man returning from hell

Chapter 458 Get kicked out of the team

Chapter 458 Get kicked out of the team
Lin Tang's actions naturally attracted the attention of some people.

I feel a little anxious.

Looking at Lin Tang, he became even more dissatisfied.

They are fighting here, and he is collecting those essence pills behind him, it is simply abominable!

Could it be that this essence is a good thing?

In hell, all the strange beasts and ghosts have the existence of elixir.

Although the essence contains their cultivation base, it is very difficult to absorb it. Often the cost of refining an essence far exceeds the value of the essence itself, so in hell, there is no Nobody wants this.

Even if it is sold...

Ten elixir can only be exchanged for one blood spirit stone at most.

Seeing Lin Tang like this, some people naturally felt that there was something wrong, and immediately checked the dropped elixir, and immediately felt a little disdainful after seeing it.

Within this essence, the qi and blood are brutal, not to mention muddy, and even the power is very thin, useless at all.

"It seems that this fellow Taoist is a little poor!"

Guo Yang shook his head, waved his hand, and shot the elixir at Lin Tang: "Fellow Daoist, here it is!"

Lin Tang grabbed it.

Looking at Guo Yang.

Then Guo Yang grinned: "Since you want this thing, then let me help you. Anyway, I don't need this blood spirit stone..."

Lin Tang shook his head: "Thanks then!"

The power of life and death, the power necessary to advance to the realm of life and death, is actually not short of a blood spirit stone in their hands...

What else could he say besides shaking his head?
Luo Dai also glanced at Lin Tang, and didn't say anything in the end, but sighed a little: "This damn place, even if the formation is broken and you come in, there are still strange things in it, especially this blood mist, which contains; Strength, there is no room for spiritual consciousness, otherwise, in a single thought, there will not be so many things!"

Lin Tang smiled.


In this place that contains the power of reincarnation, a strong Tiangong also wants to use the power of reincarnation in this place. Does this mean that he didn't die early enough?
But Lin Tang didn't say anything.

This was none of his business, and he also saw that although the team was almost dead, the battle was almost over.

Under the attack of the two heavenly palaces and several strong men from the other side, these ghost snakes cannot be crushed by the number.

Soon, a group of ghost snakes were cleared away.

Lin Tang also collected most of the elixir, as long as he is given time, he can rely on these elixir to comprehend the power of life and death!


Nearly [-] members died. Seeing that Lin Tang hadn't repented and received the essence pills, some members of Raksha suddenly snorted coldly.

Even Lan Baiyu frowned slightly, apparently really displeased with Lin Tang's soy sauce!

Lin Tang didn't feel embarrassed at all.

The treasure is in front of you, but you don't know how to collect it?
He is not so stupid as this!

"Since you want these things, I will give them to you. At that time, there will only be these!"

Luo Dai came up and looked at Lin Tang coldly.

He is also angry!
Lin Tang froze for a moment, then nodded, "That's fine!"


Luo Dai snorted coldly, and continued to say to the remaining 20 people: "Okay, let's go on!"

Lin Tang strode forward, wanting to follow.

But Na Luo Dai stopped, blocking Lin Tang's footsteps.

Lin Tang looked up: "What do you mean?"

Luo Dai didn't speak, just waved his hand, and a box appeared directly at Lin Tang's feet: "[-] blood spirit stones, no soul saliva, you, it's time to go, we don't need you for the rest of the way!"

Low-key, okay!
You can even have an idea in your heart!

But since he wants to watch the fire from the other side, then this place doesn't need him!
"It seems that this is going to part ways?"

"It's not parting ways, but, you should go!"

"My lord, what if you don't leave?"

Lin Tang looked at Luo Dai indifferently.

Time can change some, and the wings of a butterfly can change everything.

Although they were not close to them in the previous life, they could still understand a little bit. It's a pity, it's a pity...

"I won't allow you not to leave!"

Luo Dai said lightly, but his eyes have already narrowed,

Something called murderous aura is about to explode.

The old man, Guo Yang and the others looked at Lin Tang, originally they had a good impression of him, but at this moment, they chose to pretend that they hadn't seen anything.

A strong man from the other shore has walked half the way, and it is not a good thing to ask him to go now. Without the protection of the strong man in Tiangong, if he encounters a large number of ghost snakes, it will not be a good end!
Death... Maybe it's almost the same!

At this time, it is not a good choice to stand up.

Lin Tang didn't speak.

Instead, he took a deep look at Luo Dai...

Finally shrugged: "As you wish!"

At first, I was thinking about whether to leave something for them, but now, it's okay, this can be avoided!

With a cold snort, Luo Dai turned around and left!

Bai Shu fell behind, took a deep look at Lin Tang, finally smiled, nodded, and left directly!

Lin Tang stood still.

Looking at an elite pill in his hand: "The place where the power of reincarnation is located, since even this thing can affect it, there must be some treasures.

Especially in this kind of place, I am afraid that some spiritual herbs can contain the existence of some power of life and death, so let's look for it slowly, anyway, the fun has not yet begun, after all, it can be regarded as familiar Field, kill, there is no need for my turn! "

Entering Jiuluo, with his current strength, it will be a bit of a struggle.

But now, this place may be able to find what he needs, and Lin Tang doesn't mind prolonging this scene!

Looking at Luo Dai and others who were leaving in front of them, they headed towards the other side.


"Is it really appropriate to let him go like this?"

Lan Baiyu looked at Luo Dai and frowned slightly: "Leaving from the other side, it's not easy to get out alive!"

"What does this have to do with us?"

Bai Shu came up and said calmly, "Giving him to leave halfway is the greatest favor to him!"

Luo Dai said nothing, his eyes were calm,

Lan Baiyu was not talking, and continued on his way...

But their journey was obviously not easy. Just after the plague of ghost snakes, some wolf-like ghosts ushered in, and they could only advance while fighting.

The number of personnel is also constantly decreasing.


And the other side.

Lin Tang is calm, if you look carefully, there seems to be something in Lin Tang's body that can isolate everything, so that some ghosts and beasts that should exist can't detect his existence!
While they were fighting hard, the smile on Lin Tang's face grew bigger and bigger.

In their eyes, in the difficult secret realm, in their constant battles, in his eyes, it seemed like a treasure house with an open door and no protection...

"Life and death spirit grass..."

"The flower of purple orchid..."

"The white of the soul..."

(End of this chapter)

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