man returning from hell

Chapter 467 Cloud Comes!fire!Ray come!The power of heaven and earth is ordered by me, town!

Chapter 467 Cloud Comes!fire!Ray come!The power of heaven and earth is ordered by me, town!

Master Bai's face was full of madness and epilepsy.

He is angry!
The black flames in his eyes were like fire.

"Get up!"

he growled.

The black imprint that was already covered with cracks, like a revived heart, made a thumping sound, and then exploded.Turn into black crystals all over the sky!

The black crystal rises and falls, spilling over the world.

The void trembled.

There, one after another black formations were formed out of thin air, pouring down for nine days and sinking into his body.

Take the Horcrux as a guide.

Take ten thousand dharmas as your body!
How could he suffer the humiliation of being defeated...

Thousands of formations form a body, and within ten thousand miles, the natural energy of heaven and earth poured into his body crazily as if the pouring port had been opened.

His body was soaring, and his breath, which had already been injured and slumped, returned to its peak, even worse.

The terrifying breath tore through the sky and turned into a whirlwind soaring into the sky.

He stood between the sky and the earth like a hundred-foot-high giant, stepping on the void, and charged at Lin Tang with the mighty power of the mountains and the sky.

That terrifying aura, even the sky, seemed to be trembling.

Covering the sky and mighty, the gods have changed.

"It's interesting!"

A hint of surprise flashed across Lin Tang's face: "He has achieved this kind of attainment in the art of this formation, and he can use all kinds of magic to bless his body and become a body of ten thousand formations. He really deserves to be the Great Elder of the Blood Refining Sect!" .

But it's a pity, your body of ten thousand dharmas is not pure, and you still need a Horcrux as a guide, it's a pity, it's a pity..."

Lin Tang shook his head.

The Body of Ten Thousand Laws and the Body of an Emperor are both special supernatural powers to enhance one's strength.

It is the art of the flesh.

It's a pity that this Body of Ten Thousand Laws is far from comparable to the latter. One is achieved through long-term continuous refinement, and the entire body is made into the purest supreme weapon in the world. How can you get into Lin Tang's eyes if you try to make sudden changes?

The bloody long knife swung empty.

He is taking steps!

His body is rising against the wind.

The vast golden light soared into the sky and turned into a hundred-foot-high golden supreme.

The emperor's decision, the heart follows the phase, and it has been transformed freely!

An indifferent voice came from his mouth, like the cloudy wind from the nine heavens, and the eternal ice: "Cut!"

Knife, cut it off!
The sky was divided into two, as if coming from eternity, passing through the desolation and present, cutting through the silence, and directly facing Master Bai!

The Tongtian Blood Blade collided with Master Bai.

Master Bai's pupils constricted, and his body of a hundred feet was broken instantly like a dead tree under this knife.

His body exploded crazily.

But that knife, without hesitation, directly cut off from his shoulder, cutting iron like mud.

Blood spread all over the sky.

Master Bai was directly cut off from the void, and hit the ground again, like hundreds of thousands of nuclear weapons, exploded and destroyed everything.

The sky is covered by mushroom clouds, and even the sea of ​​clouds is collapsing...

On the sky, Lin Tang stepped forward again, his gaze as cold as a sword.Straight towards the center of destruction.

There, Master Bai was screaming.

Rivers of blood flow...

In this scene, Lan Baiyu, who was still retreating constantly, was dumbfounded...

Seeing Lin Tang coming through the sky, Master Bai's heart was broken with fear.

Immediately, he stood up abruptly, disregarding the body that had lost most of his body, turned into Changhong, and fled towards the distance.

A Tiangong Wuzhong is facing an existence that only has the Seventh Layer of the other side, but escapes in embarrassment.

This is definitely the biggest joke ever in the whole hell, and the most humiliating thing.

This scene made Lan Baiyu completely doubt his life.

This peerless and powerful man who has been famous for thousands of years is like a mouse crossing the street, escaping with his head in his arms. This... this is crazy!

But Master Bai didn't care about his current embarrassment at all.

He felt an unprecedented crisis.

must escape!
Otherwise, this time I will really die here!

This Yangren had already exceeded his expectations, he swore that if he escaped, he would use all of Jiuluo's strength to repay this shame and humiliation!
"Want to escape at this time? It's too late!"

Lin Tang sneered, but he didn't chase after him.

Just stand there.

He stretched out his finger, pointing directly at the sky...

A little golden light rushed into the sky from Lin Tang's fingertips.

One pointed out.

In the vast sky, the great array covered the sky, the golden glow was like a Tao, and the brilliance made the sun hang down, spread, and cover the sky in an instant, and the eight horse training centered on Lin Tang, came out of the sky!

"Speak out and form an array, and point to the heaven and earth to form an array!"

Exclaimed, from Master Bai's mouth, his face was as pale as snow, and his heart was like a tsunami and avalanche.

"You are actually a formation mage!"

He finally understands!

Why, why did his formation skills not have any effect in front of him.

Because, his attainment is far not countless times higher than his own!
Lin Tang said nothing.

Just looking at him coldly, an indifferent voice spit out from his mouth: "Yun Lai!"

The big formation turned like a millstone.

The sea of ​​clouds rolled and turned into a blood-colored canal, blasting directly at Master Bai from the sky.

Under the words of the vast sea of ​​clouds, it was as unshakable as Mount Tai, and Master Bai was smashed down again, losing the chance to escape!

In all directions, one after another fire dragons appeared, covering the sky and the sun, and destruction appeared, and slowly rolled away.

"Break it for me!"

Master Bai was frightened and attacked frantically, trying to block the fire dragon.

But it can't be stopped at all.

"Ray comes!"

There is thunder coming from Jiuxiao, like a spear reaching the sky.

Master Bai vomited blood, his body collapsed, most of his three souls and seven souls were gone.

The mountain of blood collapsed, and it was like a dog...

Lin Tang stepped out again.

He drank low, spit it out from his mouth, even supported the sky with one hand, and suppressed it with a bang: "The power of heaven and earth, is ordered by me, and given to this deity, suppress it!"

On the top of the dome, there is a large formation covering the sky, and the grinding disc is running, falling from the nine heavens, and smashing down!

Master Bai was in despair.

He raised his head and looked at the falling sky-covering formation, all three souls and seven souls were frightened, and he frantically stretched out his hand, wanting to mobilize the only power he had, to stop it.


It's unstoppable!
The earth was torn apart, and the whole world was shocked!
Lan Baiyu sat down on the ground, pale as paper, staring at this scene dumbfounded.

Bai... Master Bai...

was killed! ! ! ! ! !


Ghost calendar: March 452, 3!
Lin Tang, in the bloody mountain, suppressed and killed the fifth-level powerhouse of the Heavenly Palace, Master Bai!
Capture the blood lotus of reincarnation.

Ghost Li: March 452, 3!
When the news came to Jiu Luo, Jiu Luo was shocked, and his gaze was directed at Lin Tang. The Blood Refining Sect was furious and murderous!
Ghost calendar: March 452, 3!
The whole news spread throughout hell, and all the eighteen cities were silent, and then Bai Yue, the city lord of Baiyue City, summoned the city lords of the eighteen cities.

The eighteen cities gathered in Baiyue City and sealed off the eighteen cities.

The yellow spring is broken, the song of eternal regret on the other side stops, and the flowers on the other side wither...

Hell, fell into an unprecedented state of defense, all souls trembled, restless...

(End of this chapter)

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