man returning from hell

Chapter 428 Sen Luo Order, Moon Reflection Sect!

Chapter 428 Sen Luo Order, Moon Reflection Sect!
The pupils of the Raging Fire Ghost King constricted.

His face was pale, full of despair.

All the people in the City of Shadows stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

That knife fell.

It collided with the palace that covered the sky.

World, silent!
They saw a scene that they will never forget in this life.

That knife, just paused for a moment, then cut open that day's palace.

The Heavenly Palace, which should be enough to suppress any living beings, is so fragile under this knife that all the blows of a strong Tiangong who has practiced for thousands of years!

The knife... falls!
But it didn't stop!

It's still getting closer!
In the eyes of the Raging Fire Ghost King, it became closer and closer, until the bright light first passed through the body of the Raging Fire Ghost King.

Then, there was the half-moon blade!
There was no howling, no screaming, because everything was too late...

Blood fog.

Never existed!

That day palace doesn't even exist!
Under that knife, everything is being melted.

Huang Quan, was split open!

A crack spanning thousands of miles spreads all the way from the underworld, rolling up shocking waves...

And Lin Tang, standing there like that!

has disappeared!

His hand, behind his back, stepped into the void...

His eyes are calm, like a king who rules the world, looking down on the entire common people!

Three strokes to kill the enemy!
He said it!
Did it too!

Nothing short of a knife...

Not even an extra knife...

At this moment, the entire Ghost City was completely quiet, and countless people watched this scene tremblingly!
Immediately, boom!
Countless strong men, facing the void at this moment, knelt down one by one and lowered their heads...

Even the Fiery Ghost King failed, what else can they do!
He is the Lord of the City of Shadows!
The eighteen cities of hell, the king of ghosts in the city of ghosts!

Lin Tang just looked at them like that, and said lightly: "From now on, ghosts have no law enforcement, only the deity is the only one, and trespassers: die!"

When the news spread, the entire Eighteen Cities of Hell shook...

The eighteen city lords looked shocked, and stood up abruptly from the ghost king's throne!
"You... what did you say? Fire Ghost King, dead?"

The wandering city lord Baiye Guiwang couldn't believe it.

What is the strength of the Fiery Ghost King, why doesn't he know?
When it was just the other shore, it was already ranked in the top ten. Even if it met the existence of the first level of Tiangong, even if it was lost, it could still escape calmly!

But now...

He had already been promoted to Tiangong, but he was directly beheaded by the Yang people in the sky above Yinhun City, how could this not make him not frightened!
"Yes, yes, the Raging Fire Ghost King is dead, not only that, but the Yang people have completely controlled the entire Yinhun City, and even announced that the entire Yinhun City, without the existence of law enforcement personnel..."

The emissary who brought the news trembled.

Hearing this, the wandering city lord's expression suddenly darkened, he waved his hand, drove the ghost off, and slowly sat on the throne of the ghost king, but the seriousness on his face became deeper and deeper !

"This Yangren wants to break the rules of the entire Eighteen Cities. Not only that, but eliminating the existence of the entire law enforcement team is equivalent to completely breaking away from the control of the entire Jiuluo!"

he muttered...

After a long time, he stood up abruptly.

Suddenly said: "Pass on the king's order to issue the Senluo order to Yinhun City! Also pass this order to the other sixteen cities, and ask them to prepare!"

It was also at the moment when his voice fell to the ground, a figure shrouded in black mist slowly condensed in the corner of the originally gloomy hall.

"Follow the order of the wandering king!"

This scene was not only staged in Wandering City, but also in various places. They were also shocked by the change in the City of Shadows, and they were completely stunned in place because of Lin Tang's announcement.

Especially a group of ghost kings...

They originally thought that the Raging Fire Ghost King would directly kill the Yang man, but who would have thought that he died in his hands!
The fifth layer of the other side beheaded the first layer of Tiangong...

However, no one knows the name of the ghost king of the Yangren of Yinhun City until now!


Thousands of miles away from the City of Shadows, within a ghostly mountain full of dead bones and darkness.

The Mirroring Moon Sect is here!

At this moment, in the entire hall of the Yingyue Sect, countless strong men gather here, there are a total of ten people, and among them, there are a group of strong men from the other side!

Among them, the lowest one has the double layer of the other side!

Among them, if Lin Tang or even the members of the law enforcement team saw a woman, she would definitely exclaim.

Because this person is none other than that Moran whose life and death are unknown!

She sat quietly on the first place on the left...

A body of cultivation is not at all the five levels of Shenqiao mentioned by the law enforcement team, but a perfect existence of Shenqiao.

But even so, in the Yingyue Sect, she is extremely dazzling, because she is the only existence in the field who does not reach the other side, and is also the only one with the highest status. From this point, from her position, Enough to see!
And at this moment, all the people of the Yingyue Sect gathered here, obviously because the news of the beheading of the Fiery Ghost King also spread here.

This forced them to gather together in an instant to discuss a good plan!
"The Raging Fire Ghost King, whose cultivation has broken through to the existence of the Heavenly Palace, is one of the top ten existences in the entire Eighteen Cities.

However, just after breaking through to the Heavenly Palace, he was actually beheaded by a Yang man. Messenger Moran, you have been lurking in the City of Shadows, what do you know about this Yang man?Is he an enemy or a friend? "

The one who opened the mouth was a middle-aged man named: Wang Tian!
On his face was a terrifying scar that spread from his forehead to his chin!
This is a wound to the soul, even if it has reached the double realm of the other side, it cannot be eliminated.

And this wound was not left by anyone, it was Chu Sewu!

Not only him, but the entire Yingyue Sect, which one didn't come from a place like the Soul Arena?
They are here, fighting against the entire Eighteen Cities of Hell, not for any reason, but wanting revenge and destroying the origin of their disaster!

Moran looked at the group of people present and shook his head with a wry smile.

Know?How can I know?

She has been lurking in the law enforcement team for several years, and finally caught an opportunity to design the entire first team of the law enforcement team to be wiped out.

But it was also because of this that he couldn't gain a foothold in the law enforcement team, and the entire Yingyue Sect completely lost all eyes and ears in the City of Shadows!

Now ask yourself if you know this Yangren who suddenly appeared, how does she know?

"However, it doesn't matter whether it's an enemy or a friend, because the Yingyue Sect and the entire Yinhun City have completely turned their backs!

The Yang people control the Yinhun City, and I, the Yingyue Sect, rely on the Yinhun City. Since the Yangren have killed the Raging Fire Ghost King, how can they let me go? "

"what do you mean?"

After Moran's words fell to the ground, another man stood up: "This City of Shadows will destroy us?"

"It's not the City of Shadows, but that Yang man!"

Moran shook his head: "The man of Yang is so cunning that he even dared to kill the fire ghost king, and even announced that he would break away from the entire hell system. At this time, he will definitely bear the pressure of the entire eighteen cities!

No matter how they want to deal with this Yang man, but that Yang man will never agree that our Yingyue Sect is playing tricks behind his back. I think it won't take long, the order of Yinhun City... No, it's that Yang man. People's orders should be passed on to our Yingyue Sect soon! "

As soon as Moran's words fell, Yiying Yuezong hurried in and said anxiously:

"It's no good. The City of Shadows has come to order. They told us to give us three days. After three days, if the Yingyue Sect doesn't surrender completely, they will enter the Yingyue Sect without leaving any behind!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone stood up, and their faces changed drastically! |

That Yang man, make a move!
The target is directed at Yingyuezong!

(End of this chapter)

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