man returning from hell

Chapter 449 1 Designated Heaven and Earth!

Chapter 449 One designated world!

He, like a big mountain, suppressed there,
No matter how big the storm is, the waves are monstrous, but it remains calm.

The terrifying Heaven Killing Destruction had already rushed in front of him.

It was also at this time that Lin Tang made a move.

The Qianqian finger resting on the fangs of the God of Death tapped lightly.


A dull voice came from there.


He couldn't even detect any coercion and fluctuations in breath.

But at the moment when his finger tapped and the dull sound sounded, the void in front of Lin Tang was suddenly distorted.

It, is expanding.

In an instant, it turned into a black and deep round hole filled with blood mist. The hole was like a delicate side, and it was also like a bottomless dark abyss.

The terrifying Heaven Killer directly rushed in there, and was swallowed by the black hole without making a sound.

And he is still sitting there!

Looking at Ji Junshi faintly, his face was extremely calm!

Ji Junshi's eyes narrowed suddenly, with a shocked expression on his face.

All the people watching this scene were also shocked.

What means is this?
To be able to devour even the Heaven of Slaughter of the wandering city lord?How can they not be shocked by how calm they are?

"Very good, you really have the qualifications to be arrogant. Although I don't know what your method is, but that thing can swallow my king's Heaven Killing Destruction once, can it be swallowed a second time, a third time? "

Ji Junshi sneered, his attack just now, although Lin Tang easily received it, the method was definitely weird.

But what about this?
But all supernatural powers have a bottleneck.

Especially this kind of attack that easily swallows his destruction, how many of his beings from the other side can he swallow?

If you hold on, you will hold him to death!

The battle of the three strong players in Tiangong is not something that can be crushed by opportunism.

After Ji Junshi finished speaking, he stomped his feet, only to see that the void in front of him gathered two cyan rays of divine beast madness at once.

The power this time is even more terrifying, with a rage that traverses the sky and the earth, with a length of hundreds of feet.

The mad dragon turned across the sky, illuminating the entire sky of the scarlet altar.

With this blow, his strength was countless times stronger than just now, even Mo Wentian, a strong man with double Heavenly Palace, would retreat steadily under this breath, let alone others.

"It's interesting!"

Lin Tang was still expressionless, but his eyes finally narrowed.

"In this case, let me see how powerful you are at the third level of Tiangong!"

"Break it for me!"

Lin Tangxu grabbed it.

The blood cloud was churning and churning in the sky, and a huge grinding disc that covered the sky and the sun suddenly appeared.

The millstone turned, and the sound of thunder was heard.

With a bang, it directly smashed down on the two mad dragons coming.

The blood-colored altar shook, the sky jumped and the ground cracked, and the ground of the drifting city below swelled high under the impact, as if it was about to be uprooted by the entire city.

The terrifying power of the explosion was completely undone, covering the sky and the sun.

The two cyan mad dragons were crushed in an instant,
"So, is this your strength? If it's just this means, then you should die!"

A faint voice came from the smoke.

There, Lin Tang was still sitting quietly on the supreme seat, the power of the explosion did not affect him at all.

Ji Junshi's pupils constricted, with an unprecedented shock on his face, but when he heard his words, he immediately became furious,

"court death!"

When did Ji Junshi suffer such humiliation?

After all, he is also the existence of a strong man in the Heavenly Palace, the lord of a city, who has been so humiliated and despised by this damned man in front of him again and again, let alone a human being, even a clay figurine, he will be enraged!
"Then let me see, how did you kill me!"

As soon as the words fell to the ground, a more terrifying murderous aura shot up into the sky, and he charged towards Lin Tang suddenly with the terrifying power of death.

His body is changing!

It was like turning into a running cyan hell ghost leopard, biting and tearing apart the void, and the vast cyan light penetrated everything.

from a distance.

I saw an indescribable twist on the green leopard.

Behind it, a heavenly palace can be vaguely seen, where a blue leopard far bigger than him is merging with him,

The green leopard's speed was very fast, but it was clearly displayed in everyone's eyes.

The bloody altar is being torn apart.

trembling all over,

Under his anger, he has completely exploded with the power of Tiangong Triple Layer.

And this power is still skyrocketing.

Everyone could clearly see that while the cyan leopard was running, the vitality of the surrounding world was being swallowed rapidly, as if it had turned into a bottomless abyss, crazily devouring all energy!

But in an instant, his aura had already doubled in speed, and he appeared directly in front of Lin Tang.

The green leopard opened its ferocious mouth in a sea of ​​blood.

Like the entire sky hanging down, it swallowed directly at Lin Tang, together with all the darkness and light that was swallowed.


Countless strong men flying in the sky, watching this scene from afar, fell into the sky one after another, out of control!

He, in an instant, has completely controlled the energy within a thousand miles, and his mere coercion, within a thousand miles, he surrenders!

As for Lin Tang, who bears the brunt, the pressure can be imagined!

"Tiangong Sanzhong really deserves its reputation, but the deity said, if you only have this strength, then you should die too!"

Lin Tang's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Bloody lotus flowers spread from his feet.Blooming like a dream.

His breath is soaring!

His body, a layer of golden light shines on the sky and the earth, in the eyes of everyone exclaiming, soaring into the sky, dispelling the enveloping darkness.

The breath of the seven layers of the other shore reached perfection the moment the bloody lotus flower finished blooming.

But, it's not over yet.

Above his head, an illusory blood-colored palace was vaguely about to form, but unfortunately, there was only one outline, but even so, the coercion was no longer comparable to Ji Junshi!
Lin Tang still sat on the supreme position.

In his eyes, there was indifference.

Just looking at the green leopard that was jumping down like this, then he pointed out flatly with a finger and touched the green leopard's body.

A designated world.

One finger reincarnation.

This finger is called the Buddha Finger!
It was also that person who once defeated him with one finger...

This finger is unremarkable.

But when it touched Qingbao, Qingbao's body burst immediately, and Ji Junshi backed up straight away, smashing hard on the bloody altar.

The altar was smashed out, smashing down the Wandering City below, an explosion was born, and the whole Wandering City was lifted up and crushed...

this finger...

Tiangong triple defeat!
And he is still sitting on the supreme position, no one can shake him...

(End of this chapter)

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