging Fire Ghost King and said slowly: "I want to know the name of this deity, you are not qualified enough, do it, wait for you to be dealt with, this deity, I have to go to the Yingyue Sect, see if I don't have time to be here with you, play this game What a silly trick!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Raging Fire Ghost King suddenly narrowed.

Immediately, he laughed loudly: "It's interesting, it's interesting, this king thought he was already crazy, but he didn't expect that you Yangren are even more crazy than this deity!
That's okay, since you're given a chance, but you don't take it seriously, then this king wants to see how strong you are, Yangren!She actually said that the king's arrival was just a silly trick! "

He stepped out!
Step into the void.

The flames under his feet were burning, blowing his black hair wildly, like an ancient fire spirit:
"Three tricks, if you can accept my king's three tricks, I will not kill you, but send you to the land of Jiuluo, whether you are dead or alive, everything depends on your luck!"

Flames shot out of his eyes, like two golden thunderbolts penetrating the sky. He swung his fist, and the monstrous flames shot up, like the entire sky collapsed in an instant, extremely tyrannical, and full of endless destruction!
He punches out...

The sea of ​​flames rolled up in the sky and turned into a flaming beast. The beast had four legs and two legs. It looked like a flaming tiger or a wolf, but it didn't look like it.
It came from the sky, opened its bloody mouth, at first glance it didn't feel scary, but when it came to the back, with that mouthful, it directly swallowed half of the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun!
Not to mention humans, even the entire City of Shadows is not big enough for a single bite...

"Do you want to kill the deity with three moves?"

Lin Tang shook his head and said lightly: "Alright, then I will return this to you. If you don't die within three moves, I will wait for you!"

Heavenly Palace?

In front of himself in the fifth level on the other side, less than the third level, everything is just an ant in his hands, and he dares to try to kill himself...

Or, let him see the gap between him and himself!
Also let this city of ghosts return to its proper owner!

Really, master!

Lin Tang stepped on the void step by step, and the golden light on his body became more and more intense, until finally, it rose into the sky, like a dazzling golden sun, with a monstrous aura rising up!


These two vast auras collided above the sky, dividing the entire sky into two.

One for the flame world!
One is the world of golden gods...

(End of this chapter)

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