man returning from hell

Chapter 443 Bloody Altar

Chapter 443 Thousand Miles of Scarlet Altar

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Bai Yue froze for a moment.

I still have important things, why don't I know?
At this time, isn't the most important thing about my brother about Na Sen Luo Ling?

The corners of Lin Tang's mouth raised more and more.

"The trip to Sen Luo Ling will lay the foundation for my first step in controlling the entire hell. In this step, there can be no mistakes...

I want you to control the entire Eighteen Cities in the shortest possible time. At least, at the end of Sen Luo Ling's trip, the Eighteen Cities must be in our hands! "

time is limited!

The matter of Sen Luo Ling.

His identity as a positive person.

This moment has already passed into Jiuluo.

The reason why they didn't do anything, but let Shibacheng come forward, was because they believed that Shibacheng would handle it well, and even killed themselves!
But once there is a change.

Based on Lin Tang's understanding of Jiuluo, he will not have much time to deal with these things in the future.

Therefore, the reason for wanting his little sister to control the Eighteen Cities is to give himself a stable rear. Lin Tang doesn't need to say more about this, as Bai Yue will definitely understand.

Looking at Bai Yue who left.

Only then did Lin Tang look away, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He looked in the direction of the wandering city, and slowly narrowed his eyes: "Sen Luoling's meeting... Hongmen Banquet? That's fine, I hope you can be honest, otherwise, I don't mind leaving you all there !"


This night, the City of Shadows is extraordinary.

In the wandering city, it is also more extraordinary.

The news of Jiuluo envoy's killing spread here, and the whole wandering city was completely shaken,

Everyone tremblingly looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

I saw a terrifying murderous aura soaring into the sky, it was the anger of the wandering city lord...

Also at this time, in the wandering city, sixteen horses shot towards the direction of the other sixteen cities with endless aura!

Less than two hours.

Everyone in the entire wandering city raised their heads in horror, trembling...

I saw clouds of blood covering the sky in all directions.

It was a huge team, and every aura in the team was extremely terrifying.

Especially the one at the head of the team made all the powerful people in Wandering City exclaim,

"The owner of the evil ghost city: don't ask the sky!"

"The Lord of Tianbie City: Zuozhu Ghost King!"

"The Lord of Tianluo City: Luo Bai!"

"The owner of Wusoul City: Charming Queen!"


Names spit out from their mouths one by one in horror. Every time a name was thrown out, the entire Wandering City was enough to shake, even the entire Eighteenth City trembled.

But now...

This group of ghost kings, who occupy the entire area and control one of the eighteen cities, gathered here in such a short period of time. How could they not tremble in the city?

However, soon someone's pupils constricted.

"The meeting of Senluo Order will be held in Wandering City!"


As soon as these words came out, the whole wandering city exploded again.

The meeting of Sen Luo Ling.

The most important prosperity in the entire eighteen cities.

It is related to the decision-making of the entire eighteen cities...

It hasn't happened for more than [-] years, and the last time it happened was the decision of the Lord of the Ghost City, the Fire Ghost King.

Because the fire ghost king was the deputy of the previous ghost king, and because he betrayed the previous ghost king and took over the ghost city, the palace masters of several cities disagreed, so he had to start the meeting of Senluo order.

It was also on that occasion that the 10-year reign of the Raging Fire Ghost King was established.

Only this meeting of the Order of Sen Luo can make the city lords of the eighteen cities get rid of the constraints and gather in the wandering city!
"Has the Yangren... the danger has reached this point?"

Someone murmured.

But quickly shook his head.

Not to mention the identity of a Yangren, just to mention that he is so arrogant to break away from the jurisdiction of the Eighteenth City, this is really enough to use Sen Luo Ling,

But now, you don't need to think about it to know that the Sen Luo Order was set up for the sake of Nayang people.

It was also less than a few minutes after the city lords of the sixteen cities entered the ghost king's mansion, everyone saw that beams of light burst out from the ghost king's mansion.

The light gathers...

Gather all the power of heaven and earth within a radius of thousands of miles and thousands of miles.

These heaven and earth vitality are condensing, just like the substance.

A terrifying blood-colored altar covering an area of ​​thousands of miles is gradually being formed...

"The Senluo Command came out, the Senluo Terrace appeared, and the Senluo meeting really started..."

This scene was not only witnessed by Wandering City, but people in all nearby cities also witnessed the formation of this bloody altar.

Eighteen cities, the whole world is shocked!

They also knew what was going on, and even if they didn't know, they couldn't hide it.

It was also at this time that among the eighteen cities, all the major sects, strong men, and casual cultivators all headed towards the wandering city...

But in the middle of the night, the entire wandering city was full of people.

Even outside the entire city, hundreds of miles away, people are crowded...

They knew that no matter what the outcome of the Sen Luo Order Meeting would be, it would definitely be the most shocking feast in 10 years, or even tens of 10 years.

It was also at this moment that everyone turned their wooden pipes to the City of Shadows.

Everyone knew about the behavior of the Lord of the Yinhun City, and they were curious about how they would react to this Sen Luo Zhi.

But their calmness surprised everyone.

Because they didn't move at all.

The entire Yinhun City is as if nothing happened...even the Lord of the Yinhun City has never appeared.

It's just that no one knows...

At this moment, the blood shadow in the city of ghosts has already started to run at a high speed, one after another mission, issued from Bai Yue's mouth, and continuously passed down.

They are enduring...,

Wait, three days later, the meeting of the Sen Luo Ling will completely erupt.


slowly passing by...

In the past three days, the movements and noises of the hells in the eighteen cities have become louder and louder, and the number of people has also increased, and even a strange scene has appeared.

During the three days in the eighteen cities, not a single battle broke out, and unprecedented peace appeared.

This has never happened before!

When dawn appeared on the third day...

After three days of peace in the City of Shadows, there was finally movement.

The gate of the Ghost King's Mansion and the City Lord's Mansion opened.


With his hands behind his back, Lin Tang stepped out of the City Lord's Mansion alone.

"Is it time?"

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, looking at Bai Yue beside him, Bai Yue nodded, Lin Tang nodded slightly, without speaking, he stepped forward and headed towards the direction of the wandering city.

The meeting of Sen Luo Ling...he is coming!
Are they ready?
(End of this chapter)

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