man returning from hell

Chapter 46 Who Are You?

Chapter 46 Who Are You?
Jiangbei No.1 Lin Tang.

Kill the ruthless Butcher Don.

Everyone thought that once the Wang family Lingyun fell, Jiangbei would be under his control, causing a bloodbath.

However, the whole of Jiangbei was eerily quiet.

Not only is there no movement of him, even his shadow no longer exists, he just disappeared!
No one even knows where he went.

at the same time.

Baiyun District

Chuyue District.

Lin Tang has been standing at the gate of the community for a long, long time...

The iron-stained font on the iron gate of the community can no longer see the original appearance clearly, and it is also covered with densely packed leaflets that have been torn down.

They are like pieces of dog skin plaster, which cannot be shaken off no matter what.

But when I saw these...

Even though he has experienced the baptism of endless years, Lin Tang couldn't help but get a little excited.

This is the neighborhood where he used to live.

It is also the place where he has lived since he was a child. Here, he has too many memories of it.

He could even see the handwriting under the iron stains.

That is, his name: Lin Tang!

And this name was secretly written in stone when he was almost nine years old.

He looked into the neighborhood.

I want to step in, but I dare not.

Although it's not the youngest who left home and the eldest returned.

It's even more difficult to calm down than this.


It has not come back for more than 1000 years.

When it was time to come back, it was no longer what the family felt.

Lin Tang, who is not afraid of anything, is actually a little scared at this moment.

"Young man, I see you have been standing here for a long time, are you looking for someone? Or something happened?"

A somewhat old voice came, full of concern.

It was an old man, wearing casual clothes, but his hair had fallen out.

But his face was kind.

When seeing the old man, Lin Tang was slightly taken aback, the familiar person...

He knows.

He is a resident of this community, Mr. Zhang.

"Old man, it's all right, it's just that I haven't come back for a long time, some sighed, and some didn't dare to enter..."

"So you are also from this community!"

Mr. Zhang smiled, but reached out and patted Lin Tang on the shoulder:

"Since you're home, why don't you dare to enter? Are you afraid that your family will scold you?

Young people are working hard outside, although it is wrong not to go home for too long, but what is family?

The family is that you are tired, you are wronged, and you are suffering. They will give you a shelter from the wind. They are your strongest backing. Go back, they are waiting for you..."

Lin Tang's eyes turned slightly red. Although he knew that the old man might have misunderstood something, he suppressed his last worry.

So what if you don't recognize it?
They are all their own family members, their own parents!
As long as you remember it, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Thank you, old man, I understand!"

After speaking, he bowed deeply to the old man, and without any hesitation, he headed towards the home he had imagined.

Seeing Lin Tang leaving, the old man nodded in satisfaction.

They are all good kids!

He said without stopping, and went out the door.

It's noon soon, and he has to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, otherwise, his son and daughter-in-law are about to get off work, so they won't have anything to eat.

He and his wife are old.

There is no way to help them too much, the only thing is to make them worry less about the family and relax a little.

This is what an old man can do.


Chuyue community is not big.

There are only five houses.

It's not too high, just six floors.

These houses are all from the 90s. Although they are a bit old, they are very harmonious.

Also because there are not many people, most of them know each other.

Along the way, Lin Tang met many acquaintances.

It's just that now only he recognizes them, but they don't recognize themselves.

The home in memory, in 502 on the fifth floor of the third building...

Standing at the door of that familiar home, Lin Tang took a deep breath and finally knocked on the door.

He clenched his fists, waiting for a familiar face.

Finally, footsteps were heard inside, and then a woman about five or sixty years old opened the door.

When she saw Lin Tang, the woman was stunned and asked, "Who are you?"

Lin Tang was also stunned: "Who are you? Why do you live here?"

He thought that the person who opened the door was either his father or his mother, but it turned out to be someone he didn't know at all.

"You young man is so interesting to talk, this is my home, I don't live here, can't I live in your home?"

The old woman became a little angry: "Okay, I guess I admitted the wrong person, it's okay, I'll close the door!"

It's about to close the door.

Lin Tang held down the door with one hand, preventing her from closing it.

The old woman was a little frightened immediately: "You...what are you going to do, I don't have anything at home, don't mess around, this is a society ruled by law!"

"I'm sorry, auntie!"

Lin Tang also felt that he was a little impulsive, took a deep breath and said, "I'm a little impulsive, because this used to be the home of a relative of mine, so I..."

"Lin Li?"

After hearing this, the woman looked at Lin Tang and asked.

"Auntie knows Lin Li?"

"What is your relationship with their family?"

"I'm a distant relative of his family..."

The woman who had a good complexion at first changed her complexion when she heard the word "relative": "Go away, I don't know Lin Li. My family bought this house. It's none of my business. I don't care about it." Do not know at all!"

As he spoke, he walked in and slammed the door shut.

"Who is it!"

A man's voice came from inside.

"A promotional one"


The sound has disappeared.

Lin Tang stood at the door without speaking.

But his face has already sunk.

It wasn't about the woman, but he sensed something was wrong.

This is his home, that's right!
However, it is not my home anymore.

how can that be!

This is my home, not only myself, but my parents also love and know each other here, the importance of this place to them goes without saying.

Not to mention selling it, even if they leave, the parents are not willing.

But now he told himself that he sold it...

And the attitude of that woman just now, even if Lin Tang is a fool, he can still find many things wrong,

They dare not talk about their parents!

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at his former home, and left directly.

He has to ask, what is going on!

And my parents, little sister, where did they go!
Not long after Lin Tang left...

The closed door opened again.

The woman looked at the empty aisle, sighed softly, and closed the door again.

It's not that she doesn't want to say it.

It's Lin Li's family. In this Chuyue community, they can't and mustn't say anything!
That is... a family of miserable people!

(End of this chapter)

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