man returning from hell

Chapter 483 A half-year appointment!

Chapter 483 A half-year appointment!

"He...he won?"

Countless ghost cultivators raised their heads and looked at the figure above the sky with dull eyes.

There is no blood lord.

There is only this ghost cultivator named Lin Tang.

"Then isn't that blood rain..."

Countless people gasped, trembling and refusing to accept it!

However, the scene in front of them couldn't make them dare not accept it.

Lin Tangyi stood above the void.

His face was calm.

A day and a half.

He originally thought that the existence of the Blood Lord would last for a while, at least two days.

But what do you think...

In the end, it only reached [-] dollars, and then it was completely wiped out.

Really, it's cheaper for him!

"It seems that the Nine Luowan Dead City belongs to the deity."

A faint voice spread throughout the world.

Countless people bowed their heads, not daring to look directly.

Someone has a long mouth, but the words cannot be refuted.

When the Jiuluo bell rang, it was a battle for the position of the city lord.

With the fall of the blood lord, there will be no more blood refining gates in the city of vain death... This is the rule!
He has become the city lord of the dead city!

The corners of Lin Tang's mouth raised slightly.

He moves!
Stepping into the void, I can no longer see the figures of all the people below, but at this moment...

"Why, do you want to leave now?"

There is thunder and explosion!
I saw a supremely majestic voice coming from the eight vortexes above the sky, and the voice rolled down like a thunderbolt that destroyed the world.

Everyone felt an extreme coercion suddenly enveloped them.

The whole world suddenly became black and white...

"This...this is..."

"Nine Luo Nine Kings, judges are respected, this breath, this is..."

"The supreme judge has made a move!"

Countless people exclaimed, extremely shocked...

This Yangren actually attracted the Supreme Judge to take action, which is too frightening!
You must know that among the Nine Great Kings, although all of them are called Supreme, in fact, there is only one real Supreme, and that is Judge Supreme!
It is also the only one among the nine supreme beings who has half-step life and death!

"It's over, it's over, this Yangren is over!"

"In Jiuluo City, there are nine kings, and if the nine kings want to become kings in a legitimate way, they must obtain the consent of the supreme judge.

At this moment, he actually said something, apparently disagreeing with his identity, so there is only one possibility...

This Lin Tang is being targeted by the Supreme Judge! "

Judge Supreme is different from Blood Lord King.

Although they are the city lords, only the judges are the real kings, and they are the only ones who can contact the Eighteen Palaces.

Even though this Lin Tang was able to kill the blood lord, he was absolutely powerless among the supreme judges who were in the half-step realm of life and death!

Although I don't know what happened inside the golden curtain.

How could this Yangren kill the Blood Lord?

Why is that supernatural power so similar to the blood lord, but they are sure in their hearts that no matter what he is, in the eyes of the supreme judge, he is just an ant!
This is not just for Lin Tang, it is also true for other city lords, the second-ranked existence, Venerable Black and White!

This is the strength of the realm of life and death.

The living, the dead...

in a moment.

Even if the city lord of the judge is only a half-step life and death, but after all, there are two words of life and death, that is a ravine, an insurmountable ravine!
As soon as the coercion came out, everyone looked at Lin Tang in an instant.

In the void, Lin Tang, who had just stepped out, felt a sudden coercion on his body, as heavy as a mountain on his back.

His brow wrinkled slightly.

turn around...

He looked at a vortex in the void that swallowed a powerful light.

That vortex was the largest and most dazzling among all present, and when it appeared there, the rest of the vortex surrendered to him like stars and moons.


The corners of Lin Tang's mouth raised slightly, with a hint of coldness on his face: "What? You want to suppress this deity even though the coercion of tens of thousands of miles away, my lord judge, are you underestimating this deity too much?"

There are no signs!
A sound like a broken mirror came from Lin Tang.

That invisible coercion was crushed in an instant, leaving it indifferent.

The pupils of countless people shrank, and even within the vortex, the brows of several city lords also frowned. It was obvious that Lin Tang was able to ignore the magistrate's coercion so much, which really surprised them.

But this is not surprising...

If the coercion tens of thousands of miles away can suppress this Yangren, then the blood master is really a joke as the venerable of the dead city of Jiuluowang!

In the bloody vortex, there was a slight pause.

Then he chuckled and said, the voice was ethereal, but it went straight to people's hearts: "It's really a bit arrogant, but you are wrong, I really don't want to stop you!"


Lin Tang raised his eyes slightly: "The deity is a bit strange. I don't want to stop the deity, but this coercion appears again. It seems that I want to give the deity a blow?"

"Since the blood lord is dead, the rules of Jiuluo City must be obeyed. This deity is just reminding you that even if you are a Yang person, there are certain things that you must abide by!"


"Perhaps, it's time for you to come to the judge's mansion!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the other seven supreme beings suddenly changed.

Countless people who watched this scene also changed their faces wildly...

Your lord, did you accept his status as City Lord of Jiuluo?
"No! No!"

In the Black and White City, the Black and White Supreme suddenly opened his eyes, with a puzzled expression in his eyes: "That is a man of the sun, how can the judge agree?"

"Then this is..."


His pupils shrank, and then he sighed softly: "Your Judge is still wise..."

Not only him, several Supremes also thought of some problems and sighed for them.

Jiuluo Sacred Mountain above the sky.

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he laughed lightly, and his tone was full of contempt: "It's really hypocrisy, but it's not bad, at least, you are still you! You haven't changed at all!"

Something is changing.

But some people have not changed.

At least this supreme judge is as hypocritical, shameless, and insidious as he remembered...

In the vortex, a faint voice came, as if he didn't hear Lin Tang's ridicule: "It seems that you will come!"

"Don't worry, the deity will go, because the deity, there are some things that need your answer!"

He turned around and walked towards the distance step by step.

A faint voice echoed throughout the world; "Of course, you should also prepare yourself for the afterlife... In half a year, I hope you will be stronger than before, otherwise this game will not be fun!"

Everyone was terrified.

What did they hear?
This Yangren... wants to challenge the Supreme Judge of Jiuluo?

Just crazy!

In the vortex, Judge Supreme, who was millions of miles away, opened his eyes, and a puzzled look flashed in his pupils.

At first?

What's the meaning……

But soon he laughed lightly: "An interesting Yang man, it seems that the blood master really discovered something extraordinary!"

"After half a year?"

"Alright, when the time comes, everything will come to light!"


The wind is blowing...

Clouds are surging...

The scene of Jiuluo Sacred Mountain ended, but it was also the real beginning!
Especially Lin Tang's last words, the whole hell has been completely blown up...

It rages out like a whirlwind at the speed of light!

(End of this chapter)

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