man returning from hell

Chapter 456 Formation that shouldn't exist!

Chapter 456 Formation that shouldn't exist!
But very quickly, Lin Tang's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the depths of those pupils were full of horror and disbelief.

"how is this possible!"

No one knows at this moment, when he recognizes this big formation, what kind of overwhelming, how shocking it is in his heart!

Just because of this formation, he is too familiar with it!

It is familiar, it is impossible for it to appear in this kind of place...

Array, not ordinary.

It's the Hundred Ring Formation of Blood Slaughter.

What is bloodshed?
Killing with blood, mainly slaughter.

It's for killing!
What is a hundred rings?

There are formations within formations, and each ring implies one ring after another. Although a hundred rings is just an exaggeration, dozens of large formations can be superimposed in a row, which is also unusual.

Even in the God Realm, where there are many dogs in the sky and samsara is everywhere, this kind of big formation has only appeared a few times, and only one person can do it!
That person: It's me!

I have arranged such a large formation.

The Hundred Rings Great Formation at that time was the real Hundred Rings Great Formation, and the place where it happened was the time of the battle with the Divine Realm and the Divine Court!
In that battle, he set up a hundred-ring formation and strangled thousands of Nirvana reincarnations!
In that battle, hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers in the Hundred Rings Great Formation were all turned into blood mist, and even their souls could not escape!

It was also at that time that the Blood Slaughtering Hundred Rings Great Formation was revealed to the eyes of the world. Few people knew about it, and the only one who knew it was himself.

Even now, facing his little sister, I have never taught her this kind of formation.

I think that this formation, all the things involved, are too many, and it is impossible to arrange the second ring without Nirvana.

Wanting to be above the Hundred Rings, Lin Tang couldn't do it in the Dao of Transformation realm at the beginning. Only when he was consummated, he succeeded once, and it was the only time. He didn't arrange it until he fell.

But now...

This large formation that should not have appeared appeared in front of Lin Tang one after another.

Appearing in front of the real master, how could this not shock him!
What the hell is going on here?

Lin Tang frowned deeply...

Hell reincarnation.

Millions of years ago, the ancient battle of reincarnation did not have much description in the historical records that I knew.

Who was fighting, he didn't know.

He also didn't know what the origins of the two parties were.

but now……

He felt he had to figure it out!
It's just that this big formation, I don't know whether it is accompanied by the erosion of time, or whether the person who arranged the formation was intentional or unintentional. There are many flaws in this formation, and the power is even less than one percent of the original!

But now, Lin Tang has no time to pay attention to these, because, just as he thought, Bai Shu and others recruited this formation of mages, as expected, just to break through this hundred-ring formation!

"This formation contains supreme killer moves, which are definitely not something ordinary formation mages can break through. I have found some methods, but I still can't achieve it alone, so this is why you are needed!"

In the eyes of a group of people, Bai Shu stood up.

With a gentle smile on his face, like a graceful scholar, he seemed very close: "Of course, there are some dangers in it, but I have a chance of over [-]% to break through this formation. Once the formation is broken, The secrets within it will be fully displayed in front of us.

The deity knows that among all the people present, some people have bad thoughts in their hearts, but it is important to have self-knowledge. Some things, if they are not yours, should not be yours. Even if they are given to you, you can’t take them away! "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the group of people changed slightly, but they had to accept this fact.

This, indeed!
"However, since Rakshasa has signed a contract with you, naturally, there will be some promises, and the commission will not be less. Moreover, the deity also promises that as long as this formation is broken, the secrets in it will be broken. Hidden, there will be a share for you!"

As soon as these words came out, all the faces present were overjoyed.

One by one, they immediately abandoned their dissatisfaction...

Even Lin Tang had to take a high look at the white book: "Sure enough, this person is not simple!"

With a big stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, this method is really quite smooth.

Seeing the excited faces of a group of formation masters, Bai Shu smiled slightly and looked at Luo Dai. ,
Luo Dai didn't speak, and then Lan Baiyu came up, and in front of Lin Tang's three strong men from the other side, said lightly: "They broke the formation, let's wait!"


Not necessarily, more of a precaution!
It is especially critical in breaking the formation, once it is disturbed, it will fall short.

Although the three powerhouses from the other side are not allowed to take them seriously, once they are disturbed, the loss will be too great.

More importantly, after breaking the formation, it will inevitably cause the vision of heaven and earth, and attract some powerful attacks. For this, they must hurry up and get ready!
Lin Tang didn't speak, just drifting with the flow.

As for helping to break the formation, he really didn't have the idea. Even though he could break through the formation now, he always felt that there was something wrong.

Over there, more than a dozen people have lined up and started to break the formation. One after another streamer imprints are continuously shot out from their hands and submerged into the formation. The blood mist on the sky is also gradually dissipating!
Until, the vision that rose from the sky suddenly swept up, and within a thousand miles, you can see it all!

"Array, broken!"

When this scene happened, Luo Dai's face suddenly changed.

Couldn't help clenching their fists tightly, waiting for a whole year or two, this formation, this secret treasure, finally revealed in front of them.

The same goes for the entire Rakshasa mercenaries, but even though the formation had already been broken, Luo Dai and the others did not rush in directly.

Instead, he looked at Lin Tang and the others...

"Fellow Daoist, please!"

Bai Shu came up and looked at Lin Tang and the others with a smile. Their eyes were slightly squinted. Although there was a smile on their lips, they had no strength to refuse at all!
As soon as these words came out, apart from Lin Tang, the expressions of the old man and Guo Yang changed drastically.

"Captain Luo Dai, what do you mean?"

The old man's face was extremely gloomy: "You, are you using us as pawns to explore the way?"

The big formation has just been broken, and the dangers in it can be imagined, and they are asked to lead the way directly, one can imagine the evil intentions hidden in it!
"Chess pieces? You are joking, this is just your duty!"

Luo Dai just watched indifferently, Lan Baiyu opened his mouth, and didn't speak...

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not speak.

It seems that it is not only the trajectory of history that has changed.

People are also changing.

At least if it was in the past, the mercenary group would not have said that it needed a person to be a pawn to explore the way...

At least, Luo Dai doesn't need it.

This Lan Baiyu will not say that he needs a few people to die, to find the way for them, but will go forward bravely!

"Sure enough, in the face of unknown benefits, everything can be abandoned, even if it is my original persistence, it will look so ridiculous!"

That's okay, then I can put away the essence and blood by myself, so I can feel more at ease.

As for the acquaintance once, just treat them as strangers, as long as they don't come to provoke me!
At the moment, I didn't say anything...

Taking a step forward, under the astonished gazes of the old man, Guo Yang, and even Luo Dai, Bai Shu, Lan Baiyu and others, step into the path that has just been broken and revealed to everyone!
And... another run away?

This is Guo Yang's only thought at the moment...

The contract was signed without even thinking about it, and they had nothing to say.

But now he is going to die!
Run away?

Why are you in such a hurry?
(End of this chapter)

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