man returning from hell

Chapter 44 The first person in Jiangbei

Chapter 44 Jiangbei No.1

No one spoke, and no one moved.

Those ordinary people were puzzled why the two stopped fighting and became so harmonious.

Only those real warriors know why,

Because everything is over.

"So, am I still losing?"

Wang Lingyun's voice was a little hoarse. He raised his head and looked at Lin Tang. In his eyes, there was something called death.

Lin Tang didn't speak, but still looked at Wang Lingyun indifferently.

Wang Lingyun took a deep breath.

Some vitality began to gather in the eyes: "Can you tell me, what is the name of the last knife?"

That knife.

He can't understand!
That knife.

It was the most powerful move he had ever seen.

Therefore, he really wanted to know the name of the one who cut everything with a single blow and ended this battle.

Otherwise, even if he dies, he won't be able to close his eyes.

"That knife is: Six Paths Cold Mountain!"

As soon as the cold mountain comes out, everything is silent, and there is no unbreakable law in the world.

This is the method that Lin Tang practiced in his previous life: the birth and death of the six realms

First cut.

It was also Lin Tang who was reborn into this world. For the first time, he used his previous martial skills. It can be said that the current him really gave Wang Lingyun the highest honor.

"Six Paths of Cold Mountain?"

Wang Lingyun was slightly taken aback: "How many knives are left?"

"There are still five knives, but unfortunately, I can't send out the second knives now!"

Lin Tang said.

He was telling the truth, but not all the truth.

As soon as Han Shan came out, most of his blood power was exhausted, but if Lin Tang was willing to pay some blood as the price, he could also use the second knife!

Wang Lingyun was not talking.

He fell silent.

He, even a knife, can't stop it...

"Do you regret it?"

Lin Tang looked at Wang Lingyun.

Wang Lingyun smiled dumbly, but his eyes were never firmer: "I, Wang Lingyun, have never regretted it in my life..."

Lin Tang nodded and stopped talking.

It's good to have no regrets...

The sound of the yacht came, Lin Tang and Wang Lingyun looked at it, and saw Wang Lingxue coming here quickly.

She stopped five or six meters away from the two of them, did not speak, and just looked at Wang Lingyun like that.

"You're here, sister!"

Wang Lingyun smiled slightly, with guilt and reluctance in his smile.

Wang Lingxue clenched her fine fist tightly, her nails sank deep into her palm, she didn't cry, she just looked at Wang Lingyun: "I'm coming..."

"I'm sorry, I...have let you down in the end, the next journey, without my protection, you have to work hard...don't, let me worry..."

"I know!"

"Your body, his old man, will find a way..."


Wang Lingxue nodded.

Tears rolled in the eyes.

However, it never fell.

Wang Lingyun smiled slightly, he was finally relieved.

He looked at Lin Tang, Lin Tang didn't speak, but Wang Lingyun smiled.

He got it!
And Lin Tang also understood!


Wang Lingyun's body, like dead wood, rotted under the breeze and turned into snowflakes...

No one speaks.

Everyone just watches.

They clenched their fists and watched this scene...

Bai Yafei also clenched her fists tightly, and finally let out a deep breath.

"Jiangbei, No. 1!"

Everyone knows that from today onwards, Lin Tang will be No. 1 in Jiangbei!
And the Bai family will be the number one ancient martial arts family in Jiangbei.


Tears, from the corners of Wang Lingxue's eyes, turned into crystals...

She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, instead of crying, she just stood there quietly, looking at Lin Tang,

Lin Tang didn't speak either.

This Wang Lingyun is worthy of respect.

He saw his own shadow in him.

He is proud, but also lonely.

As he said, he has no regrets...

Until death, I have no regrets...

"Ling Yun is not weaker than others all his life!"

The cold voice reached Lin Tang's ears. Wang Lingxue was a little colder than before, like ice.

"You, want revenge?"

Lin Tang looked up at Wang Lingxue.

Wang Lingxue shook her head.

"Life and death are fate. This battle started with him, and in the end it was his fall. This is his fate. There is no such thing as revenge or not revenge!"

Lin Tang didn't speak, just looked at Wang Lingxue.

"But, he is my younger brother after all..."

Wang Lingxue looked at Lin Tang and took a deep breath:
"Live well, your matter is not over so easily, you killed Daomeng Luo Hao, his master, Chen Tiannan will not let you go...

He is a strong man with a perfect master, even though Ling Yun is outstanding, but he is only a fourth-level master, in front of him, he can only lose..."

Chen Tiannan?

Lin Tang raised his eyes slightly: "Why did you tell me this? You should, wish I could die..."

"Because I want you to live well!"

Lin Tang understands!

He nodded: "I look forward to fighting with you!"

No hate!

No contradiction!

Wang Lingxue, she is fighting against Lin Tang!
Using the most primitive and essential reason...

She is representing another Wang Lingyun...

The difference is that Wang Lingyun used the method of challenging himself, while Wang Lingxue used the most direct method in the world of martial arts and even the world of monasticism.

And Lin Tang didn't doubt it either.

Even though this Wang Lingxue, with the cold and bleak veins in her body, is still unknown whether she will be able to live!

But Lin Tang knew.

She will make this day happen!

And he was also waiting for this day.

Wang Lingxue is gone!
No hesitation, no tears.

Just like that, he drove away without hesitation.

Lin Tang could realize that at this moment...

Under that cold and lonely back, the woman who will be called the empress of the world in the future is constantly overlapping!

In the entire Tianxin Lake, there is only one person from Lin Tang.

He turned around and walked slowly towards the shore of Tianxin Lake. Wherever he passed, countless people retreated one after another.

He didn't dare to look directly at Lin Tang.

This person is already the power to dominate Jiangbei...

However, Lin Tang did not stop.

He went straight to the direction of Gao Xiaoling and the others.

Seeing Lin Tang approaching, Lin Tianyu and the others backed away in horror, and finally even sat down on the ground.

"Lin...Mr. Lin, Lin...Grandmaster Lin...I...I..."

Because of fear, a group of them couldn't even speak clearly.

However, Lin Tang ignored him.

Just looking at Gao Xiaoling: "I said that people's hearts are unpredictable, and people's feelings are warm and cold, but you are the only one who always treats everyone the same..."

He held out his hand.

With a smile on his face: "Nice to meet you... My name is Lin Tang!"

Gao Xiaoling covered her mouth, surprised and excited, her eyes even turned red.

She knew what it meant.

The person in front of him is well-deserved No. 1 in Jiangbei, but now, he stretched out his hand on his own initiative.

She knew why he did it.

Because, at this moment, she saw that the expressions of everyone looking at her had changed!

It was a kind of awe, and envy!

He was telling everyone in Jiangbei that she, Gao Xiaoling, was his friend!
at last……

She held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Gao Xiaoling!"

(End of this chapter)

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