man returning from hell

Chapter 454 Legend! ! !

Chapter 454 Legend! ! !

Stayed in Luocha city for one night, and the next day, Lan Baiyu sent someone to inform Lin Tang, and officially began to gather at the north gate of Luocha,

There were not many people, only about [-] people, including a few temporary mercenaries who came in with Lin Tang yesterday.

The two cores of Rakshasa, Bai Shu and Lan Baiyu, stood by Luo Dai's side.

Lan Baiyu was still the same, with an indifferent face and an unapproachable look, but Lin Tang knew that this woman had a cold face and a warm heart.

As for that white book, he always had a smile on his face, like a gentle and refined scholar.

Unfortunately, it is such a scholar, only Lin Tang knows that he is much more dangerous than Luo Dai.

One is open and aboveboard, and the other is good at calculating.

Luo Dai scanned the crowd, and when he found that they were all there, he gave an order: "Let's go!"

A few hell flying beasts appeared with heavy steps, and everyone rode on them, and drew the sky toward the east.

Along the way, there were no people, only the dozen or so rakshasa flying beasts.

Lin Tang also remained silent all the time, even the two strong men from the other side who were with Lin Tang were also silent.

This atmosphere is very weird.

But for Lin Tang, it is very good, at least he can keep a low profile, and it would be best to keep a low profile.

But, after all, I couldn't bear it anymore.

The older old man could still bear his temper, but the other Bian Sanzhong was not in this state of mind.

"You guys are not curious at all. Are they going to do something this time? It's all up to now, and they haven't told us the secret. This secrecy is too strict, right? Don't they really want to endure until the end? , and even made it unclear to us in the end?"

This relatively young man named Guo Yang couldn't help but talk to Lin Tang who was sitting quietly by the side.

There were only the three of them on the flying beast. Compared to the other old man from Higan Yae, he felt that talking to Lin Tang was much better than talking to him.

Lin Tang just smiled.

no answer.

But the old man couldn't help but sneered: "Stupid, I don't understand until now. I really don't know how you have cultivated to this level. You have a lifespan of a thousand years, right? Is it possible to cultivate to nourishment?"

"Conceal it? How long can you keep it hidden? This Rakshasa is worried that the news will spread. When he arrives at the destination, even if he doesn't say anything, he can't do it. Instead of guessing these things here, it's better to think about it. It’s so mysterious, why should it be smarter!”


Guo Yang's face turned red when the old man said this.

I just wanted to refute, but when I thought of the strength of the old man, I suddenly endured it again, and immediately hummed: "Then tell me, what are they going to do?"

"doing what?"

The old man sneered and said: "This matter, I can't say for sure, but maybe I can guess a little bit. It is rumored that the Rakshasa mercenary group lost dozens of brothers in Yan Youshan some time ago. Yan Youshan is where we are going. In all likelihood, that's where I went!

However, it's hard to say what it is, it may be some kind of strange beast that you met, and you want to murder, or it may be..."

Speaking of this, the old man crouched dumbfounded, with a very weird look on his face: "It should be impossible, it's just a legend... If it's true, then this time, it's really dangerous !"

"Legend? What legend? Are you talking about it? You are halfway through what you said, is it interesting?"

Guo Yang couldn't help being curious.

But the old man snorted coldly, he didn't even want to say anything, but lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lin Tang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"No, it's really that one, isn't it?"

In his heart, he was also a little surprised. It was fine if the old man didn't talk about it, but when he talked about it, Lin Tang also remembered certain things.

It was rumored that when he re-entered Jiuluo, the Rakshasa mercenary group had obtained something incredible on Xueyou Mountain.

But at that time, Lin Tang was fighting Jiu Luo, and then went straight to the Eighteenth Hall, and even later, after ruling the hell, he went into retreat for hundreds of years.

He is not very clear about the things involved, but he also understands the legend.

Is it really because of this?

Thinking of this, he shook his head: "If this is really the case, then the butterfly's wings are a bit big, and it actually made this matter happen so soon in advance..."

Just what if?

In fact, Lin Tang understood better than anyone else that this if, in fact, is no longer a if!

History has happened.

The location is so the same.

Although it was only a long time in advance, in all likelihood, it has become a real existence.

"It seems that this time, for me, it is really an unexpected harvest!"

He smiled, closed his eyes, and fell into cultivation again.

As for the pair of eyes staring at him, he acted as if he didn't notice anything.

"Captain, it seems that they guessed it!"

Bai Shu looked indifferently at Lin Tang and the other three on the flying beast behind him. For the strong at the Tiangong level, as long as they had the heart, they couldn't hide what they were talking about.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that they had already guessed the truth of the matter not long after leaving the city, which really surprised them.

"If you guess it, you guess it. Now that they have already set off, they don't have the ability to report the news!"

Luo Dai's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't care at all: "It's you, Bai Shu, are you sure that no one really knows about that place?"

Bai Shu was slightly stunned, a trace of imperceptible panic flashed in his eyes, then he recovered and said with a smile, "Headman, you have filtered it, although that place is close to Tianxingzong, it is also thousands of miles away, are they not We will know, of course, we can’t hide it, there must be visions at that time, but at that time, we can already retire?”

"No danger?"


Bai Shu nodded: "I have checked a lot of records, and there is no danger there, except for that barrier!"


Luo Dai took a deep breath, and clenched his fists tightly: "This time, I have worked hard for you. If it succeeds by then, you will have the greatest credit, and you will be the one who gets the most!"

Bai Shu smiled and did not speak.

Even Luo Dai couldn't detect that flash of light.

"White Rain..."

Luo Dai suddenly looked at Lan Baiyu: "It will be here in a few hours, remember the task I gave you, no matter what, those three people must keep an eye on it.

Although it’s just the other side that’s nothing to worry about, be careful to make the Ten Thousand Years Ship... People’s hearts are unpredictable, don’t let them become our hind legs, if they have bad intentions, you know what to do! "

Lan Baiyu nodded and did not speak.

She, knows what to do!
(End of this chapter)

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